PASURAMS 264 -274



264: attukkuvi sORRu paruppadhamum*

thayirvaaviyum n^eyyaLaRum adaNGgap-

pottaththuRRi* maarippahai puNarththa*

porumaa kadalvaNNan poRuththamalai*

vattath thadaNGgaN madamaan kanRinai*

valaivaay paRRi koNdu* kuRamahaLir-

kottaith thalaippaal koduththu vaLarkkum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (2) (1)

264. KaNNan hurriedly ate the cooked rice , that was kept heaped like a mountain, the stream of curd and the ghee that was offered , earning the wrath that brought about the  torrential rain. He who is equivalent to the huge ocean with great waves, held the Govardhana mountain for protection . The tribal women with big rounded eyes and motherly care were housed in these mountains, who took care of the baby deer by feeding milk through cotton tips. Such victorious moutain is this umbrella called 'GOVARDHANA'. (1)

265: vazhuvonRumilaa seykai vaanavar_kOn*

valippattu munindhu vidukkappattu*

mazhai vandhu ezhu n^aaL peydhu maaththaduppa*

madhusoodhan eduththu maRiththa malai*

izhavuthariyaadhadhOr eeRRuppidi*

iLaNYjeeyam thodarndhu mudukudhalum*

kuzhaviyidai kaalittu edhirndhu porum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (2)

265. When the blemishless Indra launched heavy rain clouds as a result of his anger, for 7 days continuously hurting the innocent cows,  MADHUSUDHANA  with no strain lifted the mountain and held  it upside down. This victorious mountain umbrella, GOVARDHANA is house to the strong female elephant that, having given birth to a little one ,fought and conquered the lion that tried  to attack, while protecting that little infant between its four legs. (2)


ammai thadaNGgaN madavaaychchiyarum*

aanaayarum aan^iraiyum alaRi*

emmai saraNenRu koL enRirappa*

ilaNGgaazhikkai endhai eduththa malai*

thammai charaNenRa thampaavaiyaraip*

punamEykinRa maaninam kaaNmin enRu*

kommai puyakkunRar silai kunikkum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (3)

266. When the wide kohl eyed coy gopikas and the Gopas came running and surrendered at His feet, KaNNan, who holds a Chakra on His hand held the great mountain GOVARDHANA. This victorious mountain umbrella is house to the strong muscular shouldered tribal people who refer to their girls, who have come to live with them as the deer group which grazes the fields. Thus proudly teasing, they bend their bows to proceed with their hunting. (3)

267: kaduvaay sina veNGgaN kaLiRRinukku*

kavaLam eduththu koduppaanavan pOl*

adivaay uRakkaiyittu ezha paRiththittu*

amarar perumaan koNdu n^inRa malai*

kadalvaay senRu mEham kavizhndhiRaNGgi*

kadhuvaayppada n^eer muhandhERi* eNGgum-

kudavaayppada n^inRu mazhai pozhiyum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (4)

267. Like the mahout who feeds , huge round rice balls to the elephant with strong huge mouth and eyes filled with anger , this Lord KaNNan, the leader of the Nithyasoories, effortlessly inserted His hand underneath the roots of the trees and lifted this GOVARDHANA mountain. This victorious mountain houses the merciful flock of clouds which go to the mouth of the ocean, engulf  the waters and go up the mountain and rains everywhere.(4)

268: vaanaththil uLLeer! valiyeer uLLeerEl*

aRaiyO! vandhu vaaNGgumin enbavan pOl*

Enaththu uruvaahiya eesan endhai*

idavanezha vaaNGgi eduththa malai*

kaana kaLiyaanai than kombizhandhu*

kadhuvaay madham sOraththan kaiyeduththu*

koonal piRai vENdi aNNaandhu n^iRkum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (5)

268. The Lord who once took the Varahavataram, is the one who very easily lifted this mountain GOVARDHANA, challenging even the Devas!, "come here and try to lift this mountain if you are  valourous,". This victorious GOVARDHANA mountain houses a strong happy wild elephant which raises its trunk towards the cresent moon in the sky thinking that to be the part of its tusk that got broken. (5)

269: seppaadudaiya thirumaalavan than*

sendhaamarai kaiviral aindhinaiyum*

kappaaha maduththu maNi n^edundhOL*

kaambaaha koduththu kaviththa malai*

eppaadum parandhizhi theLLaruvi*

ilaNGgu maNi muththu vadam piRazha*

kuppaayamena n^inRu kaatchitharum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (6)

269. The most auspicious Lord, and the Sriya pathi who incarnated due to the request of the Devas earlier, lifted the GOVARDHANA mountain as an umbrella with His small Lotus like fingers as the spokes, with His strong hand and shoulder as the shaft and the mountain as the cloth. This victorious mountain expands everywhere which houses beautiful waterfalls bringing with it valuable gemstones and pearls making the whole thing appear as the metallic Kavacham. (6)

270: padaNGgaL palavum udai paambaraiyan*

padar boomiyai thaaNGgi kidappavan pOl*

thadaNGgai viralaindhum malara vaiththu*

dhaamOdharan thaaNGgu thadavaraithaan*

adaNGgachchenRu ilaNGgaiyai eedazhiththa*

anuman puhazh paadi tham kuttan_kaLai*

kudaNGgai koNdu mandhihaL kaN vaLarththum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (7)

270. Like the multihooded Adhisesha who holds  this widespread world  on his head and reclines, our Damodharan carried on all his five fingers this mountain called GOVARDHANA. This victorious mountain houses the lady monkeys singing lullaby to their babies in praise of Hanuman who flew over to Lanka and devastated it totally. (7)

271: salamaamuhil palkaNap pOrkkaLaththu*

saramaari pozhindhu eNGgum poosalittu*

nalivaanuRa kEdakam kOppavanpOl*

naaraayaNan munmuham kaaththa malai*

ilaivEy kurambai thavamaa munivar*

irundhaar n^aduvE senRu aNaar soRiya*

kolaivaay sina vENGgaihaL n^inRuRaNGgum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (8)

271. Like the rain of arrows in a warfield, when this thunderous downpour of the dark clouds hit Gokulam very badly, NArAyanan lifted the mountain GOVARDHANA like the Kedayam(shield) to protect. This victorious mountain is house to the saintly sages who live in thatched houses and the deadly ferocious tigers standing beside them and enjoy being caressed by them. (8)

272: vanpEy mulaiyuNdathOr vaayudaiyan*

van_thooNena n^inRadhOr vanparaththai*

thanpErittukkoNdu tharaNi thannil*

dhaamOdharan thaaNGgu thadavaraithaan*

munbE vazhikaatta musukkaNaNGgaL*

mudhuhil peydhu thammudai kuttan_kaLai*

kombERRi irundhu kudhi payiRRum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE.* (9)

272. Dhamodharan, who sucked the milk from the demon Poothana, lifted and supported the mountain which has His name GOVARDHANA , similar to a pillar that supports a heavy weight. This victorious mountain houses the monkeys that jump from branch to branch carrying their little ones on their back and teaching them how to jump. (9)

273: kodiyERu sendhaamarai kaiviralhaL*

kOlamum azhindhila vaadiRRila*

vadivERu thiruvuhir n^ondhumila*

maNivaNNan malaiyumOr sampiradham*

mudiyERiya maamuhil pal kaNaNGgaL*

munneRRi n^araiththana pOla* eNGgum-

kudiyERi irundhu mazhai pozhiyum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaiyE*. (10)

273. Even as KaNNan was lifting the huge mountain continuously, the fingers of His Lotus hands having creeper like lines did not loose its beauty nor became tired. The beautiful nails were not hurt. It was like a magic that he stood with the mountain on His hands. This victorious mountain had peaks and cloud clusters raining like the white hair on the head. (10)


274: aravil paLLi koNdu aravam thurandhittu*

arava pakaiyoordhi avanudaiya*

kuraviRkodi mullaihaL n^inRuRaNGgum*

gOvarththanam ennum koRRakkudaimEl*

thiruviR polimaRai vaaNar puththoor-

thihazh* pattar piraan sonna maalai paththum*

paravu mana n^an_kudai paththaruLLaar*

paramaana vaikuntam n^aNNuvarE.* (2)

274. The Lord, who has the snake's enemy "Garuda", as His vehicle, left His snake bed and came to "AyarpAdi", and chased away the KAliyA snake. He made the GOVARDHANA mountain , where jasmine creepers twine and rest on Kurava trees, the victorious one by lifting it. Periyazhwar of Srivilliputhur, where blessed and divine vediyars stay, wrote these pasurams. Those who practice these ten Pasurams with a sacred mind will attain SriVaikuntam. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadikale Saranam.


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