NACHCHIYAR TIRUMOZHI 5 PASURAMS 545 - 555 Mannu perum pugazh… Even after getting a paired result, in the KooDal game, KaNNan doesn't seem to be coming. AndAl gets distracted by the singing of a cuckoo and starts pleading the cuckoo bird to bring her kaNNan to her. She is remembered of the cuckoo bird singing when they both met once in a grove. 545 * mannu perumpugazh mAdhavan * mAmaNi vaNNan maNimudi maindhan thannai * ugandhadhu kAraNamAga * en sangkizhakkum vazhakkuNdE? ** punnai kurukkaththi njAzhal serundhip * podhumbinil vAzhum kuyilE! * panni eppOdhum irundhu viraindhu * en pavaLavAyan varak kUvAy (1) 1 Oh! Cuckoo dwelling in the holes of the thick grooves having punnai, kurukatti, nyAzhal, and cherunti trees! Due to my extreme desire, to unite with the consort of Mahalakshmi, who has countless virtues and blue hued wearing the gem studded crown, I am becoming thin and loosing my bangles. If you think that this is not fair please sing His divine names so that my coral ...