* PERUMAL TIRUMOZHI 4* *PASURAMS 677 –687* *UnEru selvattu* AzhvAr’s wish to be born in *TIRUMALA* Answering to a query asking, is it possible to be a fervent devotee, rather a maniac of the Lord, in all the births as one is not sure what kind of birth we may be in?, AzhvAr says, "when the Lord has made up His mind to protect me from this samsAric life, He will surely retain me as His devotee". Further, to be connected with His devotees, similar to the Nithyasoories, He has brought down the hill and named it vEnkatam. AzhvAr expresses his wish to be born here in any of the forms (be it tiryak,manushya,sthAvara) and perform nithyaseva for Him. 677 * UnERu selvaththu * udaRpiRavi yAn vENdEn * AnEREzh venRAn * adimaith thiRam allAl ** kUnERu sangkam idaththAn than * vEngkadaththu * kOn Eri vAzhum * kurugAyp piRappEnE (1) 2 677. Other than getting the wealth of being subservient to the Lord, who subjugated the seven bulls for the sake of Nappinnai pirATTi, I do not w...