Before starting to sing the prabandams, Taniyans are sung. These are laudatory verses in praise of our AchAryas. They are recited before every Prabandam and as the first shloka every day. Podhu thaniyans Let us first enjoy the podhu thaniyans. rAmAnuja dhayApAthram jnAna vairAgya bhooshaNam | srImath vEnkatanAthAyam vandhE vEdhAntha dhESikam || Meaning: I worship Vedanta Desikan (Acharya or preceptor uniquely praised as such due to his great contribution and strict adherence to Vedanthic tradition), named Venkata nAthan, endowed with auspiciousness and glories, who was a receptacle of the mercy (dayA) of his AchArya Sri Ramanuja, and who was adorned with the jewels of wisdom (jnAnam) and detachment (VairAgyam). There is also another thaniyan which is recited :(by the sishyas of thennAcharya sampradayam): Sri SailEsa dayA pAthram dhI bhakthyAdhi guNArNavam | yathIndhra pravaNam vandhE ramya jAmAthram munim || Meaning: I salute Sri ManavaaLa MaamunigaL, who has the blessings of Thiruvaai...