Taniyans on PeriyAzhwAr: 1st thaniyan- composed by Sri NAthamuni: guru mukam anadhIthya prAha vEdhAn- asEshaan nara pathi pari kluptham sulkam AdhAthu kAmaha: svasuram amara vandhyam ranganAthasya sAkshAth dhvija kula thilakam tham vishNu chittham namaami The AzhwAr- who is the thilakam of Brahminhood; who is respected and worshipped even by Devas; who is the father-in-law of Sri Rangnathan; who wished to succeed getting the prize bag of gold coins, arranged by king Vallabha devan (narapathi: ) in order to establish the Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan as the PARATHEIVAM in the debate, without any learning, formally from an Acharyan (teacher) to that AzhwAr, I bow down and prostrate. Next Two are dedicatory verses by PaaNdiya Bhattar: Minnaar thadamathiL soozh villiputthoor enRu orukaal Sonnaar kazhaRkamalam soodinOm munnaaL kizhiyaRuththaan enRuraiththOm keezhmaiyiniR chErum vazhiyaRuththOm nenjamE! Vandhu. Oh mind! (nenjamE) - you helped me. Thus, (with such helpful nature...