PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI PASURAMS 108-117 1.10 - PURAM PULGAL means hugging from behind. Azhwar enjoys the hugging of KaNNan from behind,similar to the way YashOdA enjoyed. 108:VATTU N^ADUVE* VALAR KINRA* MAANIKKA- MOTTUN^UNAIYIL* MULAIKKINRA MUTHTHEPOL* SOTTUCHCOTTENNATH* THULIKKATH THULIKKA* EN- KUTTANVANDHU ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN* GOVINDHAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN. (2) 108. My son Govindhan comes and hugs me from behind, with those droplets making the sound of chotu,chotu, while He relieves Himself , similar to the white little pearl droplets from the small buds . (1) 109: KINGGINI KATTIK* KIRIKATTI KAIYINIL* KANGGANAM ITTUK* KAZHUTHTHILTHODAR KATTI* THAN KANATHTHAALE* SATHIRAAN^ADANDHU VANDHU* EN KANNAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN* EMBIRAAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN. (2) 109. With the Kingkinis(tinkling bells) on his waist,Kankan on the hand,a red coral bracelet and golden chain around the neck, KaNNan walks majestically and hugs me from behind. (2) 110: KATHTHAK KATHITHT...