Taniyans on PeriyAzhwAr:

1st thaniyan- composed by Sri NAthamuni:

guru mukam anadhIthya prAha vEdhAn- asEshaan

nara pathi pari kluptham sulkam  AdhAthu kAmaha:

svasuram amara vandhyam ranganAthasya sAkshAth

dhvija kula thilakam tham vishNu chittham namaami

The AzhwAr- who is the thilakam of Brahminhood; who is respected and worshipped even by Devas; who is the father-in-law of Sri Rangnathan; who wished to succeed getting the prize bag of gold coins, arranged by king Vallabha devan (narapathi: ) in order to establish the Supremacy of Sriman Narayanan as the PARATHEIVAM in the debate, without any learning, formally from an Acharyan (teacher) – to that AzhwAr, I bow down and prostrate.

Next Two are dedicatory verses by PaaNdiya Bhattar:

Minnaar thadamathiL soozh villiputthoor enRu orukaal

Sonnaar kazhaRkamalam soodinOm –munnaaL

kizhiyaRuththaan enRuraiththOm keezhmaiyiniR chErum

vazhiyaRuththOm nenjamE! Vandhu.

Oh mind! (nenjamE) - you helped me. Thus, (with such helpful nature of yours), we are able to adorn the head with the lotus feet of BhagavathAs  who have uttered the name “Srivilliputtur” (which is surrounded by glittering tall ramparts like Gold) even once. When King Vallabhadevan’ raised doubts about Parathavam, it is PeriyAzhwAr who cleared his doubts, thus winning the bag of coins as a prize. By uttering that GREAT incident (event) and along with AzhwAr’s sambandham, we are able to get rid of the previous wrong path and destination, that we were heading to (adhOgati) (which is further births and deaths!)

paaNdiyan koNdaada Bhattar piraan vandhaan enRu

eeNdiya sangam eduthu oodha –vENdiya

vEdhangaLOdhi viraindhu kizhiyaRuththaan

paadhangaL yaamudaiya paRRu.

King Vallabhadeva announced the victory of PeriyAzhwAr (Bhattar Piraan) and conferred the title Bhatta nAthan. He also arranged for a victorious procession of AzhwAr on the Royal elephant. He took the curved Conch Shell and blew in honor of the victory and to celebrate the success of PeriyAzhwAr who had established in such unambiguous terms, the Parathvam of Sriman Narayanan quoting the relevant sections from Vedas at the Sabha. Such Great PeriyAzhwAr’s Lotus Feet are our refuge.


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