PASURAMS 597 – 605

kArkODal pookkAL..

Talking about monsoon and it’s traits, even in this decade AndAl talks of how certain flowers influence her mood taking advantage of her solitude. Wondering, how to sustain life ahead, she consoles herself that, being the daughter of periyAzhvAr will surely lead her to Him.

PurushakAratvam is what she is trying to explain in this decade.

PurushAkaram in simple language means, the help that is rendered or obtained to reach the eternal goal ( I.e nearness to God)

597 * kArkkOdal pUkkAL! * kArkkadal vaNNan en mEl * 

ummaip pOrkkOlam seydhu * pOra viduththavan engkutRAn? ** 

ArkkO ini nAm * pUsal iduvadhu? * 

aNi thuzhAyth thArkkOdum nenjcham thannaip * padaikka vallEn andhO! (2) (1)

597)Oh! Dear dark blue hued kODal flowers! (blue flame lilly). Where is my dark  ocean hued kaNNan present? Has He sent you all to  aggravate my already anxious mind with the blue colour of yours that is very similar to His complexion? If you are bent upon doing this to me, to whom else will I share this grief of mine, who is dying to have His tulasi garland? (2)(1)

598 mEl thOnRip pUkkAL! * mEl ulagangkaLin mIdhu pOy *

mEl thOnRum sOdhi * vEdha mudhalvar valangkaiyil **

mEl thOnRum Azhiyin * venjchudar pOlach sudAdhu * 

emmai mAtROlaip pattavar kUttaththu * vaiththuk koLgitRirE (2)

598)Oh tonDri flowers (red flame lilly) that are bloomed atop! Do not burn me up like the fiery disc ( ஆழி - chakram )that stays atop on the right hand of the prime deity who is synonymous to the vedAs (வேத முதல்வர்) residing in paramapadam which stands as a beacon above all worlds, as even you resemble so. Instead, are you capable of making me join with those group of muktAs who have left the prAkritic world liberated from all the karmAs to the abode above? (2)

Instead of torturing me like this, can you take my life and send me closer to the lord?

599 kOvai maNAtti! * nI un kozhungkani koNdu * emmai

Avi tholaiviyEl * vAyazhagar thammai anjchudhum ** 

pAviyEn thOnRip * pAmbaNaiyArkkum tham pAmbu pOl * 

nAvum iraNduLa AyitRu19 nANiliyEnukkEn (3)

599)Oh! Creepers of the ivy gourd (கோவை மணாட்டி - as creepers are referred to slender women, here it's called மணாட்டி), your ripened fruits remind me of my Lord TirumAl's coral like lips and torments me thinking about the sweet union with Him and scares me when I am separated. After my birth, EmperumAn,  now has become a twin tongued person like the AdishEshan, on whom He sleeps. With one tongue He says He will come and take me, whereas the next moment with His other tongue, He says He never said so. Look at my state! Shamelessly I long for His acquaintances. (3)

600 mullaip pirAtti! * nI un muRuvalgaL koNdu * 

emmai allal viLaiviyEl * AzhinangkAy! un adaikkalam ** 

kollai arakkiyai mUkkarindhitta * kumaranAr

sollum poy AnAl * 

nAnum piRandhamai poy anRE (4)

600)Oh! mullai pirATTi (lady jasmine) who is stately as the Chakram (Azhi nangAy), I surrender to you!, do not trouble me with your white smiling blossoms, that reminds me of EmperumAn's smile. If the assurance given to me, that He will come and take me by Lord rAmapirAn who severed the nose of soorpanaka who exceeded her limits as a woman becomes a failure, then even me being born as periAzhvAr's daughter will become false. (4)

601 pAdum kuyilgAL! * Idhenna pAdal? * nal vEngkada

nAdar namakku oru vAzhvu thandhAl * vandhu pAdumin ** 

Adum karuLak kodi udaiyAr * vandhu aruL seydhu *

 kUduvar Ayidil * kUvi num pAttugaL kEttumE (5)

601)Oh! Euphonious cuckoo! Your singing seems to be horrific to the ears, what kind of song is this? If at all, the Lord of seven hills, TiruvEnkatamudaiyan grants me permission to stay with Him, then come and sing happily. Once my Lord, who owns the wide spread winged garuDa flag comes and joins me, I will myself call you all to sing and we shall listen to your songs.(5)

Why does she go from flowers to cuckoo?

The reason being,

Thinking that, if she closes her eyes, she can avoid seeing these flowers that disturb her, bringing her Lord to her mind. But immediately the sound of the cuckoo bird comes and disturbs her ears.

602 kaNamA mayilgAL! * kaNNa pirAn thirukkOlam pOnRu * 

aNimA nadam payinRu AduginRIrkku * adi vIzhginREn ** 

paNamAdaravaNaip20 * paRpala kAlamum paLLi koL *

 maNavALar nammai vaiththa * parisidhu kANminE (6)

602) Oh! You pride of peacocks, I bow down before your feet. Having the most beautiful form, that reminds me of the stature of my Lord kaNNapirAn, your well practiced gracious moves are worthy to be honoured. But please stop dancing. I'am unable to enjoy it at this moment. It's my misfortune that my Lord "azhagiya maNavALan" who rests for ages on the bed of the hooded anantAzhvAn, has made me fall at your feet. (6)

603 nadamAdith thOgai virikkinRa * mAmayilgAL! * 

ummai nadamAttam kANap * pAviyEn nAn Or mudhalilEn ** 

kudamAdu kUththan * gOvindhan kOmiRai seydhu * 

emmai udaimAdu koNdAn * ungkaLukku21 ini onRu pOdhumE? (7)

603)Oh great peacocks!, you dance beautifully spreading your wings. It is of no use, as I have lost all my senses including my sense of sight so that I can appreciate you. At the quadrivium ( where four roads meet),my Lord KaNNan, who is so compassionate towards the cowherd people, showing His dancing skills with the pots (குடம் ஆடு கூத்தன்) drawing everyone's attention, has stolen from me all my possession including my hues, my sleep and all my senses leaving me alone to suffer. Now how will I enjoy your dance? Is it fair on your part to make me suffer with your dance too? (7)

604 * mazhaiyE! mazhaiyE! maNpuRam pUsi * uLLAy ninRa

mezhugu UtRinAR pOl * UtRu nal vEngkadaththuL ninRa ** 

azhagap pirAnAr thammai * en nenjchaththu agappadath

thazhuva ninRu * ennaith thadharththik22 koNdu * UtRavum vallaiyE? (8)

604) Oh clouds!, Oh clouds!, In a way similar to melting away the wax from inside, after smearing the outside with mud while making bronze vessels or idols, my empirAn who stands in tiruvEnKata malai, after embracing me has melted and taken my heart away. Are you capable of bringing my empirAn , the way He stands in my heart, closer to me so that I can embrace Him and then shower your rain on both of us? (8)

605 kadalE! kadalE! unnaik kadaindhu * kalakkuRuththu * 

udaluL pugundhu ninRu * URal aRuththavaRku ** 

ennaiyum udaluL pugundhu ninRu * URal aRukkinRa mAyaRku * 

en nadalaigaL ellAm * nAgaNaikkE senRu uraiththiyE (9)

605) Oh the dark vast Ocean! Lord EmperumAn, churned you, immersing the great mountain inside and drained out the juicy nectar from you, even though You being His resting place. In the same way, He even tortures and churns out my life by getting into my heart. As you can understand my plight, I want you to convey all my sufferings to AdisEshan (TiruvananthAzhwAn )who is His bed, so that he in turn will pass it on to this mAyapirAn. Can you do that for me? (9)

As EmperumAn cannot be reached directly, here AndAl makes AdisEshan as the purushakArakan.


606 * nalla en thOzhi! * nAgaNai misai nam parar * 

selvar periyar * siRumAnidavar nAm seyvadhen? ** 

villi pudhuvai * vittuchiththar thangkaL dhEvarai * 

valla parisu varuvipparEl * adhu kANdumE (10)

606)Oh my soulmate! My Lord, the consort of SrimahAlakshmi, who reclines on Adisheshan is the supreme one who governs everything. We are all insignificant beings before Him. So, what is the means to attain Him? The only means is that, through periAzwAr as our AchAryan alone can we be able to see Him, since He is the most favourite of periAzhwAr. (10)

AndAl concludes this decade by reinforcing that, only through AchArya Sambandam can we attain closer to EmperumAn. 

AndAl Tiruvadigale Sharanam.


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