*412 TO 422*


Azhwar dedicates yet another decade about the greatness of Tiruvarangam [Srirangam]. The moolavar is pEriya perumal, utsavar namperumal and thAyAr is ranganAyaki.

412:## maravadiyai thambikku vaan paNaiyam vaiththuppOy* vaanOr vaazha*

seruvudaiya thisaik karumam thiruththi vandhu ulahaaNda* thirumaal kOyil

thiru vadithan thiru uruvum* thirumangai malar kaNNum kaatti n^inRu*

uruvudaiya malar n^eelam kaaRRaatta* O! salikkum oLiyarangamE. (2) 1.

412.  Lord rAma pledged (வான்பணையம்) His pAdukAs *[maRavadiyay]*by handing it over to His brother BharatA to rule Ayodhya until He returned from exile. For protecting the dEvas, He marched towards the south killing rAvaNa and giving the kingdom to Vibheeshana, returned back and ruled the world for several years. This ruler resides in this kshetram Tiruvarangam with HIS consort Mahalakshmi where the beautiful Neelam flowers that represents the colour of perumAl’s physique and PiraaTTi’s beautiful eyes sway in the breeze. (1)

413: thannadiyaar thiRaththahaththu* thaamaraiyaaL aahilum sidhakuraikkumEl*

ennadiyaar adhu seyyaar* seydhaarEl n^anRu seydhaar enbar pOlum*

mannudaiya vibeeshaNaRkaa* madhiL ilangai thisai n^Okki malar kaN vaiththa*

ennudaiya thiru varangaRku anRiyum* maRRoruvarkku aaLaavarE? (2) 2.

413. Even if thAyAr, (who is a purushAkAra boothai- does recommendation to the lord for the sake of the devotees) complains about His devotees, He will not accept, but only say, “my devotees won’t do such acts, even if, it shall be only for some reason”. Here in this Divya Desam tiruvarangam, as a way of exhibiting this nature of His, my Lord *(yennudaya tiruarangar)*, is reclining facing the south for the sake of His devotee Vibhishana. Will it be fair to worship any one else other than this periya perumAl? (2)

414: karuLudaiya pozhil marudhum*kadhak kaLiRum pilambanaiyum kadiyamaavum*

uruLudaiya sakadaraiyum mallaraiyum*udaiya vittu Osai kEttaan*

iruLakaRRum eRikathirOn* maNdalaththoodu ERRi vaiththu ENi vaangi*

aruL koduththittu adiyavarai*aatkoLvaan amarum oor aNiyarangamE. 3.

414. Lord Sri Krishna, who put an end to the disguised asurAs who stood as the twin marudam trees, killed the surging elephant kuvalayApItam, destroyed the demons pralamban, kesi (in horse form), shakatAsuran (in a cart form),chAnuran -mushtikan ( the wrestlers) is compassionate towards His devotees. Taking back the ladder that He provides for His devotees to reach paramapadam through the path of light (archirAdi margam) He bestows the greatest gift of serving Him eternally. This Periya perumAl resides in the beautiful Srirangam. (3)

415: padhinaaRaam aayiravar* dhEvimaar paNi seyya thuvarai ennum*

adhil n^aayaharaahi veeRRirundha* maNavaaLar mannu kOyil*

pudhu n^aaN malark kamalam *emberumaan ponvayiRRil poovE pOlvaan*

podhu n^aayaham paaviththu* irumaandhu pon saaykkum punal arangamE. 4.

415. The sixteen thousand wives of KrishnA serve HIM with great dedication in DwarakA and HE  thus resides in Srirangam  like a new groom. This is the abode *( mannu kOvil)* of our Lord of Srirangam , surrounded by lotuses which stand erect with pride considering themselves to be the lotus from the Lord’s navel and they woo the other flowers. (4)

416: aamaiyaay gangaiyaay* aazh kadalaay avaniyaay aruvaraihaLaay*

naanmuhanaay n^aanmaRaiyaay* vELviyaay thakkaNaiyaay thaanumaanaan*

sEmamudai n^aaradhanaar* senRu senRu thudhiththiRaiNYcha kidandhaan kOyil*

poomaruvi puLLinangaL* puLLaraiyan puhazh kuzhaRum punal arangamE. 5.

416.Lord TirumAl, exist as tortoise in the Ganges, as the Ganga river itself, as the ocean, earth, mountains, even as brahmA, four vEdas, yAgas and the sacrificial offerings too. He reclined himself in the abode of Tiruvarangam, for nAradar to come and pay his obeisances often. Here in this kshetram the birds stay on the flower singing the praise of GarudA. (5)

417: maiththunanmaar kaadhaliyai mayir* mudippiththu avarhaLaiyE mannaraakki*

uththaraithan siRuvanaiyum uyyakkoNda* uyiraaLan uRaiyum kOyil*

paththarhaLum pakavarhaLum* pazha mozhivaay munivarhaLum parandha n^aadum*

siththarhaLum thozhudhiRaiNYcha* thisai viLakkaay n^iRkinRa thiruvarangamE. 6.

417.  Lord Krishna, who stands like a monarch for his devotees in the abode of Srirangam, out of extreme affection, fulfilled the vow of Draupadi  and made her knot her hair again. Crowning HIS brothers in law *(maitunanmAr)*, the pandavas, as kings, HE gave life to uttarA’s child in her womb. In this kshetram *(thiruvarangam)* , the bakthAs, sages, saints and sidhAs gather together and worship singing the praise of this place which stands as a bright landmark. (6)

418: kuRaL biramasaariyaay* maavaliyai kuRumbadhakki arasu vaangi*

iRaippozhidhil paadhaaLam kalavirukkai*koduththu uhandha emmaan kOyil*

eRippudaiya maNivaraimEl*iLaNYaayiRu ezhundhaaRpOl aravaNaiyin vaay*

siRappudaiya paNangaLmisai*sezhu maNihaL vitteRikkum thiruvarangamE. 7.

418. Taking the form of a dwarf brahmacAri, lord Vishnu acquired the land, putting down the pride of King Mahabali and in no time crowned him the king of the Netherworld. In the abode of *tiruvarangam* where this lord resides, the gems on the hood of AdiseshA on whom He reclines, radiates light similar to the rising sun from the gem studded mountains. (7)

419: uram paRRi iraNiyanai* ukir n^udhiyaal oLLiya maarbu uRaikka oonRi*

siram paRRi mudiyidiya kaN pidhunga* vaayalaraththu ezhiththaan kOyil*

uram peRRa malar kamalam* ulahaLandha sEvadi pOl uyarndhu kaatta*

varambuRRa kadhirch chen^n^el* thaaL saayththu thalai vaNakkum thaNNarangamE. 8.

419.Lord Nrisimha, with His sharp nails tore open the chest of the valorous HiraNyan and tortured him, as he screamed with his eyes popping out and his crown shattering to pieces. The lotus flowers In the tiruvarangam kshetram where this lord is seated, stands tall and beautiful resembling the holy feet of lord Thiruvikrama. The well grown paddy from the fields stands tall bending their heads as a mark of worshiping Him. (8)

420: thEvudaiya meenamaay aamaiyaay * Enamaay ariyaay kuRaLaay*

moovuruvil iraamanaay* kaNNanaay kaRkiyaay mudippaan KOyil*

sEvalodu pedaiyannam*sengamala malarERi oosalaadi*

poovaNai mEl thudhaindhezhu*sempodiyaadi viLaiyaadum punal arangamE. 9.

420. To annihilate the vice demons and the rAkshasAs, lord took  the magnificent forms in every period as fish, boar *(EnamAy)*, Narasimha, Parasurama, Rama and Balarama *(mU uruvil irAmanAy)*, Krishna, and finally will take the form of kalki *(karkiyAy)*. In Tiruvarangam kshetram where this periya perumAl resides, the male swan enjoys with its mate on the lotus flowers getting dipped in the pollen and happily swinging on the flower beds. Such is the beauty of its water bodies. (9)

421: seru vaaLum puLLaaLan maNNaaLan*seruch cheyyum n^aandhakam ennum-

oruvaaLan* maRaiyaaLan Odaadha padaiyaaLan*vizhukkaiyaaLan*

iravaaLan pahalaaLan ennaiyaaLan*Ezhulaka perum puravaaLan*

thiruvaaLan inidhaaha*thiruk kaNkaL vaLarhinRa thiruvarangamE. 10.

421. My Lord, my master, rules all the seven worlds. He governs Garuda the bird that never fears the war and this land too. He possesses the valorous sword ‘nAndhakam’. He is the head of the vedAs and the controller of time. Chief of day and night. Tiruvarangam  is the Divya Desam that this Lord resides in. (10)

Phala Sruthi 

422:## kain^n^aahaththidar kadindha*kanalaazhi padai udaiyaan karudhum kOyil*

thennaadum vadan^aadum thozha n^inRa*thiruvarangam thiruppadhiyin mEl*

meyn^n^aavan meyyadiyaan vishNu chiththan* viriththa thamizh uraikka vallaar*

eNYNYaanRum emberumaan iNaiyadikkeezh*iNaipiriyaadhu iruppar thaamE. (2) (11)

422. Lord TirumAl possessing the one man army chakarathAzhvAr who removed the misery of the elephant gajEndra eternally resides in Tiruvarangam such that people of the northern and the southern lands worship Him. Those who recite the garland of songs about this divine land sung by the ardent devotee periAzhvAr will always be blessed to stay at the Lotus feet of the Lord. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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