PASURAMS 162 - 171

*Kuzhal vArAy akkaakkaay*

YashOdha invites  the crow to come and comb Kannan's thick hair

162:pinnai maNaaLanai* pEril kidandhaanai*

munnai amarar* mudhal thani viththinai*

ennaiyum eNGgaL* kudimuzhudhu aatkoNda*

mannanai vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

maadhavan_than kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! (2) 1.

162. The lord who rules and protect us, is the beloved of Nappinnai  PiraaTTi. He rests  in the divine place called Tirupper Nagar (koviladi, appakuDattAn). He is the head of the Devas. He is the unique source and the  root cause of the whole universe.  Oh crow!  Please Come here to comb mAdhavan’s hair, (kuzhalvArAy,akkAkkAy!) (1)

163:pEyin mulaiyuNda* piLLai_ivanmunnam*

maayach chakadum* marudhum_iRuththavan*

kaayaa malarvaNNan* kaNNan karuNGkuzhal*

thooydhaaha vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

thoo maNi vaNNan kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 2.

163. He the one who drank milk from the evil PootanA, destroyed sakatAsura and liberated the maruda trees. He has a pure body similar to the blue sapphire and the violet kAyA flower. Oh Crow, Come and help me comb and groom his hair. (kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy!) (2)

164: thiNNak kalaththil* thiraiyuRimEl vaiththa*

veNNey vizhuNGgi* viraiya_uRaNGgidum*

aNNal amarar* perumaanai aayar_tham*

kaNNanai vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

kaarmuhil vaNNan kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!( 3)

164. KaNNan, after swallowing the butter kept in the solid pot hanging from the Uri, came running and pretended to sleep. He is the head of the Devas who’s the very same cowherd boy kaNNan. Oh Crow come and groom the hair of my dark coloured Kannan. (kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy!) (3)

165: paLLaththil mEyum* paRavai urukkoNdu*

kaLLavasuran* varuvaanaith thaan_kaNdu*

puLLidhu venRu* podhuk kOvaay keeNditta*

piLLaiyai vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

pEymulai uNdaan kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! (4)

165.KaNNan killed the bakAsura, who came in the disguise of the crane that searches its prey in the water, by splitting open its beak. Oh crow, come and help me comb the hair of my Kannan who drank milk from the breasts of the devil PootanA. (kuzhal vArAy, akkAkkAy!) (4)

166: kaRRinam mEyththuk* kanikku orukanRinai*

paRRi eRindha* paraman_thirumudi*

uRRana pEsi* nee OdiththiriyaadhE*

aRRaikkum vandhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

aazhiyaan_than_ kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 5.

166. As he grazed the cattle he lifted and threw VatsAsuran who came as a calf, onto the vilam tree where the other demon had disguised himself so as to bring down its fruits and thus killed both the demons.  Oh Crow!, instead of wandering everywhere just come every day and help me comb the hair of the lord who carries the chakrA in hand (kuzhal-vArAy, akkAkkAy!) (5)

167: kizhakkil kudimannar* kEdilaadhaarai*

azhippaan n^inaindhittu* avvaazhi yadhanaal*

vizhikkum aLavilE* vEraRuththaanai*

kuzhaRku_aNiyaakak kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

gOvindhan_than kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 6

167. When Narakasura thought of afflicting Indra and the Gods, in the wink of an eye, He destroyed him and the other asuras with his discus (chakra). O crow, Come and comb his hair and make my Govindan’s hair beautiful. (kuzhal vArAy,akkAkkAy!) (6)

168: piNdath thiraLaiyum* pEykku itta n^eerchchORum*

uNdaRku vENdi* neeOdith thiriyaadhE*

aNdaththu_amarar* perumaan azhahamar*

vaNdoththu iruNda kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

maayavan_than kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 7

168. Oh! crow, don’t be happy just flying around and searching for food and water which people give in the ceremony of their dead ancestors. (pitRus/prEtas)- (pinDam/neersOru). Oh! crow, come and comb the two bumble-bee like curls of His hair, of mAyavan, the preceptor of gods, my Kannan (kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy!) (7)

169: undhi ezhundha* uruvamalar_thannil*

sandhach chadhumukan* thannaip padaiththavan*

kondhak kuzhalaik* kuRandhu puLiyatti*

thandhaththin_seeppaal kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

dhaamOdharan_than kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 8.

169. He created the four-headed Brahama (nAnmukhan) on a beautiful lotus from his navel. Oh Crow!, Come and help me untangle my dAmodaran’s thick hair which has been washed bright with soap nut/shikAkAi (puLi aTTi), and comb it  beautifully with a white comb made of ivory. (kuzhal vArAy,akkAkkAy!) (8)

170: Mannan than thEvimaar* kaNdu mahizhveydha*

mun_iv ulahinai* muRRum aLandhavan*

ponnin mudiyinaip* poovaNai mElvaiththu*

pinnEyirundhu kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay!

pEraayiraththaan kuzhal vaaraay akkaakkaay! 9.

170.Oh crow, placing the divine forehead of the Lord who measured the whole world earlier to the satisfaction of the queens of mahAbali chakravarti, you comb His hair from behind. Comb the beautiful golden hair of kannN who has thousand names.(kuzhal-vArAy,akkAkkAy!) (9)


171: kaNdaar_pazhiyaamE* akkaakkaay!*

kaar vaNNan vaNdaar kuzhal vaara* vaavenRa aaychchisol*

viN_thOy madhiL* villipuththoor kOn pattan_sol*

koNdaadi paada* kuRuhaa vinaithaamE! (2) (10)

171. Bhattan, chief of Villiputhur surrounded by high-walls that touch the sky, composed these "kuzhal vArAy akkAkkAy"pAsurams that describe how the cowherdess  Yashoda called the crow to comb Kannan’s hair that swarms with bees. Those who sing these pAsurams with joy will be relieved of the effects of bad  karma. (10)

AndAl Thiruvadigale Sharanam 


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