PASURAMS 545 - 555

Mannu perum pugazh…

Even after getting a paired result, in the KooDal game, KaNNan doesn't seem to be coming. AndAl gets distracted by the singing of a cuckoo and starts pleading the cuckoo bird to bring her kaNNan to her. She is remembered of the cuckoo bird singing when they both met once in a grove.

545 * mannu perumpugazh mAdhavan * mAmaNi vaNNan maNimudi maindhan

thannai * ugandhadhu kAraNamAga * en sangkizhakkum vazhakkuNdE? **

punnai kurukkaththi njAzhal serundhip * podhumbinil vAzhum kuyilE! *

panni eppOdhum irundhu viraindhu * en pavaLavAyan varak kUvAy (1)

1  Oh! Cuckoo dwelling in the holes of the thick grooves having punnai, kurukatti, nyAzhal, and cherunti trees! Due to my extreme desire, to unite with the consort of Mahalakshmi, who has countless virtues and blue hued wearing the gem studded crown, I am becoming thin and loosing my bangles. If you think that this is not fair please sing His divine names so that my coral lipped perumAn swiftly comes to my side. (1)

546 veLLai viLi sangku idangkaiyil koNda * vimalan enakku urukkAttAn *

uLLam pugundhu ennai naiviththu * nALum uyirppeydhu9 kUththAttuk kANum **

kaLLavizh seNbagap pUmalar kOdhik * kaLiththisai pAdum kuyilE! *

meLLa irundhu mizhatRi mizhatRAdhu * en vEngkadavan varak kUvAy (2)

2 Oh! Sweet Cuckoo, you happily sing caressing the honey laden shenbhaga flowers. My purest Lord vimalan, holding the pure whitish conch in his left hand has not shown Himself to me. But entering into my heart, He takes pleasure in watching me get drained out, as I get melted in His love. So please stay close to me oh! Cuckoo and call out my tiruvEnKatavan gently by cooing. (2)

547 mAthali thEr munbu kOl koLLa * mAyan irAvaNan mEl * saramAri

thAythalai atRatRu vIzhath * thoduththa thalaivan varavengkum kANEn **

pOdhalar kAvil pudhu maNam nARap * poRivaNdin kAmaram kEttu * un

kAdhaliyOdu udan vAzh kuyilE! * en karumANikkam varak kUvAy (3)

3. Oh!Cuckoo, you happily reside with your mate, in the orchards enjoying the fragrance of the fresh blossoming flowers and the resonating song of  “kAmaram” sung by the bees. Whereas, nowhere am I seeing my Emperuman, who stripped off the main head of the conjuror rAvaNa with a barrage of arrows, as Indra’s charioteer “mAtali” drove rAma on the chariot, coming towards me. So please sing sweetly so that my dark hued gem comes to me! (3)

548 enburugi inavEl nedungkaNgaL * imai porundhA pala nALum *

thunbak kadal pukku vaikunthan enbadhOr * thONi peRAdhu uzhalginREn **

anbudaiyAraip pirivuRu nOy * adhu nIyum aRidhi kuyilE! *

ponpurai mEnik karuLak kodiyudaip * puNNiyanai varak kUvAy (4)

4. Oh Cuckoo, my spear like eyes have not slept for long, and I have become thin as the sorrow of separation has penetrated into my bones. Getting submerged in the ocean of distress, I have been struggling and baffling without getting the vaikunThanAtha boat (the famous Vishnu bodham boat)to relieve myself from this cycle of birth. Can you not realise my plight? Please sing, such that my lord possessing the garuDa flag will come near me. (4)

549 * mennadai annam parandhu viLaiyAdum * villipuththUr uRaivAn than *

ponnadi kANbadhOr AsayinAl * en porukayaR kaNNiNai thunjchA **

innadisilodu pAl amudhUtti * eduththa en kOlak kiLiyai *

unnodu thOzhamai koLLuvan kuyilE! * ulagaLandhAn varak kUvAy (5)

5. Oh Cuckoo,  with a deep desire to have a glance of the  divine feet of the Lord who resides in the beautiful city of Srivilliputhur where the gently walking swans play around, my fish shaped eyes have not closed a bit. So please sing sweetly, so that the Lord who measured the world as Trivikrama will come here. If you do so, I will befriend my well nourished dear parrot with you. (5)

550 eththisaiyum amarar paNindhu Eththum * irudIkEsan vali seyya *

muththanna veNmuRuval seyya vAyum * mulaiyum azhagazhindhEn nAn **

koththalar kAvil maNiththadam * kaNpadai koLLum iLangkuyilE! * en

thaththuvanai varak kUkitRiyAgil * thalai allAl kaimmARilEnE (6)

6.  Oh Cuckoo!, you sleep in the beautiful orchard where flowers bloom in bunches. Lord  hrusheekEsha, worshipped by the humble dEvas from all directions, is avoiding me by not showing Himself to me. Hence in that distress, I have lost my complexion and beauty. Please can you sing, such that, my Lord who is present everywhere and is the reason for my existence will come to me? In return, I shall be indebted to you whole through my life. (6)

551 pongkiya pARkadal paLLi koLvAnaip * puNarvadhOr AsaiyinAl * en

kongkai kiLarndhu kumaiththuk kuthugaliththu * Aviyai Agulam seyyum

angkuyilE! * unakkenna maRaindhuRaivu? * Azhiyum sangkum oNthaNdum *

thangkiya kaiyavanai varak kUvil * nI sAlath tharumam peRudhi (7)

7. Oh pretty cuckoo! In the dire interest of getting united with the PerumAl reclining on the wavy tirupArkaDal, my physical and mental state undergoes extreme amount of hardship. What is the use of hiding under the shade? Please sing and do this dharma of bringing my Lord holding the shankh, chakra and gadha in His hands to me. (7)

552 sArngkam vaLaiya valikkum * thadakkaich sadhuran poruththam udaiyan *

nAngkaL emmilirundhu ottiyagachchangkam nAnum avanum aRidhum **

thEngkani mAmpozhil senthaLir kOdhum * siRu kuyilE! * thirumAlai

Angku viraindhu ollai kUgitRiyAgil * avanai nAn seyvana kANE (8)

8. Oh tiny cuckoo! Sitting on the tasty fruit bearing mango grove you groom the reddish tender mango shoots. My Lord TirumAl, who possess strong arms and is proficient in stringing the sArnga bow, is equally skilful in making tiffs as in showing his valour. We have taken a vow not to part away from each other. Hence if you twitter and bring Him here, you can witness my pranks with Him too. (8)

553 paingkiLi vaNNan sirIdharan enbadhOr * pAsaththu agappattirundhEn *

pongkoLi vaNdiraikkum pozhil vAzh kuyilE! kuRikkoNdu idhu nI kEL **

sangkodu chakkaraththAn varak kUvudhal * ponvaLai koNdu tharudhal *

ingkuLLa kAvinil vAzhak karudhil * iraNdaththonREl thiNNam vENdum (9)

9. Oh cuckoo! Dwelling in the orchards swarmed by the buzzing luminous bees, listen to me. I lay trapped in the net laid by Lord shreedharan who is hued like the green parrot. If you wish to stay happily in this forest, you have to sing and bring my Lord who holds the shanku and the chakaram here. Or else make the   bangle that slithered away, stay in my hand. ( that will happen only if He comes). You have to do at least anyone of this without fail. (9)

554 anRulagam aLandhAnai ugandhu * adimaikkaN avan vali seyya *

thenRalum thingkaLum UdaRuththu * ennai naliyum muRaimai aRiyEn **

enRum ikkAvil irundhirundhu * ennaith thadhaiththAdhE10 nIyum kuyilE! *

inRu nArAyaNanai varak kUvAyEl * ingkuththai11 ninRum thurappan (10)

10. Oh Cuckoo! Having a dying interest to perform kainkaryam at the lotus feet of Lord TirumAl, who placed His foot on the arrogant King mahAbali and measured the whole world, I was longing for it. He has betrayed me instead. I know not the reason for the torment of this cool breeze and the moon rays. Staying in this grove, even you don't torment me, instead bring my Lord shriman nArAyanan here by cooing. Or else I will drive you away from here. (10)


555 * viNNuRa nINdu adi thAviya maindhanai * vERkaN madandhai virumbi *

kaNNuRa en kadal vaNNanaik * kUvu karungkuyilE! enRa mAtRam **

paNNuRu nAnmaRaiyOr pudhuvai mannan * pattarpirAn kOdhai sonna *

naNNuRu vAsaga mAlai vallAr * namO nArAyaNAya enbArE (11)

11. The sphere eyed pretty damsel AndAl, daughter of well versed bhattar pirAn, of Srivilliputhur sang these songs asking the black cuckoo to sing for her and bring her most beloved ocean hued Lord who extended His legs and measured the universe as trivikrama, close to her. Those who recite these verses will chant namO nArAyaNAya and reap the benefits of saying the ashThAkshara mantra.  (11)



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