Andal assumes herself to be the cowherdess of  ‘AyarpAdi’, awakens her peers to follow a certain discipline in view of attaining everlasting happiness and service to the Lord.

Eventually selecting the month of “MARGAZHI” and as a monthlong process she sang 30 pAsurams (one for each day) for the “PAVAI NONBU”, called “THIRUPPAVAI”.

Each pAsuram ends with the special phrase “ELOr EmpAvAi”, meaning Oh, my dear friends which is the speciality of ThiruppAvai.

474.mArgazhit tingaL, madi niRainDa nannALAl *

 nIrADap pOduvIr! pOduminO nErizhaiyIr! *

 sIr malgum AyppADich selvach siRumeergAL! *

 kUrvEl koDuntozhilan nandagOpan kumaran **

 ErArnda kaNNi, yasOdai iLanjchingam *

 kArmEnich sengaN kadir madiyam pOl mugattAn *

 nArAyaNanE namakkE paRai taruvAn *

 pArOr pugazhap paDindElOr empAvAy (1)


The First PAsuram is the introduction, where she invites all her companions for this PAvai NOnbu.

As it is the first full moon day of the month of “MARGAZHI”, Oh! The prosperous young girls always adorned with ornaments of the rich and wealthy AayarpAdi, those who are desirous of taking bath, please come along. HE who is the son of NandhagOpan, who holds a sharp headed spear, HE who is the young Lion-cub of YashOdA with very beautiful eyes. He who has a dark cloud like complexion, Lotus like reddish eyes, and face that shines bright both like the Sun and Moon, This Lord NArAyanan is the only saviour who will give us the (Parai) fruit of this PAvai nOnbu. ELOr EmpAvAi, please come and join this nOnbu and be praised by the people of the world.

SRIMAN NARAYANAN is the sole means of attaining His Feet. This is the underlying meaning of this PAsuram. HIS grace along can lead us to attain the fruit or the goal.



475.vaiyattu vAzhvIrgAL!, nAmum nam pAvaikkuch *

seyyum kirisaigaL kELIrO * pARkaDaluL

paiyat tuyinRa paraman aDi pADi *

neyyuNNOm pAluNNOm nAtkAlE nIrADi **

maiyittezhudOm, malarittu nAm muDiyOm *

seyyAdana seyyOm tIkkuRaLaich senROdOm *

aiyamum pichchaiyum Antanaiyum kai kAtti *

uyyumARu eNNi ugandElOr empAvAy (2)


In this second PAsuram Andal describes about what is (to be done) KARTHAVYAM and what is (to be discarded) THYAJYAM during the vratham.

Oh! People who reside in this world! Realising the path of eternity listen to our austerities that we are to follow during our PAvai NOnbu. Singing the praise of the Lotus Feet of the Lord who rests on the milky ocean silently (Yoganidhrai), we will refrain from consuming Ghee and Milk, we will bathe at the set of the day. We shall not apply collyrium to our eyes and neither do we adorn our hair with flowers. We shall not do any unwanted and unprescribed duties, nor will we speak painful untruths. We shall give liberally to the needy and live a contented life.

In short this PAsuram lists , the qualities required to attain the desired goal.



476.Ongi ulagaLanda, uttaman pEr pADi *

nAngaL nam pAvaikkuch sARRi neerADinAl *

tInginRi nADellAm tingaL mummAri peydu *

Ongu peRunj sennelooDu kayal ugaLap **

pUnguvaLaip pOdil, poRi vaNDu kaN paDuppat *

tEngAdE pukkirundu sIrtta mulai paRRi

vAngak * kuDam niRaikkum vaLLal perum pasukkaL *

nIngAda selvam niRaindElOr empAvAy (3)

ANDAL explains to her friends the fruits of the Shri vratam (pAvai nOmbu), if performed sincerely.

Dear friends, If we sing the name of "UTTAMAN", the Lord TRIVIKRAMA who grew tall to measure the universe with His feet and take a holy bath, the whole earth is sure to get three sufficient rains per month. Nourished well by the rains, paddy crops will grow tall and fishes (kayal) will swim happily between them. The beetles/bees will sleep peacefully inside the petals of the kuvaLai flowers after drinking honey from their pollen.  The healthy cows with their full udders will give so much milk that the pots overflow.  In this way there will be inexhaustible prosperity on Earth. (3)

The  pAsuram with high thoughts urges us to sing the names of the Supreme Lord with dedication which will bestow  undiminishing knowledge. (gyAnam -  neengAda selvam).

Commentary courtesy-



477.Azhi mazhaik kaNNA!, onRu nI kai karavEl *

AzhiyuL pukku mugandu koDu ArttERi *

Uzhi mudalvan uruvam pOl mey kaRuttup *

pAzhiyan tOLuDaip paRpanAban kaiyil **

Azhi pOl minni, valampuri pOl ninRadirndu *

tAzhAdE sArngam udaitta sara mazhai pOl *

vAzha ulaginil peydiDAy * nAngaLum

mArgazhi nIrADa magizhndElOr empAvAy (4)

ANDAL now explains about the wonderful water cycle which causes rains, to her friends as they joyfully get ready for a holy bath.

KannA!! The bestower of abundant rains capable of filling the deep oceans!! (Azhi mazhai kannA) will not hesitate to give us our bounties.  He penetrates into the deep ocean (heat from the sun), lifts the heated water upto the sky (evaporation), takes the form of dark clouds (condensation) like that of His primordial form.(oozhi mudalvan). He, PadmanAbha then causes lightening that shines like His chakra and thunder that resonates like His conch.  His shArngams (arrows) pierce and hit the rain ladden clouds and He showers rains for the prosperity of the Earth. (precipitation). Dear friends, In this abundance, let us enjoy our holy bath. (4)

ANDAL emphasises on thanking Lord PadmanAbha holding weapons and meditating on Him as the primordial cause of everything. (jagat kAranan).



mAyanai, mannu vaDamadurai maindanait *tUya peru nIr yamunait tuRaivanai *

Ayar kulattinil tOnRum aNiviLakkait *

tAyaik kuDal viLakkam seyda dAmOdaranait **

tUyOmAy vandu nAm, tUmalar tUvit tozhudu *

vAyinAl pADi manattinAl sindikkap *

pOya pizhaiyum pugutaruvAn ninRanavum *

teeyinil toosAgum seppElOr empAvAy (5)

AndAl continues to call her friends and tells them the kArmic  benefits of pAvai nonbu.

He is mAyan, the One who is beyond human comprehension.  He is the celebrated child of Mathura. He resides on the banks of the pure and blemishless Yamuna. He is the bejeweled  divine lamp of the AyarpAdi clan. He is DhAmOdharan,  who gave sanctity to His mother's womb.

If we, with our devotion,  worship Him with pure, fresh flowers (deed), sing His glory (speech), and constantly meditate upon Him (thought), all our sins --- those we already committed,  the ones we are committing and those we may continue to commit,  will all be burnt to ashes, by His benevolence. 

AndAl, in this pAsuram shows the benefit of single minded worship, that of deed, speech and thought  -- kAya, vAk, manas.

With these five pAsurams AndAl finishes the introduction for TiruppAvai.(5)

Commentary courtesy


puLLum silambina

puLLum silambina kAN, puLLaraiyan kOyilil

veLLai viLisangin pEraravam kEttilaiyO? *

piLLAy! ezhundirAy pEymulai nanjchuNDu *

kaLLach sagaDam kalakkazhiyak kAlOchchi **

veLLattaravil, tuyil amarnda vittinai *

uLLattuk koNDu munivargaLum yOgigaLum *

meLLa ezhundu ari enRa pEraravam *

uLLam pugundu kuLirndElOr empAvAy (6)

 AndAl awakens her friends to join her.

Oh Child! Do wake up! Can't you hear the loud blowing of the white conch, from the temple of the Lord, who rides on the king of birds, the valiant Garuda? Join us to enjoy the experience of the Lord, who drank the poisoned milk from the bosom of the evil PoothanA. He killed SatakAsuran with his tiny feet, when he came disguised as a cart. He is the Primordial One, who reclines  on the white Adiseshan. Even the hermits and Yogis who treasure Him in their hearts have woken up, loudly chanting the name of Hari.

AndAl urges her friends to be inspired by the Yogis and chant His name which will be a soothing balm for the heart. (6)


keesu keesu

480.keesu keesenRu engum, AnaichAttan * kalandu

pEsina pEchcharavam kEttilaiyO? pEyp peNNE! *

kAsum piRappum kalakalappak kai pErttu *

vAsa naRunguzhal Aychchiyar ** mattinAl

Osai paDuttat, tayir aravam kETTilaiyO *

nAyagap peN piLLAy! nArAyaNan mUrtti *

kEsavanaip pADavum nee kEttE kiDattiyO? *

tEsamuDaiyAy! tiRavElOr empAvAy (7)

ANDAL  goes to  wake  up the second friend who is immersed in  krishnA  anubhavam .

O Dear friend ! It's dawn. Can’t you hear the  Bharadwaja ( AnaichAthan) birds chirping among themselves ? Are you possessed by some spirit  ( pEy peNNE)!  that you are still in deep sleep ?  The gopis of AyarpAdi have started churning the curds. Can’t you hear the clanging of their bangles and  jewellery as they churn,  and also  the fragrance from their plaited hair ? O radiant girl !  We are loudly  praising the greatness of Lord nArAyanA and how HE took Krishna avatarA and  killed the demon* kEsi* !   You seem to hear us yet  pretend  to be  asleep ?  Please get up. WE wish to enjoy  HIS glories with  you,  as you are  our leader!

The pasuram suggests that singing the glories of Lord nArAyanA ,( The Creator ) removes the tamO guna and increases our intention to do  bhakti ( satva guna). (7)

Commentary courtesy



Keezh vAnam

keezh vAnam veLLenRu, erumai siRu veeDu *

mEyvAn parandana kAN mikkuLLa piLLaigaLum *

pOvAn pOginRAraip pOgAmal kAttu * unnaik

koovuvAn vandu ninROm ** kOdukalamuDaiya

pAvAy! ezhundirAy, pADip paRai koNDu *

mAvAy piLandAnai mallarai mATTiya *

dEvAdi dEvanaich senRu nAm sEvittAl *

AvA enRu ArAyndu aruLElOr empAvAy (8)

ANDAL  wakes up the third friend whose presence  is very important in the group as she is very close to Lord Krishna  and HE too adores her a lot . 

O inquisitive girl ! The eastern sky has lit up. The buffaloes are on their way to graze the early morning dewy grass* ( siruvIdu)* . We wish to take you along with us as you are the Lord’s favourite.   We have told  some girls to  wait for us. O enthusiast One ! Please get up ! With you in the frontline  , let us sing the glories of  * dEvAdidEvan* ( ONE who has no ego) , who killed the rakshasa kEsi and the mighty  wrestlers. Hearing our pleadings,  HE will surely shower HIS mercy and compassion on us and give our gift* (paRai)* too.  


The  highlight of  this  pasuram  is that , with bhAgavatAs in the forefront ,  if we sing  HIS glories with bhakti , we will be blessed with HIS unending  grace and eternal bliss. (8)


toomaNi mADattu

482.toomaNi mADattuch, suRRum viLakkeriyat *

doopam kamazhat tuyilaNai mEl kaN vaLarum *

mAmAn magaLE! maNik kadavam tAL tiRavAy *

mAmeer! avaLai ezhuppeerO?  unmagaL tAn

oomaiyO?, anRich seviDO? anantalO? *

Emap peruntuyil mandirap pattALO? *

mAmAyan mAdavan vaikuntan enRenRu *

nAmam palavum navinRElOr empAvAy (9)

The young girls now awaken another friend who is still sleeping as if content with her bhakti.

Oh Daughter of our Uncle sleeping nicely!!Open the latch of the gem-studded door.  Your gem studded hall is already filled with lit lamps and the fragrance of incense sticks. Dear Aunt ! Please wake her up. Is your daughter dumb, deaf, sick or has she been hypnotised into a long slumber?  We sing the names of "mA mAyan"- the great charmer, "mAdhavan"- the consort of mahALakshmi and "vaikuntan"- the Lord of SrivaikunTam hoping that she will get up on hearing our bhajans.

This pAsuram is a reminder to the already devoted people -  not to be satisfied with their devotion but to awaken and join the mArgazhi nombu. (9)



nORRuch suvarkkam

483.nORRuch suvarkkam, pugukinRa ammanAy *

mARRamum tArArO vAsal tiRavAdAr *

nARRat tuzhAy muDi nArAyaNan * nammAl

pORRap paRai tarum puNNiyanAl ** paNDoru nAL

kURRattin vAy veezhnda, kumbakaraNanum *

tORRum unakkE peruntuyil tAn tandAnO *

ARRa anantaluDaiyAy! arungalamE! *

tERRamAy vandu tiRavElOr empAvAy (10)

The girls now awaken a a friend who is sleeping as if she has alread entered swargam due to her previously completed vrata.

Oh dear Lady! Have you already entered swargam after succesfully performing your vrata? Why are you not even replying? Wake up! Lord Narayana wearing fragrant tulasi garlands on his head (nAtra tuzhAy muDi) will bless us if we sing His glory. Did the KumbakaraNa who once fell into the death trap laid by Lord Rama, gift you his deep sleep. Oh my dear gem (arungalamE). Don't get captivated by this sleep! Wake up! Come steadily and open the door dear!

Bhagavat anubhavam is not limited to one day. ANDAL urges even the accomplished bhagavatas to continue their penance to reach LORD NARAYANA.(10)





484.kaRRuk kaRavaik, kaNangaL pala kaRandu *

seRRAr tiRal azhiyach senRu seruch seyyum *

kuRRam onRillAda kOvalar tam poRkoDiyE! *

puRRaravalgul punamayilE pOdarAy! **

suRRattut tOzhimAr, ellArum vandu * nin

muRRam pugundu mugil vaNNan pEr pADa *

siRRAdE pEsAdE selvap peNDAtti! * nI

eRRukku uRangum poruLElOr empAvAy (11)

Andal goes to wake up an extraordinary beautiful girl (porkodi) of a distinguished and wealthy lineage in this pAsuram. 

Oh, the unblemished golden jewel of the cowherds, who have milked at a stretch many milch cows and are capable of vanquishing their enemies. Oh, beautiful girl who resembles a peacock (punamayile) and has a hip like a snake’s hood (putraravalgul),the one dearest to Krishna please get up and come. All your friends in the surrounding have gathered in your yard and are singing the praise of the dark black cloud like skinned Lord. Oh! rich girl! what is the use of you sleeping motionless and with no response?

The underlying idea of this song is that, having a rich wealth of knowledge blessed by an AchAryan, why do you sleep in fear? Sing Bhagavan nAmas and be engaged in the Ananda anubhavam.(11)




485.kanaittiLang kaRRerumai, kanRukku irangi *

ninaittu mulai vazhiyE ninRu pAl sOra *

nanaittillam sERAkkum naRselvan tangAy! *

panittalai vIzha nin vAsaR kaDai paRRich **

sinattinAl tennilangaik, kOmAnaich seRRa *

manattukkiniyAnaip pADavum nI vAy tiRavAy *

inittAn ezhundirAy Idenna pEruRakkam! *

anaittillattArum aRindElOr empAvAy (12)

In the previous song Andal wakes up the daughter of a wealthy man, whereas in this pAsuram she wakes up the sister of the rich cowherd man. 

The buffalos ,spout out milk profusely at the very thought of their young calf and make the place slushy mixed with sand and milk .Oh the sister of such a wealthy man,( Nar chelvan thangAi), we your friends are standing at your entrance unmindful of the heavy dew fall on our head. Please wake up and open your mouth to sing the glory of our Dear Lord Rama who angrily slain down the emperor of Lanka. Oh sweet girl, please get up from your long sleep. The people of other houses have known that you are still sleeping.

The inner truth is that, The Lord pours out His mercy at the very thought of His bakthas, without any discrimination.(12)



486.puLLin vAy kINDAnaip, pollA arakkanai *

kiLLik kaLaindAnaik keerttimai pADip pOyp *

piLLaigaL ellArum pAvaik kaLam pukkAr *

veLLi ezhundu viyAzham uRangiRRu **

puLLum silambina kAN, pOdarik kaNNinAy! *

kuLLak kuLirak kuDaindu neerADAdE *

paLLik kiDattiyO? pAvAy! nee nannALAl *

kaLLam tavirndu kalandElOr empAvAy (13)

ANDAL and her friends now wake up a girl who knows about the pAvai nOnbu but is trying to avoid their association.

Arise from bed and join me to sing the praises of Lord KrishNa who killed the demon-crane bakAsura and Lord rAma who defeated the wicked king rAvaNa in the battle. Sukran, Venus (veLLi) has risen and Guru, Jupiter (viyAzhan) has set down. In this beautiful conjunction, all the other girls have gone to bathe in Yamuna while you are still sleeping. Birds have started chirping Oh maiden! You possess the eyes that resemble a deer's look or a lotus on which bees suck nectar. Why do you still lie on bed, reluctant to take a dip in cool waters with bhagavan nAmas? As this is an auspicious day for nOnbu, shed your shamelessness, wake up and join us and perform the nOnbu smoothly.

This pAsuram insists that a prapanna should realise that all creation is for bhagavat anubhavam and should hence engage in bhagavat kainkaryam of the valorous Lord and he should be in that thirst for ever.(13)



487.ungaL puzhaikkaDait tOTTattu vAviyuL *

sengazhunIr vAy negizhndu Ambal vAy koombina kAN *

sengal poDikkUrai veNpal tavattavar *

tangaL tirukkOyil sangiDuvAn pOdandAr

engaLai munnam, ezhuppuvAn vAy pEsum *

nangAy! ezhundirAy! nANAdAy! nAvuDaiyAy! *

sangoDu chakkaram Endum taDakkaiyan *

pangayak kaNNAnaip pADElOr empAvAy (14)

The young girls now plead another friend who had earlier promised to lead the group but failed to do so.

Oh little girl! Wake up! The red lotuses in your backyard have already blossomed (sengkazhuneer vAy nigazhndu) and the lily has shut its petals (Ambal vAy koombinakAN). The saffron colour robed sanyAsis look bright with sparkling teeth after performing their nitya anuShTAnas early in the morning. Let us emulate this pure sattva guNa and participate in the morning prayers. Oh boastful and talkative girl! nangAy! (nAnAdAy nAvuDaiyAy). You have failed in your commitment to get up first and awaken us all. Never mind, get up and use your speech skills to sing along with us the glory of Lord KrishNa who holds his shankh and chakra in his big hands that do great deeds (taDa kaiyan), who pleases us with His lotus like eyes (pangaya kaNNanai- filled with kAruNyam). 

This pAsuram directs skillful people to follow the path of our seers in (pAratantriyam and sEshatvam) (i.e) Jeevan is not an independent entity (not a swatantran). He and all his skills are dependent on the Lord (pAratantriyam) and He is a small fraction of the para brahmaN. (shEshatvam).(14)




488.ellE! iLangiLiyE!, innam uRangudiyO! *

sillenRu azhaiyEnmin! nangaimIr! pOtarkinREn *

vallai un katturaigaL paNDE un vAy aRidum *

valleergaL neengaLE nAnE tAn AyiDuga **

ollai nI pOdAy, unakkenna vERuDaiyai

ellArum pOndArO? pOndAr pOndeNNikkoL *

vallAnai konRAnai mARRArai mARRazhikka

vallAnai * mAyanaip pADElOr empAvAy (15)

This pAsuram is in the form of a dialogue between ANDAL and the gOpi who is still sleeping. ANDAL doesn't want to leave behind any of her friends, while preparing for the pAvai nOnbu. She stands outside the gopi 's house and wakes her up.

 ANDAL...." Oh! The much talented dame, resembling a young parrot! Are you still asleep?"

The girl, still drowsy, replies..." Don't call out with your high pitched voices! I will come! Wait!"

ANDAL..." Oh yes! We know that you are smart with a sharp tongue!"

The girl..." It's not me with a sharp tongue. Rather, it's you who are smart. Nevertheless, let it be so. May I be called smart! Now, tell me what are you calling me for?"

ANDAL..." Wake up and join us to perform the vratam."

The girl..." Have all of you come?"

ANDAL..." You can come out and count if you want."

The girl..."Where do you want me to go with you?"

ANDAL..." Come, so we can go and sing the praise of the one who killed the elephant, KuvalayApeeDam and the one who is capable of winning over enemies and making them His devotees."

 This pAsuram defines the Sri Vaishnava lakshaNam of not disrespecting bhAghavatas and taking the blame on ourselves for the known or unknown mistakes. This diffuses any situation and evens out issues. (15)

Commentary courtesy



489.nAyaganAy ninRa, nandagOpanuDaiya

kOyil kAppAnE! * koDit tOnRum tOraNa

vAyil kAppAnE! * maNik kadavam tAL tiRavAy *

Ayar siRumiyarOmukku ** aRai paRai

mAyan maNivaNNan, nennalE vAy nErndAn *

tooyOmAy vandOm tuyilezhap pADuvAn *

vAyAl munnamunnam mARRAdE ammA! * nI

nEya nilaik kadavam neekkElOr empAvAy (16)

ANDAL, having assembled all her friends, now proceeds to wake up the inmates of Nandagopan's residence.

On reaching Nandagopan's residence, ANDAL requests the sentries, guarding the main entrance, to open the door studded with gems and decorated with flags and festoons. She says that she has come to get the parai-drum, which the blue hued mAyan, KrishNa had promised to give them, to help them complete their vratam. Krishna has given them His word and he had better not go back on His word. The AyarpAdi girls have all come with pure heart, filled with devotion, to sing in His praise and wake Nandagopan.

 In the Srivaishnava practice one seeks the help of dwArapAlaka, Acharyas and pirATTi, to reach PerumAL. Here, ANDAL, seeks out to Nandagopan, YashOda, BalarAman and ultimately, KrishNa.(16)



490.ambaramE taNNeerE, sORE aRanjcheyyum *

emperumAn! nandagOpAlA! ezhundirAy *

kombanArkku ellAm kozhundE! kulaviLakkE! *

emperumAtti yasOdAy! aRivuRAy **

ambaram ooDaRuttu, Ongi ulagaLanda *

umbar kOmAnE uRangAdu ezhundirAy *

sempoR kazhalaDich selvA! baladEvA! *

umbiyum neeyum uRangElOr empAvAy (17)

ANDAL and her friends stand at the chambers of the elders of kaNNan's family, to seek their permission before approaching Him.

O King NandagopA! You who are known for your charity in giving away food, water and clothing! Kindly get up!! Oh queen yashOdA! the compassionate leader of all women folk! The auspicious lamp of Gokulam (kula viLakkE), Our goddess (Em perumATTi), please rise up! O Lord of Lords, who measured all the worlds with your lotus feet and blessed every being, do not sleep anymore!! Yet kaNNan does not stir.  O prosperous and powerful balarAmA (baladEvA)!, whose feet are adorned with reddish golden anklets (sem poR kazhalaDi), please wake up and awaken your younger brother (umbiyum) too.

This pAsuram conveys the message that those who worship the Lord and wish to attain Him, should contemplate upon His preceptors and seek their approval first. (17)



491.undu madakaLiRRan, ODAda tOL valiyan *

nandagOpAlan marumagaLE! nappinnAy! *

gandam kamazhum kuzhalI! kaDai tiRavAy *

vandengum kOzhi azhaittana kAN ** mAdavip

pandal mEl, palkAl kuyilinangaL kUvina kAN *

pandAr virali! un maittunan pEr pADach *

sentAmaraik kaiyAl sIrAr vaLai olippa *

vandu tiRavAy magizhndElOr empAvAy (18)

ANDAL and her friends now wait outside the chamber of Lord krishNa and His beloved consort Nappinnai. They try to wake up Nappinai .

Oh daughter in law of nandagOpa! (nandagOpAlan marumagaLE), he who is unmatched like an elephant in strength (undu madagalitran) with valiant shoulders, who will never leave a battle without victory (OdAda tOLvaliyan) and YOU dear Nappinnai ! One with fragrant hair tresses. Look! The cocks are crowing and cuckoos are sitting on the kurukkatti flowers ( madhavi pandal mEl), singing melodiously.  Oh young lady! We wish to sing about your Lord (un maitunan). Oh delightful lady holding the play ball of flowers (pandAr viRali) in your lotus like soft hands, please come and open the door with joy, as we enjoy the pleasant sound created by the clanging of your shining bangles.

The highlight of this pAsuram is that we need the favour of KrishNa's consort, Nappinnai who is the incarnation of NeelA Devi, the consort of the Lord, to reach  the supreme Lord nArAyanA.(18)




492.kuttu viLakkeriyak, kOTTuk kAl kaTTil mEl *

mettenRa pancha sayanattin mEl ERi *

kottalar pUnguzhal nappinai kongai mEl *

vaittuk kiDanda malar mArbA! vAy tiRavAy **

maittaDang kaNNinAy!, nI un maNALanai *

ettanai pOdum tuyilezha ottAy kAN *

ettanaiyElum pirivARRakillAyAl *

tattuvam anRu tagavElOr empAvAy (19)

ANDAL and the gopis further glance into the divine chamber of the lord and request Nappinai to awaken kaNNan.

 OH Lord, sleeping luxuriously in a room decorated with tall and beautiful lamps, with an attractive bed which is gorgeous, pleasant, soft, fragrant and bright, supported by legs made of ivory from the tusks of the elephant. (kuvalayApeeTam) ! Oh the one with broad shoulders! ( malar mArbA), You are enjoying yourself resting your forehead on the chest of Nappinnai who has bedecked her tresses with strands of  jasmine flowers and its fragrance has spread all around the room.  We plead you to arise and speak to us ! (Nappinnai stops KaNNan from getting up). Oh Nappinnai pirATTii!  You have captivated Kannan with your beautiful black eyes! You cannot bear separation from your husband (un maNAlanai) even for a moment. This behavior does not fit into your nature filled with mercy. We came with a hope that you will bring us closer to kaNNan. You please come out along with the Lord. We are not able to bear the separation from Him (pirivARRugillAyAl). Yet the divine couple pretend to be sleeping.

 This pAsuram reveals that a true devotee of PerumAl will always choose tAyAr (goddess MahAlakshmi) as the intermediary for reaching Him.(19)



493.muppattu mUvar, amararkku mun senRu *

kappam tavirkkum kaliyE! tuyilezhAy *

seppam uDaiyAy! tiRal uDaiyAy! * seRRArkku

veppam koDukkum vimalA tuyilezhAy **

seppenna menmulaich, sevvAych siRu marungul *

nappinnai nangAy! tiruvE! tuyilezhAy *

ukkamum tattoLiyum tandu un maNALanai *

ippOdE emmai neerAttElOr empAvAy (20)

ANDAL and her friends praise the Lord to shower His divine glances on them.

O heroic One (KaliyE)! You have always hastened to protect the 33 devas (muppattu mUvar ) whenever they were in  trouble, thus removing their anxiety.  Please wake up. Oh!  The protector of devotees! (cheppam uDayAy), Won't You protect us? You defeat your enemies with vigour, The Omnipotent (tiRaL udayAy)!  We seek only your glances of grace. They turn to Nappinai pirATTi.  Oh nappinnai! One with a beautiful stature, rosy lips and slender waist! You are Goddess Sreedevi! Kindly wake up your beloved one (un maNAlanai).  Relieve us from the pangs of separation. Now, we wish to collect the hand fans (ukkamum -Happiness) and mirrors (taTTOLiyum - Knowledge) from kaNNan as gifts for the nOnbu. May He bathe us in His ocean of mercy . At last Nappinai gets up.

This pAsuram hints that when we do sharanAgati at the lotus feet of the leaders of the universe tAyAr and perumAL, we occupy a special seat in their hearts and we will be blessed with knowledge and bliss.(20)



494.ERRa kalangaL, edir pongi mIdaLippa *

mARRAdE pAl soriyum vaLLal perum pasukkaL *

ARRap paDaittAn maganE! aRivuRAy *

URRam uDaiyAy! periyAy! ** ulaginil

tORRamAy ninRa, suDarE! tuyilezhAy *

mARRAr unakku valitolaindu un vAsaR kaN *

ARRAdu vandu un aDi paNiyumA pOlE *

pORRi yAm vandOm pugazhndElOr empAvAy (21)

In this pAsuram, Nappinnai herself takes the side of the Gopis (ANDAL and her friends) and wakes the Lord on their behalf.

The milk vessels get filled and overflow with the milk given by in-numerous, generous and big cows of NandagOpa. Oh Lord, You are the son of that NandagOpa . Oh Lord who is always interested in protecting your bhAktas! You show the five states, such as PARAMAPADAM (ooRRamuDaiyAi), VYOOHAM (periyAy), VIBHAVAM (ulaginil) ARCHAVATARAM (tORRamAi nindra), ANTARYAMI (suDarE). Kindly please wake up from your sleep. Just as your enemies come and stand at your door step helplessly defeated, so have we come to You singing Your praise.

The hidden idea of the song is that of describing “A good sadAchArya lakshaNam”. As the cow discharges milk at the sight of the vessel, a well learned AchAryan will dispense his knowledge at the very sight of a sad-sishya



495.angaN mA nyAlattu arasar * abhimAna

pangamAy vandu nin paLLik kattiR kIzhE *

sangam iruppAr pOl vandu talaippeydOm *

kingiNi vAych seyda tAmaraip pUp pOlE

sengaN chiRuch chiRidE, em mEl vizhiyAvO *

tingaLum Adittiyanum ezhundAR pOl *

angaN iraNDum koNDu engaL mEl nOkkudiyEl *

engaL mEl chAbam izhindElOr empAvAy (22)

ANDAL and her friends appeal to the Lord to gently open His eyes and bless them. In this vast beautiful Earth, the Kings shedding their ego and self-esteem come and gather around your throne (cot). In the same way, even we have gathered around you with utmost servitude. Oh Lord!, with your exquisite eyes, like a half opened Kingkini, resembling a lotus flower, won’t you cast your look gently on us? That glance with both Your beautiful eyes like the rising sun and the moon will free us from the curse of sins.

This pAsuram indirectly denotes that sharanAgati is the only means to attain Him and He is the only means for attaining sharanAgati. (22)



mAri malai muzhainjil, mannik kiDanduRangum *

sIreeya singam aRivuRRut tI vizhittu *

vEri mayir ponga eppADum pErndudaRi *

mUri nimirndu muzhangip puRappattup **

pOdarumA pOlE, nee pUvaip pU vaNNA * un

kOyil ninRu inganE pOndaruLi * kOppuDaiya

seeriya singAsanattirundu * yAm vanda

kAriyam ArAyndu aruLElOr empAvAy 

In continuation of the previous pAsuram, ANDAL requests Lord Krishna to rise from His serpent seat at Sri vAikunTham and bless all His devotees. Narasimha avatAram is portrayed symbolically. During rainy season, the lion lies calm, sleeping with its lioness in the mountain caves. The moment it smells an enemy, it emerges fiercely from its den with its sparkling fiery eyes and raising its mane in all directions with a thunderous roar. Oh dark kAyA flower hued KRISHNA! We pray that you come out of your decorated glorious chamber and adorn the royal throne gracefully and enquire of us and investigate the purpose of our visit and shower your blessings just like the lion. (Narasimha)

This song establishes the absolute power and divya anugraham of Lord Narasimha to grant us all our boons and lead us to the divine path of Bhagavat Kainkaryam. (23)



497.anRu iv vulagam aLandAy!, aDi pORRi *

senRangut tennilangai seRRAy! tiRal pORRi *

ponRach sagaDam udaittAy! pugazh pORRi *

kanRu kuNilA eRindAy! kazhal pORRi **

kunRu kuDaiyAy eDuttAy!, guNam pORRi *

venRu pagai keDukkum nin kaiyil vEl pORRi *

enRenRu un sEvagamE Ettip paRai koLvAn *

inRu yAm vandOm irangElOr empAvAy (24)

On seeing Lord seated on the royal throne. ANDAL assumes the role of a mother and whole heartedly prays for the well-being of her favourite Krishna. She sings MangalAshAsanam (PallANDu) like her father PeriyAzhwAr and expresses it six times. Her concern was that PerumAL after taking several avatAas in various yugas has walked through to fulfill our wishes. She fears that His glorious lotus feet (tiruvaDi) would have pained him after many avatAras.

1. PallANDu to Lord trivikrama. She praises his feet that measured the entire universe. aDi pORRi

2. PallANDu to Lord kOdaNDarAma who vanquished the LankA king rAvaNa and rescued SeetA - tiRaL pORRi

3.PallANDu to little KaNNan who shattered the bedeviled cart from its cradle - pugazh pORRi

4. PallANDu to the feet of Lord KrishNa who cleverly threw the demon-calf onto the wood apple tree and killed vatsAsura - kazhal pORRi

5. PallANDu to the divine compassion that held mount Govardana as an umbrella and protected the people of BrindAvan - guNam pORRi

6. PallANDu to the spear that clears all evil and saves all - vEl pORRri

The sausheelya guNa (simple kindness) of the Lord through out His avatAras is brought out clearly in this pAsuram by ANDAL as she sings pallANDu for those guNas. As a beneficiary of His guNas, we shed our ahankAra and mamakAra, we are guided to balance our sattva, rajO and tamO guNas, we slowly learn to detach, shed our samsAra rasa and indulge in bhakti. (24)



498.orutti maganAyp piRandu * Or iravil

orutti maganAy oLittu vaLarat *

tarikkilAnAgit tAn tIngu ninainda *

karuttaip pizhaippittuk kanjchan vayiRRil **

neruppenna ninRa neDumAlE! * unnai

aruttittu vandOm paRai tarudiyAgil *

tiruttakka selvamum sEvagamum yAm pADi *

varuttamum teerndu magizhndElOr empAvAy (25)

ANDAL and the other gOpi girls now sing in praise of KrishNa and seek His anubhavam.

Oh Krishna! The one who is omniscient! You were born to that singular divine mother, Devaki, and grew up in the secluded protection of the other singular mother, YashOdA, in order to stay safe from the asura king Kamsa (kanjan), who was planning terrible ways (karuttai pizhaipitta) to harm You. Oh, the greatest one! The fear you created in Kamsa is burning like a furnace in his stomach (neruppenna ninRa neDumAlE).  We have come to You ( arutittu vandOm), pleading for mOksha (parai) that leads to the eternal wealth ( tiru takka selvam) and permanent servitude (sEvakam), so that we can get rid of the worries of samsAra.

ANDAL explains how only He can show us the path, give us the necessary equipment to reach Him and finally give Himself! He is the means and fruit of our birth and our ultimate goal is bhaghavat kainkaryam. (25)




499.mAlE! maNivaNNA!, mArgazhi nIrADuvAn *

mElaiyAr seyvanagaL vENDuvana kEttiyEl *

nyAlattai ellAm naDunga muralvana *

pAlanna vaNNattu un pAnjchasanniyamE **

pOlvana sangangaL, pOyppADuDaiyanavE *

sAlap perum paRaiyE pallANDu isaippArE *

kOla viLakkE koDiyE vidAnamE *

Alin ilaiyAy! aruLElOr empAvAy (26)

ANDAL reminds the Lord of their efforts on one side at the same time enjoying His beautiful form on the other side.

Oh Krishna ! The blue hued gem, who makes us lose our senses! The One who lies on the Banyan leaf during the deluge! We are here, having performed the vrata as prescribed by the elders (mElai ATchevanagaL), and after having had our bath, to ask You for favors. We want You to give us Your pure white conch, the pAnchajanyam, which creates thundering sound, that rattles the universe, the large drums, the tall, lovely, decorated lamps( KOla viLakku), the flags,( koDi ) festoons and canopy (vidhAnam), as we come singing in praise of You.

In this pAsuram, ANDAL lays emphasis on the need to follow the tradition as set by learned elders and the importance of shiShTAchAras and our AchAryas in prapatti. (26)




500.kooDArai vellum seerk, gOvindA! * undannaip

pADip paRai koNDu yAm peRu sammAnam *

nADu pugazhum parisinAl nanRAgach *

sooDagamE tOL vaLaiyE tODE sevip pUvE **

pADagamE enRanaiya, palkalanum yAm aNivOm *

ADai uDuppOm adan pinnE pAR sORu *

mUDa ney peydu muzhangai vazhi vArak *

kooDi irundu kuLirndElOr empAvAy (27)

ANDAL and her friends rejoice on meeting KaNNan. They demand the gifts He had promised.

O Lord gOvindA! Having the kalyAna gunAs of winning over your opponents! By singing your glories, now that we have won You, we deserve our gifts praised by the whole world. (ANDAL lists out the gifts). By singing Your glories, we have received the drum, (qualification to go near the Lord due to His kaTAksham). Now we ask for our gifts like bracelets (sooDakamE), shoulder chains (tOlvaLayE) , earrings (tODE), ornament on upper part of the ear or mAttal ( sevippUvE) and anklets (pADagamE) , and many more. Provide us with beautiful clothes (ADai uDuppOm) to adorn ourselves, In your divine company with Your grace on us, we will have ksheerAnnam (pAr sOru), laden with sumptuous ghee (mooDanai peydu) dripping down upto the elbow. Lastly, we will jointly enjoy seeing You in the vicinity showering Your kaTAksham upon us. In the second pAsuram, vayyattu vAzhveergAl, ANDAL showed us the path of vairAgya for the vrata, by advising a prapanna to refrain from wearing collyrium , garlands, consuming ghee and milk. But, in this pasuram, she considers the same things as bhagavat prasAdam, a well-deserved gift for a vrata strictly observed. The gifts are nearness to the Lord (sAmeepyam),residing in the same place (sAlOkyam), experiencing His roopA with jewellery and clothes worn by Him (sAroopyam) and ultimately eternal bliss (sAyujyam).

‘’ koodi irundu kulirnRndu’’--The pAsuram emphasises that guided by bhAgavatAs (sadAcharyAs), a prapanna enjoys the proximity of the Lord along with other muktAs just like the nityasooris.(27)




501.kaRavaigaL pin senRu, kAnam sErnduNbOm *

aRivonRum illAda Aykkulattu * undannaip

piRavi peRundanaip puNNiyam yAm uDaiyOm *

kuRai onRum illAda gOvindA! ** undannODu

uRavEl namakku, ingu ozhikka ozhiyAdu *

aRiyAda piLLaigaLOm anbinAl * undannaich

siRu pEr azhaittanavum sIRi aruLAdE *

iRaivA! nee tArAy paRai ElOr empAvAy (28)

ANDAL and her friends totally surrender themselves to kaNNan or perform sharanAgati.

Dear krishNa ! We are innocent cowherds who seek livelihood by tending cattle and as they graze, we go behind them, have food in the woods ( kANam serndu unbOm). Our entire clan is naive, unintelligent, lacking general knowledge (aRivOndRum illAda), We do not have the qualities needed to pursue bhakti. Yet, You, Oh flawless gOvindA ! You chose to incarnate in the yAdavakulam.  Our commendable association (undannOndu uravEl) with You cannot be renounced at any time ( Ozhikka OzhiyAdu). We called You by petty names ( siru pEr ), yet You endeared Yourself to us unassumingly. Do not get angry (seeri aRulAdE). Oh merciful Lord ! This behaviour towards You was due to our unbounded love for You alone ( anbinAl undannai). Please forgive us with Your abundant grace. Our master (iraivA)! We wish to live a life that will please You. Bless us by giving us the paRai ( katAksham) .

In the first pasuram, ANDAL says that Shreeman nArAyanAn is the only means and he is the only one supreme who can give us the our gifts. (’nArAyananE namakkE paRai taruvAn). In this pasuram, ANDAL states that they do not desire for perishable pleasures, they want nitya kainkarya purushArtham as the Lord is the master( sEshi) and the prapanna is sub-servient ( sEshan).

This pAsuram elaborates the path of sharanAgati to attain mOksham. Totally surrender to Him, by worshiping with utmost devotion, by asking forgiveness, expressing gratitude and humbly renouncing the fruits obtained. (28)

Commentary courtesy




502.chiRRam chiRu kAlE, vandunnaich sEvittu * un

poRRAmarai aDiyE pORRum poruL kELAy *

peRRam mEyttuNNum kulattil piRandu* nee

kuRREval engaLaik koLLAmal pOgAdu **

iRRaip paRai koLvAn, anRu kAN gOvindA! *

eRRaikkum Ezh Ezh piRavikkum * undannODu

uRROmE AvOm unakkE nAm AtseyvOm *

maRRai nam kAmangaL mARRElOr empAvAy (29)

ANDAL explains the essence of sharanAgati. She invokes Lord GovindA for the third time in a row (first two in 27, 28). She narrates her story of nOnbu in short phrases as to how she and her friends possessed the basic two pre-requisites for surrender namely *Akinchanyam - utter helplessness* and *ananya-gatitvam - no other refuge*.

chiRRam chiru kAlE - ANDAL further points to the 5 limbs (angas) of prapatti. She explains to Lord Govinda: We did what should have been done i.e. we woke up in the early sAttvic hours of brahma muhoorta and worshipped your lotus feet singing your divine names sincerely (1. Anukoolya sankalpam) and we refrained from that which should not be done. ie. we refrained from hurting people and doing things not approved by the Lord. (2. prAtikoolya varjanam).

peRRam meyttu - We are only ignorant cowherds ((3. kArpaNyam). But we were blessed that you were born in our cowherd clan to protect us. So now don't turn us down, please show your compassion on us. 

uRROmE AvOm unakkE nAm...eRRaikkum EzhEzh piravikkum undannODu.* - Oh Govinda! We known only you. We promise that we will surrender only to You and be Yours not only in this janma but for many janmas to come in, all your incarnations. (4. mahAvishvAsam).

iRRai paRai koLvAn.....maTrai nam kAmangaL mAtrElOr empAvAi* -  Oh gOvinda! Please plaintively seek only You as our protector. Hence please guide us so that we do not divert away from You. (5. gOptRutva varaNam)

The real meaning of the word "paRai" is finally revealed in the phrase -  "eRRaikkum ezh ezh piRavikkum undannODu"  which means "ananta kainkaryam".  Eternal service of the Lord without separation is the ultimate bliss for a jeevAtma/chEtana. (29)




503.vangak kaDal kaDainda, mAdavanaik kEsavanait *

tingaL tirumugattuch sEyizhaiyAr senRiRainjchi *

angu appaRai koNDavARRai * aNi puduvaip

paingamalat taN teriyal battar pirAn kOdai sonna **

sangat tamizh mAlai, muppadum tappAmE *

ingu ipparisuraippAr eeriraNDu mAl varait tOL *

sengaN tirumugattuch selvat tirumAlAl *

engum tiruvaruL peRRu inbuRuvar empAvAy (30)


Having found the path to bliss, ANDAL prays to the Lord to shower His divine grace on all .

As it is Shree, the consort of the Lord who recommends us to Him (purushakAram), ANDAL addresses the Lord as MADHAVA (the husband of Shree). Oh Lord MADHAVA, KESHAVA! The one who helped churn the vast ocean, the one with strong shoulders who takes the responsibility of protecting us! The one with a beautiful face with red eyes full of compassion! Just as you gave this kOdai, the daughter of BhaTTar PirAn wearing a garland of lotuses and all the bright gOpis the rewards of nOnbu, in the same way, please bestow your everlasting grace on all those who recite all the 30 tiruppAvai pAsurams without fail.

It is the magnanimity of the elevated souls to ask for the emancipation of jeevAtmas suffering in the world. So did ANDAL rise to do "purushakAram" so that we all enjoy the bliss that she experienced.

The last two pAsurams are the first two shlokas that are recited under the "SARRumurai - the concluding part of nitya bhagavat ArAdhanam". They are then followed by PeriyAzhvAr's tiru pallAnDu. (30)


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