The 12 AzhvArs

Now let us get some details of the Azhwars.

Poigai Azhwar , Boothath Azhwar and Pey Azhwar are the first three Azhwars referred to as Mudhal Azhwars

They were contemporaries who were born in the same Tamil month of Aippasi on successive Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, in the constellations of Tiruvonam, Avittam and Sadhayam.


1) Poigai Azhwar , an incarnation of Panchajanyam, the divine conch of Lord Vishnu appeared on the lotus bud in a pond in Tiruvekka near Kanchipuram.

2) Boothath Azhwar, an incarnation of Kaumodhaki (the Gada) the divine mace of Lord Vishnu appeared in a Kurukkatti flower in Mahabalipuram.

3) Pey Azhwar , an incarnation of Nandaki, the divine sword of Lord Vishnu appeared in a red lily in the well of the temple of Adhikesava Perumal at Mylapore, Madras.

4) Thirumazhisai azhwar an incarnation of SUDARSHANA , the Divine Disc of Lord Vishnu was born during the same period of Mudhal azhwar (7thcentury). His star is  Makham and born in the Tamil month THAI. He was born to Bargava muni and Kanakangi in an unusual way with out arms and legs. The parents left it at the foot of a bush of cane shrubs. Later Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi appeared and blessed the child , which then became a fully developed lovely baby. A childless tribal couple called Thiruvaalan and Pankaya Chelvi engaged in cane cutting found the child and took him home. He was a staunch Siva devotee who was later initiated into Vaishnavism by Peyazhwar.

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

5) The Fifth Azhwar is NAMMAZHWAR, an incarnation of VISHWAKSENAR ( commander of Sri Vishnu’s army). He was born in the  “Vellalar tribe” on the 43rd day of Kaliyuga on Friday under the star VISAKA in the Tamil month of Vaikasi. He was born in THIRUKURUGOOR ( near Tirunelveli) to Kariyar and Udayanangai.

This child was extra ordinary . For several days he never opened his eyes, nor spoke, nor ate anything but did grow like other kids. So the parent put him in an emerald cradle under a Tamarind tree in Lord Adhinatha temple and did penance. One day when they dozed and fell into a short nap, this little child crawled towards the bottom of the tree and sat down and went into a state of meditation for 16 years.

Later Madhura Kavi who was born before Nammazhwar was attracted towards a bright light when he had gone for a pilgrimage to North India. Guided by the bright light, he reached the Kurugoor puliamaram of Adhinath temple. He was excited and impressed to see the Divine Azhwar there. From then on Madhura Kavi Azhwar compiled all the works of Nammazhwar staying with him.

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

6) The next in line is the MATHURAKAVI AZHWAR, an incarnation of “GARUDA” (the sacred eagle vehicle of VISHNU). He was born before Nammazhwar in a Brahmin family in the Tamil month of CHITTIRAI and in Chitra star at a place called THIRUKKOLUR near AzhwarThirunagar. He is also believed to be the divine form of Kumudha Ganesa, ( disciple of Vishwaksena). During his pilgrimage to Ayodhya, he was dragged by the Southern Bright light that appeared in the sky and found himself at the feet of the great Azhwar.

After Nammazhwar departed from this earthly world, he was blessed with a golden Vigraham of Nammazhwar, for which he performed daily Pooja . On one occasion when Madhurakavi was saddened by the protest of “Sangam Poets” not to give recognition to Nammazhwar’s works,.. he placed the pasuram “KANNAN KAZHALINAI”as per Nammazhwar’s instruction on the Sangap Palagai amidst the works of the other poets. It is said that it capsized all the other works while retaining only the leaf containing “KANNAN KAZHALINAI”.

He is the only Azhwar who sang 11 songs in praise of his Acharya and proved Acharya Bakthi can give moksha.

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

7) KULASEKARA AZHWAR , the next azhwar was an incarnation of the divine form of SRI KOUSTHUBHA. He was born in the beginning of “Kaliyuga “ in Punarvasu star, in the Tamil month of MASI at THIRUVANJIKKALAM, Kerala in the royal dynasty . Though he was a king of great valour, his interest was towards Puranas and ithihasas. Azhwar was especially fascinated by Srimad Ramayana. He would immerse himself in Ramayana so much that he would forget everything else. Once when he heard the scholar explain the distress of SITA’S separation from RAMA and the war taking place between RAMA and RAVANA, Kulasekara got his army ready to go and fight on behalf of Rama. The king lead the army through the forest, lakes and sea. The depth of the sea receded to the knee level to allow the Alwar pass through on his horse. Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana appeared and told him that Sita has been rescued and that he can go to his kingdom. Such was his devotion. He showed eagerness to serve bhagavathas too.

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

8PERIYAZHWAR an incarnation of GARUDA(the sacred vehicle of sri Vishnu) was born 47 years after the onset of Kali yugam in the Tamil month of ANI with SWATHI as his star. He was born to “MUKUNDA BHATTAR” and  “PADMAVALLI” in VILLIPUTTUR. He was also called VISHNUCHITTAR.
He choose the kainkaryam of plucking flowers and making it into a garland and offered to the lord.

Vallabhadevan a great Vishnubhakta was the ruler of Madurai during Periyazhwar’s time He wanted to know the inner meaning of vedas and supreme truth.His minister suggested that he could invite Vedic scholars from various places and the king could ask questions and receive clarifications and also reward those who came out with the most satisfactory replies.
One night the lord appeared in Periyazhwar’s dream and asked him to make a presentation to the king. Periyazhwar said O lord! i do not know anything ,i have used my hands for cultivating the flower garden ,not studying the vedas.The lord told him not to worry and that he would assist him totally during the presentation.So when the appointed day came periyazhwar left for Madurai.Well known vedic scholar’s and pundit’s came to Madurai,.A bag of gold coins was hung on the top of the king’s durbar and it was announced that the bag of gold coins would fall before the presenter whose presentation represented the truth. .
Periyazhwar came,and stood before the king closed his eyes and began his presentation.The lord came and sat on his tongue,and out flowed a glorious presentation-the statement of the supreme truth.He concluded by saying that Sriman Narayana was the supreme Being.The bag of gold coins fell before periyazhwar.
There was joy all around. Sri Periyazwar was taken along the streets of Madurai on an Elephant as a special honour.As he was going along the lord appeared in the sky on the garuda vahanam with mahalakshmi to bless periyazwar. Fearing for the safety of the lord and that no one’s evil eyes should fall on the Lord, Sri Periyazwar composed the 12 songs  calledTHIRUPALLANDU.
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam. 

9) ANDAL the only female Azhwar regarded as an incarnation of BHU-DEVI was found by Vishnuchittah in his flower garden under a Tulasi Plant. She was born in SRIVILLIPUTHUR in the Tamil month of ADI under the constellation Pooram and was named “KODHAI “.

Vishnuchittar had the responsibility of delivering flower garlands to the presiding Deity of SRIVILLIPUTHUR Vadabadrasayee. KODHAI made these garlands and eventually started adorning them on her and after admiring it used to send it to the Lord. One day she was caught red-handed by her father. He became extremely upset and told her not to repeat it again. The very same night it is believed that Lord Vishnu appeared to Vishnuchittah I his dreams and asked, why he discarded Kodhai’s garland instead of offering it to HIM. Vishnuchittah was moved and understood the Divine love of his daughter. From then on she obtained the name “ANDAL”(the girl who ruled over the Lord). She is also known by a phrase “SOODI KODUTHA SUDARKODI.”
As she grew to a marriageable age, she expressed her firm decision to marry only Lord Ranganathar. The Lord too informed Vishnuchittah in his dream ,that HE will get married to Andal at SRIRANGAM. The lord then called for her. periyAzhwar took her to Srirangam and AnDAl disappeared into him. Such was the intense love of AnDAl for Lord VishNu.
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

10The tenth in line of Azhwars , THONDARADIPODI AZHWAR an incarnation of Sri Vaijayanthi Vanamala (garland) was born to “Veda Visaradhar” in the Tamil month of “Margazhi “ in “Kettai “ Nakshatram (star) at a place called “Mandangudi”. 

Since childhood, besides Vedas and Sastras he was also educated for worshipping Lord Vishnu. Engrossed in this endeavour, he left his home town and reached SriRangam. There , near the temple he created a beautiful garden (Nandhavanam) and made garlands  to offer it to SRI RANGANATHA.
One day a beautiful woman named DEVADEVI saw the garden along with vipranarayana and decided to make both her possessions, but Vipranarayana did not even look at her.
In the disguise of an ascetic , she entered his house as well as his heart and got trapped in the Maya. 
Seeing the condition of his devotee, the Lord himself came as a servant and helped him to get out of the trap. Thus impressing His devotee The Lord blessed him to get immersed in the devotion towards him . From then on, he not only served he Lord, but even his devotees and their PADHADHOOLI ( the dust from the legs). Thus he came to be known as BHAKTHANGRIRENU in Sanskrit and THONDARADIPODI in Tamil.
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

11) In the Tamil month of Karthigai  ROHINI, our THIRUPPANAZHWAR, an incarnation of SRIVATSAM mark ( the mole on LORD’S chest, where Sri Mahalakshmi resides) appeared and was picked up and brought up by a child less couple from the Panar community ( untouchable Harijans ) in URAIYOOR near SRIRANGAM . “Panars” were known for their sweet voice and singing Lord’s praise. Being of low birth, this azhwar was not allowed to enter the “Thiruvarangam” temple. One day as the head priest was returning to the temple with a vessel filled with Kaveri water , our azhwar was blocking the way in a state of trans. Not realizing, the “Azhwar “ , the head priest threw a stone, at the azhwar which stuck his forehead. Immediately the azhwar came back to realisation and ran away feeling remorseful. The priest then proceeded to the temple and saw blood oozing out of Lord’s forehead. That same night Lord appeared in his dream and asked him to carry the Azhwar on his shoulder and bring him to the temple. 

Realizing the greatness of Azhwar, the priest did so. Seeing the Lord for the first time, Azhwar started singing , describing each part of the divine body.
Azhw Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

12) THIRUMANGAI AZHWAR , the last of the 12 azhwar an incarnation of  one of the weapons of The Lord “SARNGAM” ( bow and arrow) was born in a place called THIRUKURAYALUR in the Tamil month of KARTHIGAI under the star KRITHIKAI. His real name was “KALIYAN”. He is born in the “KALLAR” clan.

He was named “Neelan” by his parents as he was blue at the time of his birth. He was also known by many names depending on the roles he played.  He was known as “Parakalan” as he defeated the Chola King; Thirumangai as he was made a chieftain of a small place called Thirumangai.  Nalukavi as he composed four different types of hymns.  The four names are Asukavi, Madurakavi, Chitrakavi and Vistarakavi.

According to the traditional account, he fell in love with Kumudavalli, a Vaishnava doctor's adopted daughter at a place Thiruvellakkulam (also known as Annan Kovil). She gave a set of conditions that he must become a Vaishnative and that he must feed a thousand for over a year, everyday. During that process, he was so much attracted to Vaishanvism, that he started constructing temple walls for Srirangam. Unable to bear the heavy expense of feeding a thousand people, Kaliyan resorted to highway robbery. One day, he saw a group of people returning from a marriage, with the bride and groom. He and his assistants were able to get all the loot, but the toe ring from the groom was left. He tried to remove them but could not do so. Then he realised the bridegroom was none other than the Supreme god Vishnu himself. Narayana revealed himself to Kaliyan and transformed him by teaching the Narayana mantra or Ashtaksara (the eight syllabled) – "namo narayanaya", turning the robber into a saint.
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam.


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