*PASURAMS 917 TO 921*

EmperumAn, with his "niravatika krupa" and sankalpam decided to enlighten AzhvAr from his engulfed sleep of ignorance for ages and through him, make the people of the world realise that the means and goal is none other than EmperumAn himself. Upon gaining the realisation, AzhvAr drew himself closer to EmperumAn  and finding him to be meditating upon (in his yOganidra) how to draw all other jeevAs as well, he initiates to wake him up by singing *tiruppalliyezhuchi* in the similar way, how nammAzhvAr, AndAL and vishvAmitrar did and relish in the beautiful experience.

Every pAsuram ends with the phrase(  arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE / அரங்கத்தம்மா! பள்ளி எழுந்தருளாயே ). The beauty of the dawn and the early morning scene is vividly portrayed in all these 10 verses. 

917.** kadhiravan guNa thisaich sigaram vandhu aNaindhAn * gana iruL aganRadhu kAlai ampozhudhAy *
madhu virindhu ozhugina mAmalar ellAm * vAnavar arasargaL vandhu vandhu INDi **
edhir thisai niRaindhanar ivaroDum pugundha * irungkaLiRRITTamum piDiyoDu murasum *adhirdhalil alai kaDal pOnRuLadhu enggum *aranggaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE   (1)

917.The sun has risen between the mountains in the eastern side . As a result the darkness has been driven away. The honey has started dripping from all the flowers in this beautiful morning. The highly revered dEvas and the Kings, who think high of themselves, competing against each other to be the first, have assembled with all necessary offerings in the southern direction, to have your first vision. Along with them, all the elephant herds both male and female which have come along with them as their vehicles have also gathered  together. The trumpeting sounds of all these elephants along with the beating of the drums reverberates everywhere resembling the sound of the tumultuous ocean. Hence Oh! Lord of Srirangam, please open your eyes  such that your glance falls  on us.
*arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (1)

918.kozhungkoDi mullaiyin kozhu malar aNavik * kUrndhadhu guNa thisai mArudham idhuvO *ezhundhana malar aNaip paLLi koL annam * Inpani nanaindha tham irunjchiRagu udhaRi ** vizhunggiya mudhalaiyin pilam purai pEzh vAy * veLLeyiRu uRa adhan viDaththinukku anunggi *azhunggiya Anaiyin arunthuyar keDuththa *
aranggaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE  (2)

918.The winds from the eastern direction have set in and started blowing as they hustle and pass between  the beautiful flowers of the flourishing slender stalk of the mullai creeper. The swans that sleep embracing the plants, have woken up shaking off and stretching their f wings drenched in fog. Oh! Lord, Ranganatha who protected the elephant Gajendra (as you are the ashritavatsalan) and relieved his pain from the clutches of the poisonous white gory teeth crocodile, arise from your sleep. *arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (2)

The swAbadEsam here is, by referring  to Gajendra story, AzhvAr  points out that,  Oh lord, you need to arise and uplift the people who are drowned in the sea of samsAra under the clutches of the indrias that catch like crocodile.

919.sudar oLi parandhana sUzh dhisai ellAm
  thunniya thAragai minnoLi surungip
padar oLi pasuththanan pani madhi ivanO
  pAyiruL aganRadhu paim pozhil kamugin
madal idaik kIRi vaN pALaigaL nARa
  vaigaRai kUrndhadhu mArudham idhuvO
adal oLi thigazh tharu thigiri am thadakkai
  arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (3)

919.The sun's rays have penetrated to all corners. The twinkling lights of the star clusters and the radiance of the cool moon have dulled down taking away the darkness with them. The gentle early morning breeze that sways amidst the areca trees (pAkku maRam) of the green orchards carry with them the fragrance of their split leaves. Oh! Lord wielding the mighty resplendent srichakram on your beautiful hand, wake up for the sake of your devotees to delve in your beauty. 
*arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (3)

920.mEttu iLa mEdhigaL thaLai vidum AyargaL
  vEynguzhal Osaiyum vidai manik kuralum
Ittiya isai dhisai parandhana vayaluL
  irindhina surumbinam ilangaiyar kulaththai
vAttiya varisilai vAnavar ERE
  mAmuni vELviyaik kAththu avabiradham
Attiya adu thiRal ayOdhdhi em arasE
  arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (4)

920.The mesmerising tune of the flute played by the cowherd boys who let their well grown cattle for grazing, mingled with the sound of the bells tied around the neck of these cattle reverberates in the air. The bees and the beetles have sprung up hovering all over the places. Oh! Lord of Lords, Wielder of the sArnga bow that annihilated the demons, who ascertained the avapruda snAnam (the victorious bath) for mahA muni vishwAmitra, by guarding all his yAgams, and who is our Chakravarthi, the valiant ruler of Ayodhya, please arise and bless us. *arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (4)

921.pulambina putkaLum pUm pozhilgaLin vAy
   pOyiRRuk kangul pugundhadhu pulari
kalandhadhu guNadhisaik kanaikadal aravam
  kaLi vaNdu mizhaRRiya kalambagam punaindha
alangal am thodaiyal koNdu adiyiNai paNivAn
  amarargaL pugundhanar Adhalil ammA
ilangaiyar kOn vazhipAdu sey kOyil
  emperumAn paLLI ezhundharuLAyE (5)

921.The birds in the well bloomed orchards have started chirping. The darkness is gone. The twilight has entered. The tumult of the wavy ocean of the eastern side has spread everywhere. Holding the garlands swarmed by the honey drunk bees, made of alangal flowers, the dEvas have lined up to offer it at your feet. Hence Oh!Lord of lords, our master, reclining in Srirangam, worshipped by vibeeshana the King of the Lanka, please arise from your sleep. (5)

*PASURAMS 922 TO 926*

922.iraviyar maNi nedum thErodum ivarO
 iRaiyavar padhinoru vidaiyarum ivarO

maruviya mayilinan aRumugan ivanO
 marudharum vasukkaLum vandhu vandhu Indi
puraviyOdu Adalum pAdalum thErum
  kumaradhaNdam pugundhu INdiya veLLam

aruvarai anaiya nin kOyil mun  ivarO
arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (6)

922.Detailing about those waiting for the darshan, AzhvAr lists,
1.*The twelve AdityAs* (The one appointed presently for rising and setting, in addition to the other eleven AdityAs- iraviyar) along with their exclusive chariots.
2.*The eleven rudrA's * (Those who governs the samsAris of the world with their rishabha vAhana- vehicle )
3.Lord Subrahmanyan - the consort of devasena alighting on his vehicle peacock.
4.Forty nine marutgaNAs (The dEvatAs of wind or storm)
5.Ashtavasus (The eight deities of the material world including sun moon and stars)
Along with their horse driven chariots, competing with each other to be in the forefront,singing, dancing and merry making, all are waiting in front of the temple appearing to be like a huge mountain. Hence please arise Oh! Lord.
*arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (6)

923.andharaththu amarargaL kUttangaL ivaiyO
  arundhava munivarum marudharum ivarO
indhiran Anaiyum thAnum vandhu ivanO
  emperumAn una kOyilin vAsal
sundharar nerukka vichchAdharar nUkka
  iyakkarum mayanginar thiruvadi thozhuvAn
andharam pAr idam illai maRRU idhuvO
  arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (7)

923.Elaborating the list AzhvAr adds,
Oh! Lord, my SwAmi,  at your doorstep waits the head of the dEvas,
*indra - along with his vehicle- the elephant *airAvatam*. The entire dEvA clan of the the whole universe along with their subordinates, the great sages known as *sanakAthi munivar *, the *marutgaNAs*, the *yakshAs*, the *gandharvAs- squeezing themselves, *vidhyAdarAs* pushing each other are stranded to have the darshan of your tiruvadi (divine feet). There is hardly any space available between the earth and the sky, as a result of the crowd formed. Hence please arise SwAmi. *arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (7)

924.vambavizh vAnavar vAyuRai vazhanga
  mAnidhi kapilai oN kaNNAdi mudhalA
emperumAn padimaikkalam kANdaRku
  ERpana Ayina koNdu nan munivar
thumburu nAradhar pugundhanar ivarO
  thOnRinan iraviyum thulangu oLi parappi
ambara thalaththininRu agalginRadhu iruL pOy
  arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (8)

924.Getting ready for ArAdanam:
The dEvas holding the unparalleled sankha nidhi, Padma nidhi and the arugampul ( Bermuda grass) in their hands, are waiting to offer at your divine feet, along with kAmadhEnu (to shower her milk). They have also brought with them the most shining mirrors and various other accessories for your upachAram (services to be offered). All great Maharishis including tumburu and nArada (to sing mangala songs) have also joined . Spreading his rays everywhere, the sun has risen driving away the darkness. Oh! Lord, arise to accept the ArAdanam. *arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (8)

925.Edhamil thaNNumai ekkam maththaLi
  yAzh kuzhal muzhavamOdu  isai dhisai kezhumi
gIdhangaL pAdinar kinnarar gerudargaL
  gendharuvar avar kanguluL ellAm
mAdhavar vAnavar sAraNar iyakkar
  siththarum mayanginar thiruvadi thozhuvAn
Adhalil avarkku nALOlakkam aruLa
  arangaththammA paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (9)

925.The excitement in announcing the daybreak.
The musical sound of the immaculate instruments like *siruparai* - (ThaNNumai) - one sided percussion instrument,
*ekkam* - single stringed instrument,(can be understood as the rhythm too)
*matthaLi* - double sided percussion instrument 
*yAzh* - a kind of Veena,
*kuzhal* - flute and 
*muzhavam* - huge mathalam, played by the kinnarars, garudAs and gandharvAs who sing songs, have been reverberating everywhere and they have been standing through the night for having your darshan. You can see great rishis(mA tavar), dEvas (vAnavar), chAranAs, yakshAs(iyakkar), and Siddhars waiting to have your darshan are jostling against each other and even getting swooned. Hence Oh! Lord ranganAtha, please arise to show your royal presence before this great audience (Olakkam aruLa). 
*arangaththammA! paLLi ezhundharuLAyE*. (9)

926.kadi malark kamalangaL malarndhana ivaiyO
  kadhiravan kanai kadal muLaiththanan ivanO
thudi idaiyAr suri kuzhal pizhindhu udhaRith
  thugil uduththu ERinar sUzh punal arangA
thodai oththa thuLavamum kUdaiyum polindhu
  thOnRiya thOL thoNdaradippodi ennum
adiyanai aLiyan enRu aruLi un adiyArkku
  AtpaduththAy paLLi ezhundharuLAyE (10)

926.For bAgavatAs sake.
Oh! ranganAtha, gracefully reclining in Srirangam surrounded by the divine Cauvery river, the fragrant lotus flowers have bloomed denoting the presence of sun's rays arising behind the ever tumultuous ocean  in the eastern side between the mountains. The slender waist damsels, have come up to the bank of the ponds after washing their hair and wearing their garments, denoting the start of the day. Hence please arise Oh! Lord, to duly acknowledge and accept this servitor of yours called *tondaradipodi*, who carries on his shoulder uniformly strung Tulasi garland in a basket, to offer it to you and bestow upon eternal servitude. 

As a concluding verse AzhvAr wishes to point out that,  all the previously said dEvas and rishis have congregated and visited on a purpose, whereas he is present with the only goal of announcing the daybreak and thereby having the darshan of lord's face as he arises.

AzhvAr tiruvadigale Sharanam


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