Sindura chempOdi

The clouds, instead of carrying forward ANDAL’S request, were aiming at performing their duty and profusely poured out. This brought out the traits of the season which added to her agony of separation. She starts describing about that and her deep interest towards SundararAja perumAl of tirumAlirunchOlai.

587 * sindhurach sempodip pOl * thirumAlirunjsOlai engkum * 

indhira kOpangkaLE * ezhundhum parandhittanavAl ** 

mandharam nAtti anRu * madhurak kozhunjsARu koNda * 

sundharath thOL udaiyAn * suzhalaiyil ninRu uydhungkolO? (2) (1)

587) As a result of the monsoon, flowers have bloomed all over tirumAlirunchOlai, and the butterflies (இந்திர கோபங்கள்) hovering over it appears like saffron powder dusted all over,  that reminds the red lips of her lover to AndAl . This beautiful shouldered Lord Azhagar ( சுந்தரத் தோளுடையான்) held the hands of the divine nectar (periya pirAtti), when He once churned the milky ocean, erecting mount mandArA for the sake of the dEvas who surrendered requesting Him to retrieve the nectar by churning. Here AndAl feels, both EmperumAn and the butterflies torment her which further weakens her making  her anxious and think, if at all she will survive, getting relieved from this tormenting clutches of Emperuman, who dodges her by not coming and showing in person to get united with her.  (1)

588 pOrk kaLiRu porum * mAlirunjsOlaiyam pUmpuRavil *

 thArkkodi mullaigaLum * thavaLa nagai kAttuginRa ** 

kArkkoL padAkkaL18 ninRu * kazhaRich sirikkath thariyEn * 

ArkkidugO? thOzhI! * avan thAr seydha pUsalaiyE (2)

588)At the foothills of tirumaAlirunchOlai, where the elephants wrestle among themselves, the white flowers of tarkodi mullai  (arabian jasmine), that reminds me of azhagar's beautiful smile and the flowers of kArkoLL padAk( bedely emetic nut) that have bloomed well seem to be mocking at me. I am unable to bear this. Oh! My dear friend, how will I explain my grief of longing to possess the garland from Him? (2)

589 karuviLai oN malargAL! * kAyA malargAL! * 

thirumAl uruvoLi kAttuginRIr * enakku uyvazhakkonRu uraiyIr ** 

thiruviLaiyAdu thiN thOL * thirumAlirunjsOlai nambi *

 vari vaLaiyil pugundhu * vandhi patRum vazhakkuLadhE (3)

589) Oh!, beautiful kayA flowers (ironwood tree) and karuvilai(mussel shell creeper) flowers, showing your dark colours, you remind me of the Lord and torment me. Instead can you not understand my difficulty and tell me a way out of this? Is it fair on the part of Azhagar, on whose magnificent shoulders  (tiruviLayAdu tintOL) does Goddess MahAlakshmi rely on, to enter into my house and forcibly take my bangles away? (3)

590 paimpozhil vAzh kuyilgAL! * mayilgAL! oN karuviLaigAL! * 

vambak kaLangkanigAL! * vaNNap pUvai naRumalargAL! ** 

aimperum pAdhagargAL! * aNi mAlirunjsOlai ninRa * 

emperumAnudaiya niRam * ungkaLukku en seyvadhE? (4)

590) Oh! cuckoos of the extensive orchards, peacocks, the beautiful fragrant kAkkam and kayA flowers, the fresh kalAp fruits , you have all joined together to torment me like the five great sinners (aimperum pAdagargAL). For what reason have you taken the hue of my EmperumAn ?Is it only to torture me?

AndAl feels that, the hue of all chetanAs and achetanAs that are naturally present are there only to remind her of His colour. At the time of her separation, instead of comforting her they have joined hands to torment her is what she feels. (4)

591 thungka malarp pozhil sUzh * thirumAlirunjsOlai ninRa * 

sengkat karumugilin * thiru urup pOl ** 

malar mEl thongkiya vaNdinangkAL! * thogu pUnj sunaigAL! * 

sunaiyil thangku senthAmaraigAL! * enakku Or saraN sAtRuminE (5)

591) Oh! Swarm of bees! The way you sleep clinging on to the flowers, reminds me of my dark cloud hued Lord Azhagar with His reddish eyes, who stands in tirumAlirumchOlai surrounded by well grown orchards. Oh! Springs that are present nearby, Oh, lotus flowers that decorate the springs! Tell me a way where I can surrender myself and get relieved of this torture. (5)

592 * nARu naRum pozhil * mAlirunjsOlai nambikku * 

nAn nURu thadAvil veNNey * vAy nErndhu parAvi vaiththEn ** 

nURu thadA niRaindha * akkAra adisil sonnEn *

ERu thiru udaiyAn * inRu vandhu ivai koLLungkolO? (6)

592) Elaborating the scenario of monsoon in all the above verses, that reminds her of the Lord, now AndAl wishes to offer Him, His favourite dishes. She says, I pledge to offer whole heartedly, a hundred big container filled with butter and another hundred filled with akkAravadisil (sweet Pongal), to my Azhagar, who resides in the fragrant tirumAlirunchOlai. Will this consort of the Goddess who is seated on His chest accept my offering? (6)

The significance of this pAsuram and the one above is that, they stand to explain the dvaya mantram. The first half of the dvaya mantram talks about surrendering ourselves to the divine couple and the second half talks about the eternal servitude to Him. This is clearly explained in these verses.


Once when emperumAnAr (rAmAnujar) was doing a discourse of nAchiyAr tirumozhi, he wanted to fulfill AndAl's desire that she gave orally in reality. He immediately proceeded to tirumAlirum sOlai and performed AndAl's verbal commitment, by practically offering 100 big vessels of butter and 100 big vessels of akkAravadisil. He went to srivilliputtoor to have the darshan of AndAl and it is believed that AndAl coming out of the archa (idol)form embraced emperumAnAr and called him "nam aNNarE" (elder brother). "perumpUdUr mAmunikku pinnAnAL vAzhiyE", referring to AndAl is well explained by the above incident.

593 inRu vandhu iththanaiyum * amudhu seydhidap peRil * 

nAn onRu nURAyiramAk koduththup * pinnum ALum seyvan **

thenRal maNam kamazhum * thirumAlirunjsOlai thannuL ninRa pirAn * 

adiyEn manaththE vandhu nEr padilE (7)

593) Today, if my Lord of tirumAlirumchOlai, comes and accepts my offerings of butter and sweet pongal, and show Himself to me, l shall be delighted thinking that He has entered my heart and is residing there. Further more I shall offer one hundred thousands more(onru noor AyiramAga) and not stopping there will continue to do eternal service at the lotus feet of the Lord who stands in tirumAlirumchOlai where fragrant breeze keeps blowing. (7)

594 kAlai ezhundhirundhu * kariya kuruvik kaNangkaL * 

mAlin varavu solli * maruL pAdudhal meymmai kolO? **

 sOlai malaip perumAn * thuvarApadhi emperumAn * 

Alinilaip perumAn * avan vArththai uraikkinRadhE (8)

594) In the birthplace of AndAl, even the birds ruminate over EmperumAn. As she waits for Krishna to come, through the night, she sees the dark sparrows (கரியிட்ட குருவி கணங்கள்)group together and utter the different names of Lord Hari, singing the tune of maruL, indicating His arrival as the dawn breaks. They keep chattering about the Lord of tirumAlirumchOlai, the King of dwAraka, and the One who lies on the banyan leaf (வடபத்ரசாயி). Hearing these words AndAl thinks that, would these words  become true or false. (8)

595 kOngkalarum pozhil * mAlirunjsOlaiyil konRaigaL mEl * 

thUngku pon mAlaigaLOdu * udanAy ninRu thUngkuginREn ** 

pUngkoL thirumugaththu * maduththUdhiya sangkoliyum * 

sArngkavil nAN oliyum * thalaippeyvadhu enjnjAnRu kolO (9)

595) At the height of dejection, AndAl laments saying ," in the hills of tirumAlirumchOlai abundant with orchards filled with bloomed ironwood trees( kOngu maRam), the strings of the Indian laburnum( kOndrai poo)flowers, hang like garlands without any use. Even I stand like this waiting to know when I shall be enjoying the proximity of the resonance from the pAnchajanyam blown from HIS beautiful coral-lips and the resonating sound from the sArngam bow"? (9)


596 * sandhodu kAragilum sumandhu * thadangkaL porudhu * 

vandhizhiyum silambARudai * mAlirunjsOlai ninRa sundharanai ** 

surumbAr kuzhal * kOdhai thoguththuraiththa * 

senthamizh paththum vallAr * thirumAl adi sErvargaLE (10)

596) AndAl with her thick tresses swarmed with bees, has graciously delivered in chaste Tamizh these ten verses about Lord Azhagar residing in tirumAlirumchOlai, where nUpura Ganga river also called The silambAru gushes and flows eroding many small lakes carrying on its path logs of sandalwood and agil woods (eaglewood). Those who chant these songs will attain the lotus feet of Lord NArAyaNa (10).

AndAl Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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