PASURAMS 275 – 285

The glory of kaNNan playing the flute.

275: naavalam periya theevinil vaazhum*

naNGgaimeer_kaaL! idhu Or aRpudham kELeer*

thoovalam puriyudaiya thirumaal*

thooyavaayil kuzhalOsai vazhiyE*

kOvalar siRumiyar iLaNGgoNGgai-

kudhuhalippa* udaluLavizhndhu* eNGgum-

kaavalum kadandhu kayiRumaalaiyaaki*

vandhu kavizhndhu n^inRanarE.* (2) (1)

275. Oh beautiful girls who live in the island of jambudweepa (nAvalan teevu)! Come and listen to this wonder!! The consort of MahAlakshmi, holding the pure, right coiled conch (valampuri), is now playing the flute keeping it on His purest lips. The girls of AyarpAdi lost themselves listening to the mesmerising tunes . As their emotions rose high, they started going towards the music leaving their boundaries and they all joined together like flowers of a string to listen to the music. Seeing kaNNan playing the flute they put their heads down in shame. (1)

276: idavaNarai idaththOLodu saayththu*

iruhai koodappuruvam n^erindhERa*

kudavayiRu padavaay kadaikoodak*

gOvindhan kuzhalkodu oodhinapOdhu*

madamayilhaLodu maanbiNai pOlE*

maNGgaimaar_kaL malar koondhal avizha*

udai n^ekizha_ Or kaiyaal thuhil paRRi*

olkiyOdarikkaNOda n^inRanarE.* (2)

276. Govindan with His left jaw resting on His left shoulder, played the flute holding it with both hands. As he played, His eyebrows lifted up, the stomach blotted like a pot and the lips squished. The gopikAs who were listening, shyly stood next to Him holding their loosened clothes that was slipping, on one hand. They looked like the peacock with their loosened hair and the deer with their coy looks. (2)

277: vaan iLavarasu vaikunta kuttan*

vaasudhEvan madhurai mannan* nandha-

kOn iLavarasu kOvalar kuttan*

gOvindhan kuzhalkodu oodhinapOdhu*

vaaniLam padiyar vandhu vandheeNdi*

manamuruhi malarkkaN_kaL panippa*

thEnaLavu seRikoondhal avizha*

senni vErppa sevi sErththu n^inRanarE.* (3)

277. The prince of Paramapadam and the lad of VaikunTam was born as the son of VasudEva and became the king of mathurA. As the child of Nandagopa, He was the prince of Gokulam. Listening to the mesmerising music played by kaNNan on His flute, even the young girls of devalOka, led by the tune, came down and gathered around Him. As they listened, their foreheads perspired, their plaits loosened and the flowers splashed honey as they fell down. (3)

278: thEnukan pilamban kaaLiyan ennum*

theeppa poodukaL adaNGga uzhakki*

kaanakambadi ulaaviyulaavik*

karuNYchiRukkan kuzhaloodhina pOdhu*

mEnakaiyodu thilOththamai arambai*

uruppasi aravar veLhi mayaNGgi*

vaanakam padiyil vaay thiRappinRi*

aadal paadalavai maaRinar thaamE*. (4)

278. Like pulling the unwanted weeds, kaNNan destroyed the asuras like dEnuka, pralamba and kALiya. This dark hued little child played his flute willingly while roaming in the forest.  Enthralled by His music, the apsara dancers like mEnaka, tilOttama, ramba, oorvasi and others felt ashamed and gave up dancing and singing on heaven and Earth. (4)

279: mun n^arasiNGgamadhaahi* avuNan-

mukkiyaththai mudippaan, moovulakil-

mannar aNYjum* madhusoodhanan vaayil*

kuzhalin Osai seviyai paRRi vaaNGga*

nannarambudaiya thumburuvOdu*

naaradhanum thamtham veeNai maRandhu*

kinnara midhunaNGgaLum thamtham*

kinnaram thodukilOm enRanarE.* (5)

279. The Lord who killed the asura ‘madhu’, finished ‘Hiranyakashipu’ taking the form of “Nrisimha”, and made all the kings of the three worlds tremble in fear. As the song played by this Madhusoodana  with his flute, reached the ears of the celestial NAradha and tumburu with their specially stringed Veena, they forgot their skills. Even the kinnaras refrained from touching their kinnaris . (a type of veenA). (5)

280: semperum thadaNG kaNNan thiraL thOLan*

dhEvaki siRuvan dhEvarhaL siNGgam*

namparaman in^n^aaL kuzhaloodhak*

kEttavarhaL idaruRRana kELeer*

ambaram thiriyum kaandhappar ellaam*

amudha geedhavalaiyaal surukkuNdu*

namparamanRenRu n^aaNi mayaNGgi*

naindhu sOrndhu kaimmaRiththu n^inRanarE.* (6)

280. Devaki’s son, with his reddish eyes and massive shoulders, who is like a lion for the dEvas is our Lord. Come and listen to the hardships that the people who heard His music underwent. The gandarvas of the upper world stood spellbound and embarrassed caught under the influence of His enchanting music. Unable to sing, they stood weak and with folded arms. (6)

281: puviyuL n^aan kaNdadhOr aRpudham kELeer*

pooNimEykkum iLaNGgOvalar koottaththu*

avaiyuL naahaththaNaiyaan kuzhaloodha*

amara lOkaththaLavum senRisaippa*

aviyuNaa maRandhu vaanavar ellaam*

aayar_paadi n^iRaiya puhundhu eeNdi*

seviyuNaavin suvai koNdu mahizhndhu*

gOvindhanai thodarndhu enRum vidaarE.* (7)

281. Listen to the marvel that I saw on Earth!! The dEvas who were listening to the playing of the flute by the Lord who reclines on the serpent bed amidst the cowherd folks, forgot to receive the sacred offerings (“havis”)given to them. Instead came and gathered in the entire AyarpAdi. With their ears like the tongue they relished the music and went behind Him where ever He went.(7)

282: siRu viralhaL thadavi parimaaRa*

seNGgaN kOda seyyavaay koppaLikka*

kuRuveyar puruvam koodalippak*

gOvindhan kuzhal kodu oodhinapOdhu*

paRavaiyin kaNaNGgaL koodu thuRandhu*

vandhu soozhndhu padukaadu kidappa*

kaRavaiyin kaNaNGgaL kaal parappiittu*

kavizhndhiRaNGgi seviyaattakillaavE.* (8)

282. With His little fingers moving over the holes on the flute, with His reddish eyes raised and tilted, with his pinkish lips pursed and protruded, with His brows raised and curved, Govindan plays His flute. As He played, flocks of birds left their nest and fell around KaNNan like the broken twigs of the forest forgetting themselves. Even the cattle listened motionless with their legs spread, heads lowered as a mark of respect and straightened ears. (8)

283: thiraNdezhu thazhai mazhai muhil vaNNan*

seNGgamala malar soozh vaNdinam pOlE*

suruNdiruNda kuzhal thaazhndha muhaththaan*

oodhuhinRa kuzhalOsai vazhiyE*

maruNdu maan_kaNaNGgaL mEyhai maRandhu*

mEyndha pullum kadaivaay vazhisOra*

iraNdu paadum thulaNGgaappudai peyaraa*

ezhudhu siththiraNGgaL pOla n^inRanavE.* (9)

283. KaNNan, who is cloud hued like the dark rain bearing clouds, with His black curls falling on his forehead like the swarming bees of the lotus flower plays His flute. As the deer herds listened to the music, they lost themselves and stopped grazing. Even the grass that they were holding in their mouth fell down. Without moving hither thither, they stood like pictures on the wall. (9)

284: karuNGgaN thOhaimayil peeli aNindhu*

katti n^an_ku uduththa peedhaha vaadai*

aruNGgala uruvin aayar perumaan*

avanoruvan kuzhaloodhina pOdhu*

maraNGgaL n^inRu madhu thaaraihaL paayum*

malarhaL veezhum vaLar kombuhaL thaazhum*

iraNGgum koombum thirumaal n^inRa n^inRa-

pakkam n^Okki* avai seyyum guNamE.*(10)

284. The head of the yAdava clan stood adorning himself with a peacock feather on his head, and the sacred yellow silk along with beautiful jewels. When he played His unique flute, even the trees felt enchanted and started pouring honey profusely. Flowers started dropping. The branches that were growing upwards bent their stalks down and appeared as though folding their hands engrossed in the music and kept turning in the direction of where KaNNan stood. Such exclamatory nature of the trees!!! (10)


285: kuzhaliruNdu suruNdERiya kuNYji*

gOvindhanudaiya kOmaLa vaayil*

kuzhal muzhaiNYjuhaLinoodu kumizhththu*

kozhiththizhindha amudhappunal thannai*

kuzhal muzhavam viLambum pudhuvaikkOn*

vishNuchiththan viriththa thamizh vallaar*

kuzhalai venRa kuLir vaayinaraahi*

saadhu kOttiyuL koLLap paduvaarE.* (2) (11)

 285. The king of Srivilliputhur, ‘PeriAzhvAr’ sang about the rich enchanting flow of music that arose from the holes of the flute played by Govindhan with His long curly dark locks of hair. Those who can sing these songs will be readily admitted among the elite group of learned people whose speech excels the flute.(11)

AzhvAr Tiruvadigale Sharanam


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