PASURAMS 360– 370

nAvakAriyam sOll ilAdavar - 4.4

Lauding those who revere and celebrate Thirukkotiyur [ near kAraikudI] and those not, otherwise.


TirumAmagal sametha sowmyanArAyaNa perumAl Thirukkotiyur

360:## naava kaariyam sollilaadhavar* naaLthoRum virundhOmbuvaar*

dhEva kaariyam seydhu* vEdham payinRu vaazh thirukkOttiyoor*

moovar kaariyamum thiruththum* mudhalvanai sindhiyaadha* ap-

paava kaarikaLaip padaiththavan* eNGNGanam padaiththaan kolO! (2) 1.

360. The people of Tirukottiyur hardly speak that which is forbidden. Performing their daily Pooja they practice chanting of vEdA and are very hospitable as well. This lord TirumAl of Thirukkotiyur is the unique one who drove away the hardships of brahma, Rudra and Indra. I really wonder how, those who don’t think of Him are even created! (1)

361: kuRRaminRi guNam perukki* kurukkaLukku anukoolaraay*

seRRam onRumilaadha* vaN kaiyinaarhaL vaazh thirukkOttiyoor*

thuRRiyEzhulahuNda* thoomaNi vaNNan thannai thozhaadhavar*

peRRa thaayar vayiRRinai* peru n^Oy seyvaan piRandhaarhaLE. 2.

361. The citizens of Tirukkotiyur are innocent with excellent personalities. They revere their preceptors and are never envious of others. They are very magnanimous at heart. The gem-hued lord who swallowed and secured all the 7 lokAs at the time of cosmic deluge resides here. Those who fail to worship Him are born to cause immense pain to their mother’s womb. (2)

362: vaNNa n^al maNiyum marahadhamum azhuththi* nizhalezhum-

thiNNai soozh* thirukkOttiyoor* thirumaalavan thiru n^aamaNGgaL*

eNNak kaNda viralhaLaal* iRaip pozhudhum eNNahilaadhupOy*

uNNakkaNda tham ooththai vaaykku* kavaLam undhukinRaarhaLE. 3.

362. The houses of Tirukkotiyur have shady porches studded with colourful gems and emeralds. Instead of chanting and counting with the help of the fingers,the innumerable names of lord TirumAl stationed here, even for a little while, why do some people have to thrust and swallow the food inside their fowl smelling mouth with the fingers just to take care of their physique ? (3)

363: urahamellaNaiyaan_kaiyil* uRai shankam pOl madavannaNGgaL*

nirai kaNam parandhERum* seNGgamala vayal thirukkOttiyoor*

naraka n^aasanai n^aavil koNdazhaiyaadha* maanida saadhiyar*

paruku n^eerum udukkum kooRaiyum* paavam seydhanathaan kgolO! 4.

363.The bashful swans, that are whitish, similar to the pure divine conch held by lord TirumAl having AdisEshan as His bed, get together and inhabit the beautiful lotus fields of Tirukkotiyur. The clothes worn and water consumed by those people who fail to chant the names of this lord who protects us from hell are considered to be sinful too. (4)

364: aamaiyin mudhukaththidaik kudhi koNdu* thoomalar saadippOy*

theemai seydhu_ iLavaaLaihaL* viLaiyaadu n^eerth thirukkOttiyoor*

nEmisEr thadaNGgaiyinaanai* ninaippilaa vali n^eNYchudai*

boomi baaraNGgaL uNNum sORRinai vaaNGgi* pullaith thiNiminE. 5.

 364. The water resource in Tirukkotiyur, is such that, the young vAlai fishes rejoice jumping on the backs of the tortoises, rubbing against the lotus flowers and play with one another. The lord holding the chakra/ divine discus resides in this fertile kshEtram. Those hard hearted people who refrain from thinking about this lord are burden to our Mother Earth and should be fed with grass instead of rice. (5)

365: boodham aindhodu vELvi aindhu* pulanhaL aindhu poRikaLaal*

Edham onRumilaadha* vaN kaiyinaarhaL vaazh thirukkOttiyoor

naadhanai n^arasiNGganai* navinREththuvaarhaL uzhakkiya*

paadha thooLi padudhalaal* ivvulaham baagyam seydhadhE. 6.

365. The devotees of Tirukkotiyur, with their mortal physique made of five subtle elements along with the five senses of their five sense organs perform the five sacrifices [vElvi aindu] flawlessly. They hail the greatness of lord of lords Narasimha wholeheartedly. This earth is fortunate enough to be blessed by the sacred dust [ pAda dhULI] of the devotees who live here. (6)

366: kurundham onRosiththaanodum senRu* koodiyaadi vizhaachcheydhu*

thirundhu n^aanmaRaiyOr* iraappahal Eththi vaazh thirukkOttiyoor*

karundhada muhilvaNNanai* kadaikkoNdu kai thozhum paththarhaL*

irundhavooril irukkum maanidar* eththavaNGgaL seydhaar kolO! 7.

366. The devotees staying in the auspicious Thirukottiyur chant all the four vEdas flawlessly. Immersed in the kalyana gunAs of the supreme lord who broke the wild lime tree [kurunda tree], they sing and dance in praise of Him. The devout bakthAs revere and worship this cloud hued Lord. What penance did they do to stay in this kshEtram? (7)

367: naLirndha seelan n^ayaasalan* abimaanathunganai* naaLthoRum-

theLindhaselvanaich* chEvakangoNda sengaNmaalthirukkOttiyoor*

kuLirndhuRaikinRagOvindhan* guNampaaduvaaruLLan^aattinuL*

viLaindhathaaniyamum iraakkadhar* meedhukoLLakilaar_kaLE. 8.

367. The beautiful reddish eyed lord TirumAl, captivated the compassionate, righteous and pious selva Nambi who was serving the lord daily without fail. The devotees who are engaged in singing the praise of lord Govindhan stay in Thirukkotiyur. Hence even the rAkshasAs can never rob the grains that grow on this land.(8)

368: kombinaar_pozhilvaayk* kuyilinamgOvindhan_kuNampaaduseer*

semponaarmadhiLsoozh* sezhungazhaniyudaiththirukkOttiyoor*

nambanain^arasinganai* navinREththuvaar_kaLaik kaNdakkaal*

empiraan_ dhanasinnangaL* ivarivarenRu_aasaikaLtheervanE. 9.

368. Thirukottiyur fortified by golden walls is surrounded by fertile fields . Cuckoos sing the glory of gOvindan, sitting on the branches of the dense orchards. Here, If I  encounter devotees worshipping and singing the praise of the trustworthy lord Narasimha (naRasinganai), then thinking that, they are the true representatives of the lord, I would be satisfied with my desire of being attached to bAgavatAs being full filled. (9)

369: kaasinvaaykkaramviRkilum* karavaadhumaaRRilisORittu*

dhEsavaarththaipadaikkum* vaN_kaiyinaar_kaLvaazhthirukkOttiyoor*

kEsavaa! purudOththamaa!* kiLarsOdhiyaay! kuRaLaa! enRu*

pEsuvaar_adiyaar_kaL* endhammaiviRkavumpeRuvaar_kaLE. 10.

369. Even during severe famine times, when a fistful grains are sold for a single gold coin, the people of Thirukkotiyur are magnanimous enough not to hide their stocks, but without any expectation generously serve the guests with food. Those devotees who constantly chant the lord’s name saying Kesava! Purushottama! kiLar jyothiye! and KuraLA have the right even to sell them for such servitude. (10)


370:## seedhan^eer_pudaisoozh* sezhungazhaniyudaiththirukkOttiyoor*

aadhiyaanatiyaaraiyum* adimaiyinRiththirivaaraiyum*

kOdhilpattar_piraan* kuLir_pudhuvaimanvittuchiththan_sol*

EdhaminRi_uraippavar* irudeekEsanukkaaLarE. (2)

370. The faultless head of Srivilliputhur, periazhwar has sung these set of songs describing the devotees of the ancient lord of Thirukkotiyur rich with fertile fields surrounded by cool water bodies, as well as relenting for the atheist. Those who sing these 10 pasurams flawlessly will definitely become the ardent devotees of HrushikesA. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam

*Selva Nambi :*

An able administrator to the temple of Thirukottiyur. Praised by Periyazhwar in his prabhandhams.

Who is being paid obeisance by Thirukottiyur Nambi. Acharyan of the Pandiya King srimaran srivallabhan

Under his directive king Vallabhan arranged a contest, to clarify his doubts about the supreme lord by tying a big booty on a pole and one who clarifies will be rewarded.


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