PASURAMS 567 – 576

Karpooram nArumO....

 Being enthralled in the beautiful experience of dream, AndAl wakes up to reality and feels miserable. Giving a thought, who else is closely associated with Him, the white conch “pAnchajanya”, on His left hand that often enjoys the nearness of His lotus lips, came to her mind. Immediately she starts a conversation highlighting its qualities. 

567 * karuppUram nARumO? * kamalappU nARumO? 

* thiruppavaLach sevvAy thAn * thiththiththu irukkumO? ** 

marupposiththa mAdhavan than * vAych suvaiyum nAtRamum * 

virupputRuk kEtkinREn * sollAzhi veNsangkE! (1)

567 Oh!, the purest white conch pAnchajanya born out of the deep see! (Azhi veN sangE). I stand before you asking with great interest, about the sweetness and the fragrance of the coral like lips of Lord MAdhavan, who broke the tusks of the kuvalayApeetam elephant [maruppu oSitta]. Does it smell like the camphor (karpooram) or like that of a lotus flower? Are they very sweet to taste? Please tell me. (1)

Though the natural colour of the conch being white, the interesting interpretation of the AchAryas is that, it becomes whiter and whiter, not able to even tolerate the little time of separation away from His lips. Hence AndAl feels that, none other than the conch can very well understand her present state of mind.

568 kadalil piRandhu karudhAdhu * panjchasanan

udalil vaLarndhu pOy * UzhiyAn kaiththalath

thidaril ** 

kudiyERith * thIya asurar *

nadalaippada muzhangkum * thOtRaththAy naRsangkE! (2)

568 Oh! beautiful conch, even though being born in the salty sea and fostered by the asura pAnchajana, you were fortunate to find an esteemed place in the hands of the Lord almighty. Further resting on His lips, you instill fear in the stomach of the enemies with your thunderous sound. Such is your glory. (2)

The connotation here is that, similar to Lord krishNa, being born in one place (yadhukulam), grew up in another place (AyarpAdi ) and finally settled in Dwarka, the conch too has the same story.

569 thadavaraiyin mIdhE * saraRkAla chandhiran * 

idaiyuvAvil vandhu * ezhundhAlE pOl ** 

nIyum vadamadhuraiyAr mannan * vAsudhEvan kaiyil * 

kudiyERi vItRirundhAy * kOlap perum sangkE! (3)

569 Oh! beautiful conch, adorning and adding beauty to the Lord. Your presence, with all the due fame on the broad shoulders of the Mathura King vAsudEva is similar to the full moon that rises atop the big mountain during the autumn(fall) season (சரத்காலம்). (3)

570 chandhira maNdalam pOl * dhAmOdharan kaiyil * 

andharam onRinRi * ERi avan seviyil ** 

mandhiram koLvAyE pOlum * valampuriyE! * 

indhiranum unnOdu * selvaththukku ElAnE (4)

570 Oh! The right coiled conch (valampuri shankh)! You are sitting on kaNNan's shoulders like the lunar zone, leaving no space, similar to His inseparable consort and looks like as though you are constantly sharing some secret into  His ears. Even Indra's riches can not be compared to this wealth of yours. How fortunate to be so close to the lord!! (4)

571 unnOdu udanE * oru kadalil vAzhvArai *

innAr inaiyAr enRu * eNNuvAr illai kAN ** 

mannAgi ninRa * madhusUdhan vAy amudham * 

pannALum uNginRAy * pAnjchasanniyamE! (5)

571 Oh pAnchajanyam! Hardly does anyone talk with high reverence, the different kinds of other conches that are available among your species in the ocean. Only you, have the privilege of enjoying the sweet nectar of the divine lips of madhusoodanan the sovereign of the universe for ages. (5)

572 pOyththIrththam AdAdhE * ninRa puNar marudham * 

sAyththIrththAn kaiththalaththE * ERik kudi koNdu ** 

sEyththIrthamAy ninRa * sengkaNmAl thannudaiya * 

vAyththIrththam pAyndhAda vallAy * valampuriyE! (6)

572 Oh the right coiled conch!(valampuri shankh!), unlike the people of the world, who have to take such hardships to get a dip in the holy rivers like the Ganges for the sake of purifying themselves, you are extremely lucky to have been residing on the shoulders of EmperumAn who uprooted the twin maruda trees, relieving the demons from the curse of nArada and thereby getting dipped in His adarAmrutam now and then. (6)

573 sengkamala nANmalar mEl * thEnugarum annam pOl * 

sengkat karumEni * vAsudhEvanudaiya **

angkaith thalam ERi * anna vasam seyyum * 

sangkaraiyA! un selvam * sAla azhagiyadhE (7)

 573 Oh sangaraiyA!  (the best and the chief among the conches), similar to the swan that drinks the honey from the just bloomed flower, you possess the greatest wealth of indulging  in the sweet nectar of the red eyed, dark hued vAsudEva climbing atop His beautiful hands and rest there. (7)

Here the white conch often sounded by the lord with his red lips has made AndAl compare it to the swan drinking honey on the red lotus is the interpretation by the AchAryAs.

574 uNbadhu sollil * ulagaLandhAn vAy amudham * 

kaNpadai koLLil * kadalvaNNan kaiththalaththE ** 

peNpadaiyAr un mEl * perum pUsal sAtRuginRAr * 

paNpala seyginRAy * pAnjchasanniyamE! (8)

574 Oh pAnchajanyam!, you taste the sweetness of the lips of TirumAl who measured the whole world as trivikrama. Your resting place is the ocean hued lord's cool divine hands. You are fortunate enough to dine and dwell,being close to KaNNan. This has instigated an outrage among the women folks who are so envious about you. It is unfair on your part to be the reason of their unhappiness. (8)

575 padhinARAm Ayiravar * dhEvimAr pArththiruppa * 

madhuvAyil koNdAR pOl * mAdhavan than vAy amudham ** 

podhuvAga uNbathanaip * pukku nI uNdakkAl *

sidhaiyArO unnOdu? * selvap perum sangkE! (9)

575 Oh auspicious shankh! You are not the only one who possess the right over the sweet nectar of KaNNan's vAiamudham. The sixteen thousand wives of krishNa do possess a right over it too. When they are all patiently waiting for their turn to enjoy, won't they get annoyed, if you supersede them? Can you exhibit such avarice, when Lord krishNa is common to all His devotees? Won't they develop a hatred towards you? (9)


576 * pAnjchasanniyaththaip * paRpanAbanOdum *

vAyndha perum sutRam * Akkiya vaNpudhuvai **

Eyndha pugazhp pattarpirAn * kOdhai thamizh Iraindhum * 

AyndhEththa vallAr * avarum aNukkarE (10)

 576 The darling daughter of the renowned bhattarpirAn in the beautiful city of srivilliputtoor, has splendidly woven these ten songs exhibiting the close association between pAnchajanya and Lord padmanAbha. Those who worship the Lord singing these 10 pAsurams, will no doubt be His close associates as well. (10)

*The story of pAnchajanya shankh* 

On completing the Gurukula vAsam, KrishNa wanted to offer gurudakshiNa to his GURU SANDIPANI MAHARISHI. Upon asking him, SANDIPANI Rishi asks KrishNa and Balarama to bring back his son who was abducted by a daitya (asurA)and believed to have drowned in the waters of the prabhAsa shEtra (sOmnAth). They find out that he was kidnapped by the asura PANCHAJANA (shankhAsuran) who slept in a seashell in the deep waters. They then dive into the deep sea, kill him and bring the conch. The son is then retrieved by blowing the conch. sAndipani Rishi then names the conch “pAnchajanya”)


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