PASURAMS 97 - 107
Ponniyal kingkini
PeriyAzhwar imagines how Yashoda called Kannan to hug him.
அச்சோ பருவம்
achO means “Come and embrace me”
97: ponniyal kiN kiNi* sutti puRamkatti*
thanniyal Osai* salansalanenRida*
minniyal mEham* viraindhethir vandhaaRpOl*
ennidaik kOttaraa achchOvachchO*
emperumaan! vaaraa achchOvachchO. (2) (1)
97. Oh! Krishna, with the bells (kinkinis) of your golden waist band and anklets making “chalan chalan” sound and the ornament on your forehead (nethichuTTi) swaying, come running to me like the cloud filled with the thunderous lightning sound and hug me with a desire to sit on my waist. (1)
98: seNGgamalap poovil* thEnuNNum vaNdEpOl*
paNGgikaL vandhu* unpavaLavaay moyppa*
saNGguvil vaaLthaNdu* chakkaram Endhiya*
aNGgaikaLaalE vandhu achchOvachchO*
aaraththazhuvaa vandhu achchOvachchO (2)
98. The curly hair-locks that fall over your coral red lips resembles the bumblebees that hover around the Lotus flower to drink its nectar. With the beautiful hands that hold the conch (shankha), bow(Vil), sword (VAl), mace(Thandu) and discus (chakram) embrace me. Give me a tight hug oh Krishna. (achO!acho!) (2)
99: paNYjavar thoodhanaayp* paaratham kaiseythu*
naNYjumizh n^aaham* kidandha nal poykai pukku*
aNYjappaNaththin mEl* paayndhittu aruL seytha*
aNYjana vaNNanE! achchOvachchO*
aayar perumaanE! achchOvachchO. (3)
99. In the great war of the ‘MahAbhArath’, You took to the pAndavAs as their messenger and helped them win it. You jumped inside the poisonous lake, danced atop the hood of the Venom-spitting kAliya serpent, vanquished him and later graced him. Oh! the dark- hued kaNNa , come and embrace me. The Lord of the cowherds achO,!achO! (3)
100: naaRiya saandham* namakkiRai n^alkenna*
thERi avaLum* thiruvudambil poosa*
ooRiya kooninai* uLLEyoduNGga* anRu-
ERavuruvinaay! achchOvachchO*
emperumaan! vaaraa achchOvachchO (4)
100. When you asked the kooni ( a hunch-back woman) “please give me some of the aromatic sandle paste”, ( which she was taking to the king KamsA) she immediately obliged and smeared it on your back. At that moment you made the hunch disappear and straightened her back. O My Lord! With that same hands please come and embrace me. achO,!achO!. (4)
101: kazhal mannar soozhak* kathir pOlviLaNGgi*
ezhaluRRumeeNdE* irundhu unnain^Okkum*
suzhalaip peridhudaith* thuchchOthananai*
azhala vizhiththaanE! achchOvachchO*
aazhiyaNG kaiyanE! achchOvachchO (5)
101. Similar to the Sun and it’s rays, Duryodhana sitting encircled by the kings wearing magnificent anklets, even after raising involuntarily chose to sit back when you went as a messenger of Pandavas and with a deceitful look plotted to kill you. On the other hand, with your outrageous look, you instilled fire in him. O krishnA with the chakra in hand, Come and embrace me. achO,!achO! (5)
102: pOrokkappaNNi* ipboomi poRai theerppaan*
thErokka oorndhaay!* sezhundhaar visayaRkaay*
kaarokkum mEni* karumperuNG kaNNanE!*
aarath thazhuvaavandhu achchOvachchO*
aayar kaLpOrERE! achchOvachchO (6)
102. To reduce the burden of the world, you waged the Bharatha war. You rode the chariot for Arjuna who wore the white flower garland (Thumbai MAlai) supporting him to win the war. Oh blue hued Lord with broad black eyes caress me. Oh the fierce bull of the cowherd clan embrace me achO,!achO! (6)
103: mikka perumpukazh* maavali vELviyil*
thakkathithanRenRu* dhaanam vilakkiya*
sukkiran kaNNaith* thurumpaal kiLaRiya*
sakkarak kaiyanE! achchOvachchO*
saNGgamidaththaanE! achchOvachchO. (7)
103. Once when You beseeched 3 measure of land at the great sacrifice performed by the renowned king Mahabali , his preceptor SukrAchArya objected it and tried to prevent it. At that juncture, with the tip of the sacred grass (pavitram - made of Dharbai) worn on your finger, You poked his eyes and made him blind. Oh! Lord holding the Chakra in your right and the conch in your left hand come and hug me achO,!achO! (7)
104: ennithu maayam?* ennappan aRindhilan*
munnaiya vaNNamE* koNdu aLavaayenna*
mannu n^amusiyai* vaanil suzhaRRiya*
minnu mudiyanE! achchOvachchO*
vENGkata vaaNanE! achchOvachchO. (8)
104. “What trick is this?, My father was not aware of your plan, you get back to your old form and measure the 3 foot land”. Hearing this statement from Mahabali’s son Namushi, you swirled him up in the air. Oh Lord! With a radiant crown come and hug me. The one who resides in Tiruvenkatam, achO!achO! (8)
105: kaNdakadalum* malaiyum ulakEzhum*
muNdaththukkaaRRaa* mukilvaNNaa O! enRu*
iNdaichchadaimudi* eesan irakkoLLa*
maNdai n^iRaiththaanE! achchOvachchO*
maarvil maRuvanE! achchOvachchO. (9)
105. You filled Lord Shiva’s begging bowl of skull, when he kept begging as his bowl could not be filled even with the seven seas , mountains and seven continents. When Finally he came to you and said, “oh blue cloud hued Krishna , pls do something, you helped him. Oh Lord the one who has the shreevatsa mark, come and embrace me acho! acho! (9)
106: thunniya pEriruL* soozhndhu ulakaimooda*
manniya n^aanmaRai* muRRum maRaindhida*
pinnivvulakinil* pEriruL n^eeNGga*
anRu- annamathaanaanE! achchOvachchO*
arumaRai thandhaanE! achchOvachchO. (10)
106. When the four Vedas disappeared and the world was encircled by the ignorant gloom, oh! Lord who took the form of a swan to retrieve the Vedas and remove the darkness, come and caress me. Oh! The one who gave us the Vedas acho! acho! (10)
107: nachchuvaar munniRkum* naaraayaNan thannai*
achchO varuhavenRu* aaychchi uraiththana*
machchaNi maadap* puthuvaikOn pattan sol*
nichchalum paaduvaar* neeL visumpu aaLvarE. (2) (11)
Mother YashOdA lovingly invited NArAyNA, who appears before his ardent devotees to come and hug her. These were beautifully penned by Pattarpiran of Puduvai. Those who sing these verses,will rule over the heavenly abode. (11)
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
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