Pasuram 54 - 63. 


Azhwar enjoys in the Role of YashOda, calling the moon to play with KAnnan as He Has started crawling.

54. than mugaththuch sutti * thUngkath thUngkath thavaznthupOy *

pon mukak kiNkiNi Arppap * puzuthi aLaikinRAn **

en makan gOvinthan * kUththinai iLamAmathI *

nin mukam kaNNuLavAkil * nI ingkE nOkkip pO

54.Oh youthfull moon! If at all you have eyes,Come and see my son Govindhan playing with sand dust. As he sweetly crawls, His forehead Chutti keeps swaying , the GoldenKinkini of His anklets rings loudly while playing with the sand dust. (1)

55.en siRuk kuttan * enakkOr innamuthu empirAn *

than siRuk kaikaLAl * kAttik kAtti azaikkinRAn **

anjchana vaNNanOdu * AdalAda uRuthiyEl *

manjchil maRaiyAthE * mAmathI makiznthOdi vA

55.)My Kutti KaNNan, Who is my unparalleled sweet nectar, calls you with His small hands, pointing to you again and again. If you really want to play with this dark coloured Lord do not hide behind the clouds, come running happily. (2)

56. suRRum oLivattam * sUznthu sOthi paranthengkum *

enththanai seyyinum * en makan mukam nErovvAy **

viththakan vEngkadavANan * unnai viLikkinRa *

kaiththalam nOvAmE * ambulI kadithOdi vA

56.Even if you have a bright Light surrounding you, and spread light all over the world, you can never be in par with my son’s divine face. He is the supreme Master, who resides in Thiruvenkatam. So come quickly in order not to give pain to His cute hands that keeps calling at you. (3)

57. sakkarak kaiyan * thandangkaNNAl malara viziththu *

okkalai mElirunthu * unnaiyE suttik kAttum kAN **

thakkathaRithiyEl * chanthirA salam seyyAthE *

makkal peRAtha * maladanallaiyEl vA kaNdAy

57.) The one who holds a Chakra in his hand, opens His beautiful flower –like eyes and points only at you sitting on my waist. So if you know what is good for you, don’t try to fool us. You know how precious the child is for a mother. (4)

58. azakiya vAyil * amuthavURal theLivuRA *

mazalai muRRAtha * iLanjsollAl unnaik kUvukinRAn**

kuzakan sirItharan * kUvak kUva nI pOthiyEl *

puzaiyilavAkAthE * nin sevi pukar mAmathI

58. With the babbling words that comes out of His cute little mouth, this little Sridharan repeatedly keeps calling you. Does it not even enter your ears oh! Great moon? (5)

59. thaNdodu sakkaram * sArngkam Enthum thadakkaiyan *

kaN thuyil koLLak karuthik * kottAvi koLkinRAn **

uNda mulaippAlaRA kaNdAy * uRangkAvidil *

viN thanil manniya * mAmathI virainthOdi vA

59. The one holding the Gadha, sanghu, chakra and Bow in  His hands wants to rest and yawn. If he doesn’t rest he can’t digestThe milk that he has had. Oh! The one who is in the sky, come soon. (6)

60. pAlakanenRu * paribavam  seyyEl * paNdorunAL

Alinilai vaLarntha * siRuk kanavan ivan **

mElezap pAynthu * pidiththuk koLLum vekuLumEl * 

mAlai mathiyAthE * mAmathI makiznthOdi vA

60.Oh! .Maa Mathi, do not ignore himThat he is a small boy. He is the one who slept on the banyan leaf after the deluge. If He gets angry He will jump on you and stop you. So please come fast. (7)

61. siRiyanenRu enniLanjsingkaththai * ikazEl kaNdAy *

siRumaiyin vArththaiyai * mAvaliyidaich senRu kEL **

siRumaip pizai koLLil  * nIyum un thEvaikkuriyai kEN *

niRaimathI nedumAl * virainthu unnaik kUvukinRAn

61.Do not underestimate my strong child. Go and ask King Mahabali about His strength. If you make mistake by thinking He is small,You will need his help. “Nedumal vishnu “is calling you. (8)

62. thAziyil veNNey * thadangkai Ara vizungkiyz *

pEzai vayiRRempirAn kaNdAy * unnaik kUvukinRAn **

Azikondu unnai eRiyum * aiyuRavillai kAN *

vAza uRuthiyEl * mAmathI makiznthOdi vA

62.He swallowed the entire butter from the pot with His small hands. Such a boy Is calling you. If you do not come anymore, He will take the Chakra and destroy you. If you want to live, come quickly. (9)

63. maiththandangkaNNi * yasOthai than makanukku * ivai

oththana solli * uraiththa mARRam * oLi puththUr

viththakan vittuchiththan * viriththa thamizivai *

eththanaiyum solla vallavarkku * idarillaiyE

63.Phala Sruthi

Yashoda with her beautiful colerium laden eyes uttered clearly, Her sons power and strength. Vishnu Chittan has elaborated it into10 songs. Those who recite will never have any hurdles. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam 


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