PASURAMS 860 TO 871.

860.SurukkuvArai inriyE SurunginAi Surungiyum perukkuvArai inriyE perukkam eidu peTTriyOi | SerukkuvArhaL teekkuNangaL teertta dEva dEvan enru irukkuvAi munikkaNangaL Etta yAnum EttinEn || (109)

860.You took the dwarfish form of vAmana, by your own will, without the effect of any consequence of action (i.e. not driven by karma)or anyone's persuasion. In the same way, while still in the dwarfish vAmana form, without any outside pressure and nothing to be led by karma, you took the tiruvikrama form and grew gigantically. Oh! Lord of lords, you brought down the arrogance and ego (ahankAra and mamakAra) of kings like mahAbali. Talking about your kalyANa gunAs ( divine attributes), your beautiful form and your wondrous deeds are all not by my own effort. It is all the hearsay from the vEdas and from the holy Vedic sages, that I repeat. (109)

861.tooyanAyum anriyum Surumbu ulAvu taN tuzhAi mAya ninnai nAyinEn vaNangi vAzhttum eedelAm | neeyum nin kuruppinil poruttu nalhu vElai neer pAyalODu pattar Sittam mEya vElai vaNNanE || (110)

861.Oh! Wondrously powerful Lord adorned with bees hovering cool tulsi garland!, Oh! Ocean hued Lord, present on the ocean bed as well as the hearts of your devotees, I pray, you forgive this lowly self of me who worship and sing your glories whether in a sacred state or in an impure state, and still shower your blessings on me. 
Ever thinking about you I can claim that I am in a sacred state.
Possessing the twin qualities of arrogance and ego (ahankAra and mamakAra), I can confer that I am impure. In whichever state I am in, please do not fail to show your grace on me. (110)

862.vaidu ninnai vallavA pazhittavarkum mAril pOr Seidu ninna SeTTrateeyil vendavarkum vandunai | 
 eidalAhum enbar AdalAl em mAya nAyinEn Seida kuTTram naTTrAmAhavE koL jnAla nAdanE || (111)

862.Oh! Lord, the universal protector, the sages indicate that you can be reached, attained and get liberated even at the fag end of realisation. Those who condemned and defamed you, to the best of their ability and strength, like ShishupAla who cursed you, amidst YuddhishTira’s rAjasooya yagyam, sought his own end by falling prey to your anger and was beheaded by Sudarshana chakra. In the same way vAli, fell pray to your arrow and was killed in rAmAvatAr. They both still joined you, got liberated and attained moksha.  Hence, I plead you oh! Lord, to consider my folly, not as mistakes rather as ignorance and consider them to be good deeds. 
AzhvAr while ruminating over emperumAn's kalyaNa gunAs, he thinks about His vAtsalyam, where he said, "My devotees don't perform bad deeds, even if they do, they will do only good deeds". So instead of asking EmperumAn to bear with, this lowly self's deeds, he pleads to overlook all his follies. (111)

863.vALhaLAhi nALhaL Sella nOimai kunri mooppu eidi mALum nALadu AdalAl vaNangi vAzhttu en nenjamE | 
 ALadAhu nanmai enru nangu uNarndadu anriyum meeLvilAda BOgam nalha vENDum mAla pAdamE ||(112)

863.The days keeps moving like a speeding horse. It makes us think as though they are like the sword, cutting the days of our lifespan. In this process, various kinds of diseases curb our body and we get into old age, thereafter move closer towards death. Hence, my heart and mind, I plead you, to praise and worship the Lord, realising that, only being subservient to the Lord will lead us in the right path. So without procrastinating, start worshipping now. The reason being, only his lotus feet can give us salvation from this vicious cycle of birth. (112)

864.Salam kalanda SenjaDai karutta kaNDan veN talai pulan kalanga uNDa pAdahattan van tuyar keDa | alangal mArvil vASa neer koDuttavan aDutta Seer nalangoL mAlai naNNu vaNNam eNNu vAzhi nenjamE || (113)

864.My praiseworthy mind, I wish your existence be everlasting. Please take note of what I have to say. Lord rudra who has reddish mated hair where Ganga resides and bluish coloured neck as he swallowed the poison that came during Samudramathanam ( churning of the ocean), suffered from a curse of begging and thriving alms in the scary white skull that got stuck to his hand due to the brahmahatyA dOsham.  The ever joyful EmperumAn relieved him from that misery by the divine fragrant waters from his chest adorned with cool tulasi garlands. Hence, always stay yearning for his grace that will wipe our adversaries and lead you to him with ever glorious kalyANa gunAs. (113)

865.eenamAya eTTum neekki Edam inri meedu pOi vAnam ALa vallaiyEl vaNangi vAzhttu en nenjamE | jnAnamAhi jnAyirAhi jnAlam muTTrum Or eyiTTru EnamAi iDanda moorti endai pAdam eNNiyE || (114)

865.My dear mind, if your wish is to reach paramapadam, the abode that exist beyond leelAvibhoothi (this material world) that can be travelled through archiraadi maargam (the path of light towards the sun), after getting relieved from this samsAric miseries and the eight-fold hurdles that pulls one down from attaining the true knowledge namely 
1.avidya - ignorance
2.karma - both puNyam and pApam
3.vAsana - interest towards material things
4.ruchi - the taste or the desire of attaining the material things
5.prakruthi Sambandam - association with the physical body
6 -8 - Taapatrayam - the three kinds of fear. (Aadyaatmikam, Aadhibhautikam, Aadhidaivikam)
(These which can be referred as - kAma, Korda, lOba, mOha, madha, mAtsarya, agyAna and asUya )
Then, worship and praise, pondering on the lotus feet of the Lord, who rescued and safeguarded Mother Earth, from the deep deluge with his single tusk incarnating as mahA varAha. He is the one who eliminates ignorance and bestows the true inner knowledge and the knowledge of the true senses as well. (114)

866.attanAhi annaiyAhi ALum embirAnumAi ottu ovvAda pal pirappu ozhittu nammai ATkoLvAn | 
muttanAr mukundanAr puhundu nammuL mEvinAr ettinAl iDar kaDal kiDatti Ezhai nenjamE || (115)

866.My weak mind, why do you feel weak and ignorant? 
Our Lord EmperumAn, who is the only giver of moksha and is untouched by the effects of samsAra, has wowed to pull us out of the burden of samsAra where one suffers with various kinds of births and death and take us closer to him. When he has entered into us and is staying within us as the light of knowledge to protect us taking the roles of mother, father and even the Lord, why are you submerged in the ocean of sorrow?

In dvApara yuga, when mahAbhArata happened, Lord krishNa comforted Arjuna saying "mA shuchah:", (don't worry) standing on the chariot. In the same way AzhvAr comforts his mind saying "don't worry".

BHAGAVAT GEETA says (18.66)
sarvadharmAn parityajya mAm Ekam sharaNam vraja |
aham tvAm sarva pApEbhyOh mOkshayishyAmi mA shuchah||
Give up all dharmas and surrender only unto Me. I will liberate you of all your sins. Do Not Worry! (MA SHUCHAH). (115)

867.mAru Seida vALarakkan nALulappa anru ilangai neer Seidu Senru konru venri koNDa veeranAr | 
vEru Seidu tammuL ennai vaittiDAmaiyAl naman kooru Seidu koNDiranda kuTTram eNNa vallanE || (116)

867.The victorious Lord rAma, marched towards Lanka and encountered with the fully armed rAvaNa bringing about an end to his life. This valiant Lord, having accepted my surrender to him (prapatti), has liberated me of all my sins and made me become union with him . Will it be possible for Yama to demarcate the sins committed by me, at this stage and punish me? (116)

868.achcham nOyoDu allal pal pirappu avAyam mooppu ivai vaitta Sindai vaitta Akkai mATTri vAnil ETTruvAn |
achchudan ananda keerti Adi andamilavan nachchu nAhanai kiDanda nAdan vEda geedanE || (117)

868.Even if our present sins are nullified, AzhvAr thinks about the stored karma (prarabda karma) and its connection with the physical body that it has to take again and again.
All the various kinds of fear, the imbalanced mind along with the diseased body, the painful old age, the different kinds of birth,  the heart that wishes to enjoy along with the physical body that it gets housed in, are the various kinds of hardship that one gets to undergo as a result of their karma. Getting rid of all these sufferings and reaching the eternal kingdom of happiness, can be facilitated only by the Lord, who can never relinquish his devotees, whose glories are immeasurable, whose beginning and end cannot be perceived, who reclines on the bed of poison emitting Adiseshan and is being sung in the vEdas.  (117)

869.Sollinum tozhilkaNum toDakkarAda anbinum allum nan pahalinODum Ana mAlai kAlaiyum | 
valli nAL malar kizhatti nAda pAda pOdinai pulli uLLam veeLvilAdu poondu meeNDadu illaiyE || (118)

869.The consort, of goddess MahAlakshmi born on the well bloomed lotus flower!, in all the names that I utter ( by way of performing archana and nAmasankeerthanam ), in all the deeds that I do ( including prostrating before and circumambulating ), in the ceaseless love that I possess, at all times from dusk ( sun set along with the night) to dawn (sun rise along with the day), I stay embracing your holy feet and immersed completely in that experience.(118)

870.ponni Soozh arangam mEya poovai vaNNa mAya kEL ennadAvi ennum val vinaiyinuL kozhundu ezhundu | unna pAdam enna ninra oN SuDar kozhu malar manna vandu pooNDu vATTaminri engum ninradE || (119)

870.Oh charismatic Lord, Periya PerumAlE!, with kAyam flower hued physique, you reside in tiruvarangam surrounded by river Kaveri. Immersed in your beauty and nature, I plead before you to listen to my words. In this Atma, born out of sins, a small shoot has sprung up, as a result of the grace bestowed due to the attachment to your divine feet, and is settled well in it. It is ready to travel along with you, through all the vibhootis. (119)

871.iyakkarAda pal pirappil ennai mATTri inru vandu uya koL mEha vaNNan naNNi ennilAya tannuLE | mayakkinAn tan mannu SOdi AdalAl en AvidAn iyakkelAm aruttu arAda inba veeDu peTTradE || (120)

871.The black rain bearing cloud hued,(megha vaNNan) EmperumAn, who is capable of liberating the souls, has determined to retrieve me from the continuous Chain of birth and death. Coming closer and captivating me with the beauty of his divyamangala vigraham he has entered my heart and settled there. As a result of this union, I feel I have become one, in unison with the Lord and attained the eternal bliss of moksham.

AzhvAr finally finishes saying, he has become one with God and attained the eternal bliss of service to God. (120)

AzhvAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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