PASURAMS  836 TO 847
AzhvAr, expressing his helplessness, seeks  the lotus feet as the only means .

836.nachcharAvaNai kiDanda nAda pAda pOdinil vaitta Sindai vAnguvittu neenguvikka nee inam | 
 meittan vallai AdalAl arindanan nin mAyamE uittu nin mayakkinil mayakkal ennai mAyanE || (85)

836. Oh almighty!, reclining on a meditative posture on the poison emitting Adiseshan, with your free will, you are capable of diverting my mind which is secured to your lotus feet, towards unworthy desires. Oh wondrous Lord!, I strongly realise that you are a sovereign. I plead before you, not to bring me under the influence of mAya (Prakriti) but relieve me from the bondage of worldly attachment. (85)

837.SADu SADu pAdanE Salam kalanda poihai vAi ADarAvin van piDar naDam payinra nAdanE | 
 kODu neeDu kaiya Seyya pAdam nALum uLLinAl veeDanAha mei SeyAda vaNNam enkol kaNNanE || (86)

837. Oh Lord kaNNa! Oh! My master, having the divine Palm that permanently adorns the ornament of Chakra, Oh!Lord who kicked off sakatAsuran with your tiny feet and danced  on the mighty hood(AdarAvin pidar) of the hauteur snake kAlia, that filled the fresh water lake with its venomous poison,  what is it that is stopping You from bestowing upon me a place in Your eternal abode, when you know that I constantly meditate upon Your Lotus feet day in and out? (86) 
Quoting examples of lord proving his ability to dispel mighty enemies, AzhvAr pleads lord to remove the obstacle that stops from granting the fruit of eternal servitude to him. (86)

838.neTTri peTTra kaNNan viNNin nAdanODu pOdin mEl naTTravatta nAdanODu maTTrum uLLa vAnavar | kaTTra peTTriyAl vaNangu pAda nAda vEda nin paTTralAl Or paTTru maTTradu uTTrilEn uraikkilE || 

838. Dear lord, having the most venerated divine feet, you are worshipped according to the extent of their own individual knowledge by, Lord shiva having the third eye, Indra, the King of the devas,the three headed brahma born on lotus flower, and all other dEvas. Oh master who is the embodiment of vEdas, other than submitting myself, unto your lotus feet, trust me, I have not even thought of any other refuge. (87)

839.veLLai vElai verpu nATTi veLLeyiTTru arAvaLAi aLLalAi kaDainda anru aruvaraikku Or AmaiyAi | 
 uLLa noihaL teer marundu vAnavarkku aLitta em vaLLalArai anri maTTrOr deivam nAn madippanE || (88)

839.Instilling mount mandAra into the whitish ocean and twining the white toothed VAsuki serpent around it, in the days of the yore, while you churned it with surging waves, by way of supporting the mountain, you became a tortoise underneath it. You gave the gift of elixir that was churned to the dEvas. Knowing all these greatness, how will I even think of some other refuge in my mind, Oh! Supreme Lord ? (88)

840.pAr mihutta bAra mun ozhichchuvAn aruchchunan tEr mihuttu mAyamAkki ninru konru vEnri SEr | mAradarkku vAn koDuttu vaiyam aivar pAladAm Seer mihutta nin alAl Or deivam nAn madippanE || (89)

840. I shall hardly advocate any other deity other than you Oh! Glorious Lord, who administered the chariot of Arjuna, back in the olden days, and slayed the entire clan of Duryodhana (who is an acclaimed mahA rathar, confidant of winning the war), so as to lessen the burden of Mother Earth and eradicate wrongdoers, by performing astounding and unbelievable fete such as, making the day look like night. Bestowing them the heavenly abode, you eventually made the pAnDavAs rule this world. (89)
*ananyagatitvam* ( no other refuge but the Lord ) is what he explained in the three verses above.

841.kulangaL Aya eeriraNDil onrilum pirandilEn nalangaL Aya nar kalaihaL nAlilum navinrilEn | 
pulanhaL aindum venrilEn poriyilEn punida nin ilangu pAdam anri maTTrOr paTTrilEn em eeSanE || (90)

Now AzhvAr explains * Akinchanyam* ( no other means, but for his lotus feet, in this verse)
841. Oh! Immaculate lord, Am not born in any one of the four varnAs. I haven’t practiced the four vEdas, that shows the virtuous path for the beings. I haven’t won over the five senses. I have been caught in the treacheries of this materialistic world. Other than holding on to your bright lotus feet, I have no other alternative options (90)

842.paNNulAvu men mozhi paDai taDangaNAl poruTTu eNNilA arakkarai neruppinAl nerukkinAi | 
 kaNNalAl Or kaNNilEn kalanda SuTTram maTTrilEn eNNilAda mAya ninnai ennuL neekkal enrumE || (91)

842. Oh! Valorous Lord!, for the sake of pirATTi, with sword like elongated eyes and euphonic voice, you annihilated thousands of soldiers with your fiery arrows. Oh, wondrous Lord, I am stranded with none to govern and lead me nor to comfort me other than you. Therefore, I plead you not to forsake me ever from you. (91)

843.viDai kulangaL Ezh aDarttu venri vEr kaN mAdarAr kaDi kalanda tOL puNarnda kAliyAya vElai neer | paDaittu aDaittu adir kiDandu mun kaDaindu nin tanakku aDaikkaLam puhunda ennai anjal enna veNDumE || (92)

843. Oh! GOpAlakrishnA (kAli Aya)!, you created the ocean with water being its constituent firstly, you built a bridge across the ocean during rAmAvatAr, you chose the ocean to be your abode, where you stay in a reclined state, just to listen to your devotees appeal. In the days of yore, you churned it for the sake of dEvas. Not only these, you tamed the seven aggressive and muscular bulls of different kinds to embrace the redolent and beautiful spear shaped eyed nappinnai pirATTi. I plead you oh! Lord, to caress me, who has surrendered unto you totally and say, "Do not fear". (92)
Quoting the instances of giving assurance of protection during vibeeshana sharanAgati, and uttering "மாசுச:"(mAsucha:) for *arjuna*, AzhvAr pleads the Lord  to say "அஞ்சேல்" (anjEl) for his sake.(92)

844.Surumburangu taN tuzhAi tuDaindalarnda pAdamE virumbi ninru iranjuvErku irangu aranga vANanE | karumbirundu kaTTiyE kaDal kiDanda kaNNanE irumbu aranga venjaram turanda villirAmanE || (93)

844.Oh lord RanganAthA! Residing in periyakoil, you are as sweet as the sugar candy. Oh kanna! Who abodes in  tiruparkadal. Oh! Lord rAma, with your sArnga bow, you destroy even the strongest of enemies. I stand before you, longing for your grace, who love and worship your divine feet, adorned with the cool tulsi strand flocked with bees. (93)

845.oonil mEya Avi nee urakkamODu uNarchi nee Anil mEya aindum nee avaTTruL ninra tooimai nee | vAninODu maNNum nee vaLangaDar payanum nee yAnum nee adanri embirAnum nee irAmanE || (94)

845. Oh! Lord rAma, the five energies or the airs/vAyu embedded in the body to keep it alive, operates under your control. You govern the ignorance ( somnolence due to tamOgunam) and knowledge ( brilliance due to satvagunam) of an entity. You are present in the five by-products obtained from the cows and their purity remains as an impact of your resolution. The entire wealth consisting of both the Nithya Vibhuti (the eternal abode) and Leela Vibhuti (the mundane world) operates under your will. You are the very same precious utilities such as the gems and the divine nectar obtained from the sea. Myself is also under your control.  You are the ultimate supremo.
SarvavyApitvam is clearly explained in this verse. (94)

The five vAyus:
prAna, apAna, vyAna, udAna and samAna vAyu. (94)

846.aDakkarum pulanhaL aindaDakki ASaiyAm avai tuDakkaruttu vandu nin tozhil kaN ninra ennai nee | viDakkarudi mei SeyAdu mikku Or ASai Akkilum kaDal kiDanda ninnalAl Or kaNNilEn em aNNalE || (95)

846. My dear lord, upholding the uncontrollable five senses and refraining myself from the material interest, I have come to you with utmost interest in your servitude. Having uplifted me to this state, is it fair on your part to disdain me and not make my liberation a reality, rather increase by worldly desire? I affirm that, I have none other than you oh! Lord, who reclines on the milky ocean as my protector. (95)

847.varambilAda mAya mAya vaiyam Ezhum meimmaiyE varambil oozhi Ettilum varambilAda keerttiyAi | varambilAda pal pirappu aruttu vandu nin kazhal porundumA tirunda nee varam Sei puNDareekanE || (96)

847. Oh! Lotus eyed Lord with wondrous powers!, you innately possess the boundless, unimaginable form of the primordial substance. Your eminence, is immeasurable, even after venerating your glory for several ages, in all the seven worlds put together. Ending my innumerable cycle of birth, I pray , to bestow upon me, the grace of attaining your lotus feet and eternally remain there. (96)


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