824.maram poda charam turandu vAli veezha munnOr nAL 
uram poda charam turanda umbarALi embirAn | 
varam kurippil vaittavarkku alAdu vAnam ALilum 
nirambu neeDu bOham ettirattum yArkum illaiyE || (73)

 *Grace of the Lord*
824.This Lord of lords, our emperumAn, Penetrating through seven Saal trees with a single arrow, instilled confidence in sugreeva's heart and in the same way penetrated through vAli's heart and killed him with a single arrow, in the days of the yore (trEtA yuga), during rAmAvatAr. Unless one gets venerated by the lord's grace into His heart, even be it the King of the celestials, none can get the fruit of doing eternal service to the Lord. (73)

825.arindu arindu vAmanan aDi yiNai vaNanginAl Serindu ezhunda jnAnamODu Selvamum SerindiDum | marindu ezhunda teNDiraiyuL mannu mAlai vAzhttinAl parindu ezhundu tee vinaihaL paTTru arudal pAnmaiyE || (74)

.* Surrender*
825.Listening and understanding the sAstrAs under the tutelage of a guru that, the means (upAyam)and the goal(upEyam) is to worship the holy feet of the Lord who took the dwarf form (vAmanAvatAr) to measure the world and submits oneself in the worship of the Lord and surrenders, then he is undoubtedly bound to be blessed with the wealth of knowledge and bakthi. In the same way, if one sings the praise of the different names of the Lord who eternally reposes on the widespread, clear wavy, milky ocean, then he is bound to be relieved of all the sins attached to his soul  effortlessly. (74)

826.onri ninru naltavam Seidu oozhi oozhi tOru ellAm ninru ninru avan guNangaL uLLi uLLam tooyarAi | 
Senru Senru dEvadEvar umbar umbar umbarAi anri engaL SengaN mAlai yAvar kANa vallarE || (75)

826. *Dutifulness*
One should engage ones mind and thought in a pensive state, and perform ones duties in way of karma yoga uninfluenced by emotion and with least expectations, towards the Lord and His divine attributes for several ages  along with a pristine heart. This will lead them to slowly climb the ladders of shravaNam (hearing), mananam (thinking) and nidhidhyAsanam (deep meditation) thereby reaching the three states of parabakthi, paragyAna bakthi and paramabakthi. Only at this stage can anyone think of even perceiving the lotus eyed Lord's grace  and have a darshan of Krishna, who is the King of nithyasoories, which otherwise is not possible even be it the dEvadEvAs (75)

827.pun pula vazhi aDaittu arakku ilachchinai Seidu nan pula vazhi tirandu jnAna nar chuDar koLee e | 
 enbil eLhi nenju uruhi uL kanindu ezhundadOr anbil anri AzhiyAnai yAvar kANa vallarE || (76)

827. * Discipline*
Abstaining and controlling  the senses from running behind low and inferior things, (i.e. PrathyAhAram- of the ashtAnga yoga), and concealing it so as not to give any chance for rising back, thereby opening up the virtuous path and lightning up the crown of wisdom (path of knowledge- Jnana yoga )will influence the body and melt down the heart. This leads to ultimate devotion parabakthi, that ripens further to paramabakthi. Only those who get to attain this state, will be able to realise the Lord who wields the divine chakra in his hand.(76)

828.eTTum eTTum eTTumAi Or Ezhum Ezhum EzhumAi eTTu moonrum onrumAhi ninra AdidEvanai|
eTTinAya bEdamODu irainji ninru avan peyar eTTezhuttum OduvArhaL vallar vAnam ALavE || (77)

828. *Meditation*
The Lord governs the 24 principles (tattvas) from within (eTTum eTTum eTTumAy)

*Twenty-four achit tattvas* (non-sentient principles) - 1.moola prakRuti, 2.mahat, 3.ahankara (ego), 4. mind, 
5-9-pancha bhootas - (space, wind, fire, water and Earth)
10-14-pancha tanmaTras - (sound, touch, form (Roopa), taste and smell)
15-19panch karamEndriyas - (tongue, hands, feet, excretory organs, genital organs)
20-24panch gyAnEndriyas  (5 organs of knowledge- skin, mouth, eyes, nose and ears).

He is the controller of the (OrEzhum Ezhum EzhumAy) 7 islands, 7 mountains and 7 seas.
7 islands (sapta dwipAs) - jambu,plaksha,sAlmala, kuSa, krauNcha, sAka, pushkara.
7 mountains (sapta parvatam)
Mahendra, malaya, sahya, Sakriman, Riksavan, Vindhya and Pariyatra.
7 seas ( sapta sAgaram)
 Lavana Samudra; Ikshu Samudra; Sura Samudra; Sarpi (Ghrutha) Samudra; Dadhi Samudra; Ksheera Samudra; and Suddhodaka Samudra.

He is present in the state of antaryAmi within the 12 sun gods (Aditya).
The 12 AdityAs - Anshuman, Aryaman, Indra, Tvashta, Dhatu, Parjanya, Pusha, Bhag, Mitra, Varuna, Vivaswan, and Vishnu.

Those who prostrate before this primival Lord, by chanting the 8 syllabled mantra ( aShThAksharamantra Om namO nArAyanAya) will reach the realm of paramapadam. (77)

829.SOrvilAda kAdalAl toDakkarA manattarAi neerarAvaNai kiDanda ninmalan nalangazhal | ArvamODu irainji ninru avan peyar eTTezhuttum vAramAha OduvArhaL vallavar vAnam ALavE || (78)


829. *Ardent love and Interest.*
Those who worship the divine feet of the Lord reclining on Adishesha over tirupArkadal  and steadfastly chant the Lord's name (ashtAkshara mantra) with utmost love and deep trust, thinking it to be the only refuge, will undoubtedly qualify to reach the kingdom of paramapadam. (78)       

 830.pattinODu pattumAi OrEzhinODu OronbadAi pattinAn tiSai kaN ninra nADu peTTra nanmaiyAi | 
pattinAya tOTTramODu OrATTral mikka AdipAl pattarAmavarkku alAdu mutti muTTralAhumE || (79)

830. * Faith*
Being the inner witness, the lord controls form within all the 10 directions, and their guardians (dasa dik and dikpAlakas).
 *10 directions* - North, South, East , West, North East, North West, South East, South West, above and below.
*10 gaurdians of directions* - dikpAlakas
kubera(North), Yama (South), Indra (East), Varuna (West), eeshAna (North East), vAyu (North West), agni (South East), nairruta (South West), brahma (upper world) and ananta- Aadhiseshan(below)
He is present in the  sapta swaras and the navarasas and operates it. 
*sapta swaras* - shadjam, rishabham, gAndhAram, madhyamam, panchamam, daivatam, nishAdam from strings and throat.
nava rasas* -  shringAra (romance), hAsya(humour), adbhuta(wonder), veera(valour), shAnta(peace), karunA(compassion),raudra(anger), bhayAnaka(fear),beebhatsa (dislike)
For the advantage of the jeevas present in all the 14 lOkas (worlds), he manifests 10 incarnations. 
14 lOkas*-  (7+7)
7 upper worlds- bhooh, bhuvah, suvah, mahah, janah, tapah , satya.
 *7 lower worlds*- atala, vitala, sutala, talAtala, mahAtala, rasAtala, pAtAla.
*10 avatAras* - matsya, koorma, varAha, nRusimha, vAmana, parashurAma, balarama, rAma,krishNa, kalki.
Attaining the goal of moksha is near to possible, only to those who have faith in this lord who is the wholesome embodiment of Tolerance towards his bhaktAs. (79)                                                          

831.vASiyAhi nESam inri vandu edirnda dEnukan nASamAhi nAL ulappa nanmai SEr pananganikku |
 veeSi mEl nimirnda tOLin illai AkkinAi kazharku ASaiyAmavarkku allAl amarar AhalAhumE || (80)

831. *Affection*
None can become capable of enjoying the eternal bliss that the nithyasooris enjoy, other than those who have desire and affection towards the divine feet of the lord - who swirled the unfaithful demon DenukAsuran who appeared in disguise as a donkey named “vaaji”,* (reference available in Vishnu purANam) over the date palm tree and took his life out. (80)

832.kaDainda pAr kaDal kiDandu kAla nEmiyai kaDindu uDainda vAli tantanakku udava vandu irAmanAi | miDainda vEzh marangaLum aDanga eidu vEngaDam aDainda mAla pAdamE aDaindu nALum uimminO || (81)

832. *Servitude*
AzhvAr’s appeal :
Lord emperumAn, reclines in  tirupArkaDal that was churned during koormAvatAram. He put an end to the demon kAlanEmi. In his incarnation as Lord rAma, he came forward to help distressed Sugreeva in  bringing about an end to vAli, thereby piercing the tangled seven SAL trees with a single arrow that eventually pierced everything in the universe present in series of seven like the seven kulaparvatam (seven mountains) etc.. He is the very same lord who is present in TiruvEnkaTam.
Hailing the divine feet of the lord, Oh! AstikAs try to live in peace. (81)

833.ettirattum ottu ninru uyarndu uyarnda peTTriyOi muttirattu moori neer arAvaNai tuyinra nin | 
patturuttu SindaiyODu ninru pASam viTTavarkku ettirattum inbam ingum angum engum AhumE || (82)

833. *Sacrifice* 
Oh! Lord, even though you exhibit, similar qualities of the Chetana, achetanas in all the four types of living entities or bodies namely dEva (celestials), manushya (human), tiryak (animals) and sthAvara (plants)  that you incarnate in, because of the prevelent auspicious attributes, you are the supreme one! Leaving the mundane worldly desires, those who develop deep bhakti and interest toward you, who reposes on snake bed over the ocean formed by the three types of water ( river, Spring and rain water) will undoubtedly enjoy eternal bliss in all three worlds. (82)

834.maTTulAvu taN tuzhAi alangalAi pulan kazhal viTTu veezhvilAda bOgam viNNil naNNi yErinum | eTTinODu iraNDenum kayiTTrinAl manam tanai kaTTi veeDilAdu vaitta kAdal inbam AhumE || (83)

834. *Dedicated mind*
Oh Lord! Decked with the garland of Tulasi which is ever cool and filled with honey, restraining from enjoying your noticeable divine feet on this planet, even if one gets to enjoy the eternal bliss in paramapadam, can it match the ecstasy that arises out of true love one gets to enjoy by the steadfast bhakti ? (83)

835.pin pirakka vaittanan kol anri ninru tan kazharkku anburaikka vaitta nAL arindanan kol AzhiyAn | 
 tan tirattor anbilA arivilAda nAyinEn en tirattil en kol embirAn kurippil vaittadE || (84)

835. *Humility*
What can be the divine decision of my lord emperumAn, who wields the Sudarshana chakra in his hand? Does he wishes me to be born in this samsAric life, after my death or has he planned to bestow me with the permanent love of eternally serving his divine feet attaining the heavenly abode of paramapadam? What has he thought in store for me, who is a lowly person devoid of love and prudence?
Is what AzhvAr laments. (84)


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