PASURAMS 800—811


800.koNDai koNDa kOdai meedu tEnulAvu kooni koon uNDai koNDu aranga OTTi uL mahizhnda nAdan oor | 

 naNDai uNDu nArai pEra vALai pAya neelamE aNDai koNDu keNDai mEyum andaNeer arangamE || (49)

800.Lord rAma who rejoiced within himself, by playfully hitting a soft arrow mounted with mud ball (உண்டை) on the hunch(கூன்) of the hunched back mantarA (referred as கூனி) having tied up hair locks and the bees hovering over the string of flowers adorned on them, resides in this lovely place known as "tiruvarangam".  Here in the cool waters, the cranes walk slowly after relishing the crabs. The vALai fish jumps up and down. The kendai fish fearlessly swims gently under the shade of blue lilies. 

The swAbadEsam or the inner meaning of the verse:

Kooni is referred to the embodied soul. The hunch being the ego of the jeevAs. The  Lord rejoices in trying to eliminate the ego of the jeevAs like hitting the hunch of kooni playfully, Whereas the jeevAs enjoy relishing the pleasures through the senses like the crane (நாரை) relishing the crab (நண்டு). On the other hand, the prapannAs (those who have surrendered to the Lord ), live fearlessly under His protection, like the kendai fish that fearlessly swim under the blue lilies. (49)

801.veNDirai karungaDal Sivandu vEva munnOr nAL tiNtiral Silai kai vALi viTTa veerar SErum oor | 

 eNDiSai kaNangaLum irainji ADu teertta neer vaNDiraitta SOlai vEli mannu Seer arangamE || (50)

801.This courageous noble Lord rAma, Earlier, during rAmAvatAr, in a fit of rage against Lord varuNa discharged fiery arrows from his mighty bow sArnga, over the dark blackish ocean with whitish waves making it red hot as he was not willing to give way for RAma to go in search of Seetha. This Lord resides in this kshEtram called tiruvarangam. People from all eight direction come here to take a dip in the holy waters of Srirangam. This place is beautifully surrounded by groves swarming with humming bees.

The swAbadEsam or the inner meaning: 

The timely act of the Lord and the readiness to protect His devotees is indicated in this verse. (50)

802.SarangaLai turandu vil vaLaittu ilangai mannavan SirangaL pattu aruttu udirtta Selvar mannu ponniDam |

 parandu pon nirandu nundi vandu alaikkum vAr punal arangam enbar nAn muhattu ayan paNinda kOyilE || (51)

802.This most desirous and beautiful place known as Srirangam is where the meritorious Lord srirAma , who releasing the bow from his arched bow ripped off the ten heads of the King of Lanka, resides. It is here the large holy river Ponni also known as Cauvery flows with its surging waves and it is this temple, worshipped by the four headed Lord brahma.

SwAbadEsam or inner meaning:

The ten heads denote the ten senses that distracts a spiritual seeker. Lord destroys the monstrous mind that indulges in senses with the arrows of wisdom. 

Lord has taken Srirangam as his permanent residence after his vibhavAvatAram to help his devotees from all obstacles is what is being conveyed by AzhvAr. (51)

Mentioning rAmAvatAr in the previous three pAsurams, AzhvAr moves to krishNAvatAr in the next two pAsuram.

803.poTTrai uTTra muTTral yAnai pOr edirndu vandadai paTTri uTTru maTTru adan maruppu oSitta pAhanoor | 

 SiTTreyiTTru muTTra moongil moonru taNDar onrinar aTTra paTTrar SuTTri vAzhum andaNeer arangamE || (52)

803.This Srirangam kshEtram, is the place where Srikrishna, who held and pulled the tusk of the mast oozing mad elephant kuvalayApeetam like its mahout, which came fiercely to fight against him, resides. It is here in this place, surrounded by cool waters, carrying the tied single staff made of three bamboo sticks having teeth like nodes, the renounced sanyasis (ascetics) live. (52)

804.mODi ODi lajjai Aya SApam eidi mukkaNAn kooDu SEnai makkaLODu koNDu maNDi venjamattu |

ODa vANan Ayiram karam kazhitta Adi mAl peeDu kOyil kooDu neer arangam enra pEradE || (53)

804.This famous temple abundant with waters originating from sahyaparvatam (western ghats) being referred as "tiruvarangam", is where, the primival Lord (who is the ancient cause) who severed the thousand arms of bANAsura and made the three eyed Rudra, who carried the shameful title kapAle (since the skull got stuck to his hand), turn back and retreat along with kALi (modiyodu) and his sons in addition to the huge army, resides.

Lord shiva had promised to help bANAsura in the fight against Lord krishNa, who came to the rescue of fulfilling the wish of Aniruddhan (krishna's grandson). In spite of the great army bANAsura was defeated. In the same way AzhvAr  conveys that, the Lord will certainly come to the rescue of his subjects and fulfill their wishes. (53)

 805.ilai talai charam turandu ilangai kaTTu azhittavan malai talai pirandu izhindu vandu nundu Sandanam | 

 kulaittu alaittu iruttu erinda kunguma kuzhambinODu alaittu ozhuhu kAviri arangam mEya vaNNalE || (54)

805.He who shattered the fort of Lanka, by dispensing series of arrows as sharp as the leaf tips is the Lord who dwells in tiruvarangam. The river Cauvery, arising from the peaks of the sahya hills, uproots, breaks and drags on its course, sandal trees and mixes it up with the pollens of saffron, thereby making a concoction and flows gently in this kshEtram, thereby gently caressing the feet of the Lord.

It is understood as said by AzhvAr, that Lord rAma reposes here to overcome his tiredness after the destruction of rAvaNa.

The swAbadEsam being, 

The Lord reposes here to destroy the adversaries of his devotees, that come by way of disturbing their divine experiences. (54)

806.mannu mA malar kizhatti vaiya mangai maindanAi pinnum Ayar pinnai tOL maNam puNarndadu anriyum | unna pAdam enna Sindai manna vaittu nalhinAi ponni Soozh arangam mEya puNDareekan allaiyE || (55)

806.You being the darling to both goddess MahAlakshmi seated on the lotus flower and  goddess of earth bhoomipirATTi, still won the heart of the cowherd man kumban's daughter Nappinnai and married her. On top of that, Oh! Lord, you placed your divine foot in my heart and resided there permanently. You are none other than the lotus eyed Lord (pundareekan) who resides in the temple of tiruvarangam surrounded by Cauvery river.

SwAbadEsam :

Enjoying the nearness of all three goddess at all time, still emperumAn has been kind enough to come and reside in the hearts of his devotees and shower his compassion towards them. (55)

The next six verses becomes the mangalAsAsanam (consecration) for the Lord of tirukkudanthai.

807.ilangai mannan aindoDu aindu paindalai nilattuha kalanga anru Senru konru venri koNDa veeranE | 

 vilangu noolar vEda nAvar neediyAna kELviyAr valangoLa kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE || (56)

807.Oh! Mighty warrior, in the trEtA yuga, gaining access into Lanka, affrighting rAvaNa, you severed his ten heads to the ground and victoriously killed all the demons. You are none other than the Lord who reposes in tirukkudanthai , worshipped by the Vedic Brahmins, who wear the sacred thread, knowing the Vedas at the tip of their tongue and learn their meanings from well learned gurus.(56)

808.Sangu tangu munkai nangai kongai tangaluTTravan angam manga anru Senru aDarttu erinda AzhiyAn | 

 kongu tangu vAr kuzhal maDandaimAr kuDainda neer pongu taN kuDandaiyuL kiDanda puNDareekanE || (57)

808.Oh! Lord rAma, in the days of the yore, reaching Lanka and sieging it, you ripped off the ten heads of the ill hearted rAvaNa and made him fall on the ground, who tried to embrace pirATTi (Seetha) ever residing in the heart of the Lord wearing pure white conch bangles.  You are the very same Lord with lotus like eyes, who stays reclined amidst the cool waters of tirukkudanthai, where pretty damsels with fragrant hair locks play around cheerfully. (57)

809.maram keDa naDandu aDarttu matta yAnai mattahattu uram keDa puDaittu Or kombu oSittu uhanda uttamA |

turangam vAi piLandu maNNaLanda pAda vEdiyar varam koLa kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE || (58)

809.Oh! Paramapurusha, as a way of learning to walk, you crawled between the twin yamalArjuna trees and thus by felling them, liberated maNikOvar (the sons of Kubera). By hitting the mast elephant on its head, you brought down its madness and broke its tusks too. Ripping apart the mouth of the demon kesi disguised as a horse, you measured all the worlds with your feet, Oh lord! Aren't  you not the same one (mAl) who reposes in tirukkudanthai, bestowing the wishes of the Vedic people living there? (58)

810.SAli vEli taN vayal taDam kiDangu poompozhil kOlamADa neeDu taN kuDandai mEya kOvalA | 

 kAlanEmi vakkiran karan muran Siram avai kAlanODu kooDa vil kunitta virkai veeranE || (59)

810.Oh! Krishna, you choose to reside in tirukkudanthai significant with its cool paddy fields fenced with richly grown paddy crops, deep canals, well bloomed groves and high raised artificially structured buildings. You are the unbeatable Lord, who slayed the heads of kAlanEmi (son of mArIcha- killed in the tArakAsura war ), vakran (dandavakran- killed near the gates of Dwaraka, when Krishna accepted Rukmini as his wife ),  Karan muran (the minister of narakAsuran) and reached it to yamaloka.  (59)

811.Sezhum kozhum perum pani pozhindiDa uyarnda vEi vizhundu ularndu ezhundu viN puDaikkum vEngaDattuL ninru | 

 ezhundu irundu tEn porundu poompozhil tazhai kozhum Sezhum taDam kuDandaiyuL kiDanda mAlum allaiyE || (60)

811.As the snow falls like stars continuously on the tall grown bamboo shoots, they bend down on account of the heavy weight and later as the sun shines the snow melts and the bamboo shoots rise up again touching the skies in this divine place  tiruvEnkatam, where you are stationed in a standing position, gracing your devotees. 

Are you not the same Lord who reposes in tirukkudanthai, possessing, well bloomed orchards and where bees hover above or settles above the blossom on the cool ponds?

Here AzhvAr tries to convey that, being in the standing pose or the reclining pose, he is ever ready to grace and protect his devotees. (60)


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