angkan nedDumadil



kulasEkara perumAl moves from Vibhava form ( the incarnation state) to archa form (the idol state). Reminded of GOVINDARAJA PERUMAL of TILLAI NAGARAM, he sees him as rAma of chitrakooTam and wishes to sing about rAma. Hence this kshEtram is known as *TIRUCHITTIRAKOODAM* also referred as “punDareekapuram”. He sings the essence of entire rAmAyaNa in this decade. As this Azhwar is so much engrossed with rAma and this entire Tirumozhi is about rAmAyaNa, it is called RAMAYANA SANGRAHAM.



741 * angkaNedu madhiL pudai sUzh ayOdhdhi ennum *

aNi nagaraththu ulaganaiththum viLakkum sOdhi *

vengkadhirOn kulaththukkOr viLakkAyth thOnRi * viN muzhudhum uyak koNda vIran thannai **

sengkaNedung karumugilai irAman thannaith * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

engkaL thani mudhalvanai emperumAn thannai * enRu kolO! kaN kuLirak kANum nALE (2) (1)

In the world’s most picturesque city of ayOdhyA, surrounded on all four sides by tall ramparts,  the primeval lord of the universe came to be born as a divine light in the dynasty of Soorya with its resplendent rays. He is our( mahAveera!) chivalrous lord rAma, who is dark cloud hued with lotus like eyes and protects the dEvas, uplifting them from miseries. When will the day come such that, I can see my lord to my heart’s content in *tillainagar* also called *tiruchittirakooDam* .(1)



742 vandhedhirndha thAdagai than uraththaik kIRi * varu kuruthi pozhi thara vankaNai onREvi *

manthirangkoL maRai munivan vELvi kAththu * vallarakkar uyiruNda maindhan kANmin ** senthaLirvAy malar nagai sEr sezhunthaN sOlaith *

thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL * andhaNargaL oru mUvAyiravar Eththa *

aNimaNi Asanaththirundha ammAn thAnE (2)

To protect and safeguard the auspicious Vedic yAgAs of the brahmarishi vishwAmitra, this effulgent child rAma, deploying a single arrow, pierced the heart of the demoness “tAtakA” who came encountering, for having entered her territory, such that the gushing blood flowed out vigorously. He even took the life  out of “subAhu” and other demons. This child rAma, can be worshipped  in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam* which has well grown orchards abundant with flowers amidst tender reddish sprouts, where he sits on a gem studded throne flanked by three thousand and odd Vedic Brahmins sing his praise. (2)


743 sevvari naRkarunedungkaN sIthaikkAgich *

sina vidaiyOn silai iRuththu mazhuvAL Endhi *

vevvari naRsilai vAngki venRi koNdu *

vElvEndhar pagai thadindha vIran thannai **thevvaranjchu nedum purisai uyarndha pAngkarth * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

evvari venjsilaith thadakkai irAman thannai * iRainjchuvAr iNaiyadiyE iRainjchinEnE (3)

 743.To win the heart of seetha with her beautiful long black eyes running with reddish vein lines, rAma broke the bow of shiva possessing the aggressive bull as his vAhanA.  RAma victoriously took possession of the beautiful gigantic viShNu dhanush from the wielder of the axe (parasu) ParasurAma, on his way back from Mithila, there by returning to Ayodhya to protect his kingdom from enemies.

This great heroic lord resides in  *tillainagar tiruchittiriakooDam* predominantly surrounded by tall rampart that can instilled fear to the enemies.

I shall prostrate at the feet of the bagavatas who worship rAma holding the bow in his hand. (3)


 744 thoththalar pUnjsurikuzhal kaikEsi sollAl *

thonnagaram thuRandhu thuRaik gangkai thannai *

paththiyudaik gugan kadaththa vanam pOyp pukkup * paradhanukkup pAdhukamum arasum Indhu **

chiththirakUdaththu irundhAn thannai * inRu thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

eththanaiyum kaNkuLirak kANap peRRa * irunilaththArkku imaiyavar nErovvAr thAmE (4)

744.Adhering to the words of kaikEyi having curly locks of hair adorned with bunches of flower, abandoning the kingdom and forsaking the legal heir apparent ship rAma crossed the magnificent Ganges in the canoes, with the help of the ardent hunter devotee “GUHAN” and reached the forests of “CHITRAKOOT HILLS”.

Learning about all the developments, “BHARATHA” reached the hills of Chitrakoot pleading rAma to return to Ayodhya, but was entrusted with the rAjyam and the “PADUKAS” to rule over it. 

Now one can view this lord rAma, to one’s heart content here in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam* similar to the nithyasooris eternally .(4)



745 vali vaNakku varai nedunthOL virAdhaik konRu * vaNthamizh mAmuni koduththa varivil vAngki *

kalaivaNakku nOkkarakki mUkkai nIkkik * karanOdu thUdaNan than uyirai vAngki **

silai vaNakki mAn mariya eydhAn thannaith * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

thalai vaNakkik kai kUppi Eththa vallAr *

thiridhalAl thavamudaiththuth tharaNi thAnE (5)

RAma heading to daNdakAraNyam, Slayed the valorous, mountainous arms, that can bring down the enemies of the demon “virAdhan”, and later buried him putting an end to his tyranny. He received the strong “ Vaishnava bow” from sage Agasthiar who formulated the Tamil grammar. 

Later he chopped off the nose of the demoness shoorpanakhA who had eyes that disdained that of the deer and destroyed the demons kharadhooShaNa and their army of 14000 rAkshasas. 

Not stopping there, he took the life out of “mAreecha”, who came disguised as the golden deer. This rAmapirAn can be seen in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam* which is fortunate enough to have people, seen respecting the elders with folded hands and bowing heads. (5)

Agastya is a great sage considered as the father of Tamil literature. He is related to have done great deeds like

💠 THATAKA SABADHANAM : (as she came barging to finish Agasthya muni, she was cursed by him to become a demoness),

💠 VINDHYASTHAMBANAM : ( as the Vindhya mountains were growing up high and almost reaching the sun, sage Agastya subdued it by making it to prostrate before him as he came and stood in front of the mountain and ordered it to remain as such)

💠 VATAPIMARANAM : Agasthya put an end to the wicked deeds of two demon brothers, Vatapi and Ilvala by digesting vatapi in his stomach and bringing ilvala to ashes.

💠SAMUDRA ACHAMANA: once he drank all the waters of the sea to bring out the hiding demons in the sea. (5)



746 thanamaruvu vaithEgi piriyal uRRuth *

thaLarveydhich sadAyuvai vaikunthaththu ERRi *

vanamaruvu kavi arasan kAdhal koNdu *

vAliyaik konRu ilangkai nagar arakkar kOmAn **

sinam adangka mAruthiyAl suduviththAnaith * thillainagar ith thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

inidhamarndha ammAnai irAman thannai * EththuvAr iNaiyadiyE EththinEnE (6)

.Getting separated from his only wealth, his ever beautiful wife seetha, as she got abducted by rAvaNa, rAma became so depressed and lost all his charm. He set out in search of seetha and on the way met JaTAyu (the king of eagles) who fought against rAvaNa and was dying. Granting him “moksha” with his grace, he set out to the Rushyamudi hills and won the friendship of Sugreeva and HanumAn. Killing the wicked brother vAli, he made sugreeva the king of the vAnarAs.

Later, he sent hanumAn as a messenger to Lanka and set the island ablaze with the fire that was set on hanumAn’s tail. 

Now this rAma stays in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam* with a greater fervour than the one in the north. Let me stand praising the feet of that devotee who worship this lord rAma. (6)



747 kurai kadalai adalambAl maRuga eydhu *

kulai katti maRu karaiyai adhanAl ERi *

eri neduvEl arakkarodum ilangkai vEndhan *

innuyir koNdu avan thambikku arasum Indhu **

thirumagaLOdu inidhamarndha selvan thannaith * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

arasamarndhAn adi sUdum arasai allAl * arasAga eNNEn maRRarasu thAnE (7)

RAma, with his terrifying arrow agitated the roaring ocean thereby invoking the ocean King for his permission to construct a dam across the ocean with the help of the vAnarAs and reached the island Lanka. There he annihilated all the demons carrying terrifying weapons along with their King rAvaNA.

Later, performing the coronation to vibeeshana as the King of Lanka rAma happily joined Seetha and returned back to Ayodhya.

This rAma governs being in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam*. I shall not consider anything else other than his divine feet as my true kingdom. (7)



748 amponedu maNimAda ayOdhdhi eydhi *

araseydhi agaththiyan vAyththAn mun konRAn

than * perunthol kadhai kEttu mithilaich selvi * ulaguyyath thiruvayiRu vAyththa makkaL **

sempavaLath thiraL vAyth than saridhai kEttAn *

thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL * emperumAn than saridhai seviyAl kaNNAl

paruguvOm * innamudham madhiyOm anRE (8)

748. RAma, along with Seetha and Lakshmana victoriously arrived at Ayodhya the golden city with its tall gem studded mansions and was coronated as the King of Ayodhya. 

Rama, who killed rAvaNa in the war, listened to the previous stories about his birth, penance,and how he antagonised the whole world, from sage agasthya who had come for his coronation, 

Later he indulged in listening to his own story of "SrImad rAmAyaNam" from the tender reddish coral like lips of the twin children lava and Kush born in the divine womb of the Mithila Devi Seetha pirATTi.

This Lord rAma, our master is stationed in  *tillainagar tiruchitrakooDam*. Hence forth we shall not be relishing even the divine nectar ( devAmrutam) as much as we relish listening to His story as a sweet nectar to our ears. (8)


749 seRithavach sampugan thannaich senRu konRu * sezhumaRaiyOn uyir mIttuth thavaththOn Indha *

niRaimaNip pUN aNiyum koNdu ilavaNan thannaith * thambiyAl vAn ERRi munivan vENda **

thiRal viLangkum ilakkumanaip pirindhAn thannaith * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

uRaivAnai maRavAdha uLLam thannai

udaiyOm * maRRuRu thuyaram adaiyOm anRE (9)

749.At the time when all the people were doing their duties according to their varNAs in rAma rAjyam flawlessly, a shoodra called shambookan, did severe penance, which was against Vedic principles. So RAma went towards  the south side of the banks of the springs of saivala mountains and severed his head, thereby bringing back to life the child of the vEdic Brahman who had died. 

Sage Agastya upon extreme love towards rAma, gifted him a most precious jewel that was gem studded and had the power to give many things.

Later, under the instruction of rAma, his brother Shatrughan sent the trouble creating LavanAsura who was dwelling near Yamuna  to swarg by killing him.

According to the pledge taken by rAma, when Lakshmana braved to let sage durvAsa amidst the conversation between kAla and rAma, he had to part with his brother Lakshmana. 

This mariyAda Purushothaman rAma eternally dwells in*tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam.*. Stationing this Lord rAma in our hearts without forgetting, shall guard us from any sort of approaching troubles undoubtedly. (9)

750 * anRu sarAsarangkaLai vaikunthaththu ERRi * adal aravap pagai ERi asurar thammai

venRu * ilangku maNi nedunthOL nAngum thOnRa *

viN muzhudhum edhir varath than thAmam mEvi **

senRu inidhu vIRRirundha ammAn thannaith * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

enRum ninRAn avan ivan enRu Eththi * nALum iRainjchuminO eppozhudhum thondIr! nIrE (10)


750.Lord rAma, completing his avatAr, ascended to His original abode Srivaikundam . He took everything and everybody without any discrimination along with him. 

Making the serpent's enemy Garuda as His vehicle, He won over many demons and showed the divine form Himself with four hands. 

Seeing this the nityasooris, (celestial dEvas) welcomed him 

and the Lord happily seated himself there.

Now this same Lord rAma, is seen stationed in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam.* Dear devotees, worship this Lord everyday without fail (10)



751 * thillainagarth thiruchchithrakUdam thannuL *

thiRal viLangku mAruthiyOdu amarndhAn thannai *

ellaiyil sIrth thayaradhan than maganAyth thOnRiRRu adhu mudhalAth * than ulagam pukkadhu IRA **

kolliyalum padaiththAnaik koRRa voL vAL *

kOzhiyar kOn kudaik kulasEkaran soR seydha *

nalliyalin thamizh mAlai paththum vallAr *

nalam thigazh nAraNan adik kIzh naNNuvArE (2) (11)

751.The king of kOzhiyur, who governs a great army force, ruling under the victorious canopy of royalty, wielding a meritorious sword, has composed these well metered verses in tamizh, describing the complete avatAr from his birth as the son of “Dasaratha chakravarti” until his depart to Srivaikundam about lord SHRI RAMA accompanied by the prowess hanumAn, residing here in *tillainagar tiruchittirakooDam*. Those who master these garland of songs will undoubtedly reach the lotus feet of Shriman nArAyanNa .(11)

Sri KulasekarAzhvAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam.🙏🏼


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