Quintessence of RAMAYANA


KULASEKARA AZHVAR, the next AzhvAr was an incarnation of the divine form of SRI KOUSTHUBHA (The divine jewel worn by Lord ViShNu). He was born in the beginning of “Kaliyuga” in Punarvasu star, in the Tamil month of MASI at TIRUVANJIKKALAM, Kerala in the royal dynasty. Though he was a king of great valour, his interest was towards PurANas and itihAsAs. AzhvAr was especially fascinated by SRIMAD RAMAYANA . He would immerse himself in RamAyanA so much that he would forget everything else. Once when he heard the scholar explain the distress of SITA’S separation from RAMA and the war taking place between RAMA and RAVANA, KulasEkarA got his army ready to go and fight on behalf of RAMA. The king lead the army through the forest, lakes and sea. The depth of the sea receded to the knee level to allow the AzhvAr pass through it. RAMA along with SITA and LAKSHMANA appeared and told him that SitA has been rescued and that he can go to his kingdom. Such was his devotion. He showed eagerness to serve bAgavathAs too.

In another incident, due to his increasing  bAgavatha bakthi, the ministers were not clear as to how to divert him from such activities. So they decided to secretly hide a long jewel (HAram) from the statue of RAmA and reported to the king , that one of the bAgavathA has stolen it away. At once he went into rage and wanted to prove to the ministers that bAgavathAs can never do such an act  by putting his hand into a pot of poisonous snake. To the astonishment of the ministers the snake spared him from biting. Such was his reverence to bAgavathAs.

He was succeeded by his son called Druda vrathan, and a daughter named Ilai (இளை).  His daughter was an ardent devotee of Lord RanganAtha and wished to marry Him. So this AzhvAr king got her married to the Lord in the name of Cherakulavalli. Even this day we have a separate Sannidhi for her

AzhvAr TiruvadigalE sharanam.


Laudatory verses

*By swami rAmAnuja (uDaiyavar)*

innamudam ooTTugEn ingE vA paingiLiyE 

tennarangam pADavalla cheer perumAL | 

ponnansilai chEr nutaliyar vEL chEralar kOn 

engaL kulaSEKaran enrE kooRu || One ||  

Come to me, my dear green parrot! Let me give you a sweet nectar to drink, in a way similar to KulasEkara AzhvAr ,the King of the Chera dynasty and the Jewel of the human clan, most admired by the beautiful ladies taught his parrot the divine names of Lord rAmA and kept listing the same from it. He is a great person who is the storehouse of all the kalyana gunAs and has rendered verses with sweet notes about Lord RanganAtha of Tiruvarangam. You have to keep chanting his name  "engaL kulaSEKaran" always for me. 


Laudatory verses by

*By Shri maNakkAl nambi*

Aram keDa paran anbar koLLAr enRu avargaLukkE 

vAram koDu kuDa pAmbil kaiyiTTavan mARRalarai | 

veeram keDutta chengOl kolli kAvalan villavar kOn 

chEran kulachEkaran muDi vEndar chiKAmaNiyE || Two ||

KulasEkar AzhvAr, the ruler of the chErAs and the best among the Kings, proficient in archery, who was a fright for his enemies ruled the region of Kolli. His reverence for srivaishnava bakthAs was so high that once when his ministers laid a false complaint against the Brahmanas, he stood for their side by putting his hands inside a snake pot and proved it false without getting bitten by it.


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