PASURAMS 658 – 667

tEttarum tiral…..

Service to humanity is service to God. To be more specific, serving the devotees of the Lord, leads to serving Him directly is what is explained in this decade. Not stopping with Bhagavat bakthi, AzhvAr expresses his immense BhAgavata bakthi in these ten verses.

After all, it is this AzhvAr, who for the sake of the bhAgavatAs, fearlessly dropped his hand inside the pot containing deadly snakes.

658 * thEttarum thiRal thEninaith * thennarangkanai * thirumAdhu vAzh

vAttamil vanamAlai mArvanai vAzhththi * mAlkoL sindhaiyarAy **

AttamEvi alandhazhaiththu * ayarveydhum meyyadiyArgaL tham *

Ittam kaNdidak kUdumEl * adhu kANum kaN payan AvadhE (1) (2)

658 The fruit of having this indrium of vision called eyes, can be considered obtained only when one gets to have the darshan of the (bhAgavata ghoshtI) group of devotees having pure devotion and love, involuntarily dance,  passionately sing His nAmAs and utter mangalAsAsanam (singing in praise) to this Lord ranganAtha, who resides in southern shreerangam and is the ultimate worthy one to be attained, who gives the strength to relish this sweet nectar and on whose divine chest (vakshasthalam ) adorned with the ever fresh vanamAlA garland "periya pirATTi" eternally resides. (1)

659 thOdulA malarmangkai thOLiNai thOyndhadhum * sudar vALiyAl *

nIdu mAmaram setRadhum nirai mEyththadhum * ivaiyE ninaindhu **

AdippAdi arangkavO! enRazhaikkum * thoNdaradippodi

Ada nAm peRil * gangkai nIr kudainthAdum * vEtkai ennAvadhE? (2)

659 BhAgavathAs who are steadfast in kainkaryam (doing service to the Lord) engross themself and relish the stories of the Lord where He embraced His consort MahAlakshmi born on the thousand petaled lotus *(tOdu ulA malar mangai)*against His shoulders, pierced all the seven SAl trees as RAma with His single arrow, grazed all the cows as krishNa and as an outcome of the divine love utter His names and shout "rangA, rangA", "O, aranganE". If I get to dance and rejoice on the dust from the foot of these bhAgavathAs ( tonDar aDi poDi ), why will I wish to have a dip in the holy Ganges ? (2)

660 ERadarththadhum EnamAy nilam kINdadhum * mun irAmanAy *

mARadarththadhum maNNaLandhadhum * sollip pAdi ** vaNponnip pE

rARu pOl varum kaNNanIr koNdu *

arangkan kOyil thirumutRam * sERu sey thoNdar sEvadich * sezhunjsERu

en sennikku aNivanE (3)

660 Subduing the seven Bulls on account of marrying Nappinnai in KrishNAvatAr,  retrieving Mother Earth by lifting it on His tusk in VarAhAvatAr, being born as King Dasaratha RAma to eradicate the demons(demoniac forces ) in rAmAvatAr, measuring the world as tiruvikraman in vAmanAvatAr , all these feat are being repeatedly spoken and sung loudly by the  bhagavatha's in front of the sanctum of Lord ranganAtha. As they sing, the tears  from their eyes, flows like the river Kaveri and fills the whole place and becomes slushy under their feet. I shall adorn this slush of the bhAgavathAs on my forehead. (3)

661 thOyththa thaNthayir veNNey pAludan uNdalum * udanRAychchi kaNdu * Arththa thOLudai empirAn * en arangkanukku adiyArgaLAy **

nAththazhumbezha nAraNA enRazhaiththu * mey thazhumbath thozhudhu

Eththi * inbuRum thoNdar sEvadi * Eththi vAzhththum en nenjchamE (4)

661.Lord ranganAtha, as KrishNa enjoyed the cool fermented curd, butter and milk all at the same time without the knowledge of mother YashOda and later by His own will got caught and let mother yashOda  tie a rope around Him and thereby to a mortar. (dAmOdaratvam). The fervent devotees of Lord ranganAtha (the Sri Vaishnava bhAgavathAs)  take pleasure in praising and repeatedly chanting His name calling out  *nArAyaNa, nArAyaNa*not minding their tongue and lips becoming dry and prostrate before Him innumerable times not minding their physical strain too. My mind longs to worship the feet of such devotees and hail them.*(tonDar sEvaDi Etti vAzhttum en nenjamE).* (4)


Mey thazhumbath thozhudhu:

The commentator while explaining this line mentions that, “scars develop all over the body as they keep prostrating similar to this AchArya called SIRIYATHAN who follows all the anushtAnams religiously and had developed scars all over his body.

662. poysilaik kuralEtReruththam

iRuththup * pOraravIrththa kOn *

seysilaich sudar sUzhoLith * thiNNa mAmadhiL thennarangkanAm **

meysilaik karumEgam onRu * tham nenjchil3 ninRu thigazhap pOy *

meysilirppavar thammaiyE ninaindhu * en manam mey silirkkumE (5)

662 Lord ranganAtha, who is stationed in Tiruvarangam amidst the majestically raised strong rampart walls, is the reason for bringing the seven loud bellowing bulls exhibiting anger and threat on its face, under control and danced on the hood of the kAliyan snake that rose up ferociously. The Sri VaishNava bhAgavathAs, involved in bhakthi with hair raising experiences bear this dark cloud hued Lord always in their heart. Even my hair stands erect thinking about these devotees. (5)

663 Adhi andham anantham aRpudhamAna * vAnavar tham pirAn *

pAdha mAmalar sUdum paththi ilAdha * pAvigaL uyndhida **

thIdhil nanneRi kAtti * engkum

thirindhu arangkan emmAnukkE *

kAdhal sey thoNdarkku eppiRappilum * kAdhal seyyum en nenjchamE (6)

663 I shall be greatly indebted, expressing my gratitude for several births to the devout Sri Vaishnava bhAgavathAs, who travel far and wide,explaining the greatness of a true devotee and by living it up themselves the way they preach, to those non believers who are ignorant about the lotus feet of Lord ranganAtha, who is the primeval source of the world[Adi] (jagat kArakan), who is prevalent even during the time of the great deluge/pralaya kAlam[antam] , who is omnipresent/sarvavyApi [anantam], who stands as a revelation and the ruler of Nithyasoories . (6)

664 kArinam purai mEni naRkadhir * muththa veNNagaich seyya vAy *

AramArvan arangkan ennum * arumperum sudar onRinai **

sErum nenjchinarAgich * sErndhu kasindhizhindha kaNNIrgaLAl *

vAra niRpavar thALiNaikku *

oru vAramAgum en nenjchamE (7)

664 Lord ranganAtha has the divine tirumEni similar to the dark rain bearing clouds along with great radiance, and beauty. His smile resembles the white pearl within His reddish lips and His broad chest is donned with a long pearl chain (hAram). The bhAgavathAs with a steadfast mind wish to attain and adore this radiant Lord reaching an ecstatic state and with the same state of bhakthi in their mind and tears streaming down their eyes pray to Him. My heart expresses deep love and gratitude to the feet of these bhAgavathAs.

*(vAra nirpavar tALinaikku our vAram Agum en nenjame).* (7)

665 mAlaiyutRa kadal kidandhavan * vaNdukiNdu naRunthuzhAy *

mAlaiyutRa varaipperum thirumArvanai * malarkkaNNanai **

mAlaiyutRu ezhundhu AdippAdith * thirindhu arangkan emmAnukkE *

mAlaiyutRidum thoNdar vAzhvukku * mAlaiyutRadhu en nenjchamE (8)

665 My heart yearns for those srivaishnava bhAgavathAs, who become crazy and forgetting themselves stand and dance and sing, unable to be present sitting in one place, thinking about my Lord ranganAtha, who reposes on the wavy tiruPArkaDal, adorning His great mammoth mountain like chest with bees hovering tulsi garland having lotus like divine eyes. (8)

666 moyththuk kaNpani sOra meygaL silirppa * Engki iLaiththu ninRu *

eyththuk kumbidu nattam ittezhundhu * AdippAdi iRainjchi ** en

aththanachchan arangkanukku adiyArgaLAgi * avanukkE4

piththarAm avar * piththar allargaL * matRaiyAr mutRum piththarE (9)

666 These fervent devotees exhibiting their unstoppable devotion by showing happy tears continuously rolling down their eyes [Ananda pAshPam/(kaN pani)], hair roots standing in  raised position always (mey sillirppu), having an exhausted look still jump and dance in enthusiasm and pray to my master and father Lord ranganAtha, becoming a maniac in always thinking about Him, can not be considered as lunatic. On the other hand, the others who are involved in the worldly pleasures should be called as lunatic. (9)


667 * alli mAmalar mangkai nAthan * arangkan meyyadiyArgaL tham *

ellaiyil adimaith thiRaththinil *

enRum mEvu manaththanAm **

kollikAvalan kUdalnAyagan * kOzhikkOn kulasEkaran *

sollin inthamizh mAlai vallavar * thoNdar thoNdargaL AvarE (10)

667 The King of chOlas/the ruler of Uraiyur (kOzhikOn), the leader of the pAnDyas (kooDal nAyakan), the protector of the chErAs (kolli kAvalan) KulasEkara AzhvAr, who always fixes his heart on the servitude of the devout bhAgavatAs of the Lord ranganAtha, consort of MahAlakshmi born on the lotus flower, has written these beautiful Tamil verses. Those who master these verses will be blessed to offer service to the bhAgavatAs of the Lord *(tonDar tonDargal AvarE).*(10)

Azhwar thiruvadigale sharanam


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