PASURAMS  (627 -636)

Kannan ennum karumdeivam

 AndAl kept requesting the elders and her relatives to  take her to the places where all KaNNan resided, but in vain. It didn't happen as they were weak and incapable to meet out her demands. More over their advises made her feel even more miserable. Addressing them AndAl says, "please stop your advises. If you people cannot take me close to Him, at least  bring some thing that is associated with Him, as a prasAdam, so that keeping it close to me, I shall live my life".

627 * kaNNan ennum karundheyvam * kAtchi pazhagik kidappEnai * 
puNNil puLippeydhAR pOl26 * puRam ninRu azhagu pEsAdhE ** 
peNNin varuththam aRiyAdha * perumAn araiyil pIthaga
vaNNa Adai koNdu * ennai vAttam thaNiya vIsIrE (2) (1)

627. Oh mothers! Your advises to me, who is ever pining on the constant vision of my dark hued Lord krishNa, is like pouring tamarind water on the festering wound. I am sick and tired of your words asking me to be like this and that. Instead of giving me sugary speech, if at all you want to do some help to me, please try to get the pitAmbaram that is worn by kaNNan who can hardly try to understand the feelings of a girl and by fanning with it get me relieved of my fervour. (1)

628 pAl Alilaiyil thuyil koNda * paraman valaippattirundhEnai *
vElAl thunnam peythAR pOl * vENditRellAm pEsAdhE **
kOlAl nirai mEyththu AyanAyk * kudandhaik kidandha kudamAdi * 
nIlAr thaNNanthuzhAy koNdu * en neRimEn kuzhal mEl sUttIrE (2)

628. Dear mothers ! Thinking of helping me to get my heart out of kaNNapirAn, who rests on the tender succulent banyan leaf, in whose net I have completely fallen and involved myself, the words that you use, instead of comforting me, pierces me like a spear. So please stop doing that. Instead please fetch me the cool, green, tulsi garland worn by this cowherd boy who with a stick grazed the cows, performed kudakoothu feat and reclines in Thirukudandhai kshEtram. Wearing it on my thick soft braid, will comfort me. (2)

629 kanjchaik kAyndha karuvilli * kadaikkaN ennum siRaik kOlAl * 
nenjchu Uduruva EvuNdu * nilaiyum thaLarndhu naivEnai **
 anjchEl ennAn avan oruvan * avan mArvaNindha vanamAlai * 
vanjchiyAdhE tharumAgil * mArvil koNarndhu purattIrE (3)

629. I totally stand shattered, unable to relieve myself, after the glimpses of the Lord, having bow shaped (like the sArnga bow) brows, who put an end to Kamsa, fell on me. Considering my state, if at all He could not help me in any way, He could have at least consoled me with soothing words like "don't worry when I am there,'',  He didn't do that either. At least, explaining my plight to Him, if you people cannot bring Him, bring the vanamAlai that He wears on His chest, so that I can keep it close to my heart. (3)

630 ArE ulagaththu AtRuvAr? * AyarpAdi kavarndhuNNum * 
kArERuzhakka uzhakkuNdu * thaLarndhum muRindhum kidappEnai ** 
ArAvamudham anaiyAn than * amudha vAyil URiya *
nIr thAn koNarndhu pularAmE * parukki iLaippai nIkkirE (4)

630. Thinking about the kalyAna gunAs of RAma, one can sustain life. Whereas who can console me from the pranks and negligence of Krishna, who like a dark bull enjoyed looting the whole of AyarpAdi? He looted my heart and has left me neglected too. If someone can bring the nectarine juice of His divine lips and let me drink, that will help me rejuvenate. (4)

631 azhilum thozhilum urukkAttAn * anjchEl ennAn avan oruvan *
thazhuvi muzhuvip27 pugundhu ennaich * sutRich suzhanRu pOgAnAl ** 
thazhaiyin pozhilvAy niraip pinnE * nedumAl Udhi varuginRa * 
kuzhalin thoLai vAy nIr koNdu * kuLira mugaththuth thadavIrE (5)

631. KaNNan doesn't show up to me nor comforts me with His Words, "not to worry", even if I cry like a child nor pray like a devout. Even if I try to forget Him, He tries to occupy my mind, hugging me tight from all quarters. Oh! Mothers, there is only one way to help me out of is. Please bring that droplets of water from His mouth that comes out through the holes of the flute while he plays it, when going behind the cows grazing them with peacock feathers on His head. Spraying that water on my face will cool me down. (5)

632 nadai onRillA ulagaththu * nandhagOpan magan ennum * 
kodiya kadiya thirumAlAl * kuLappuk kURu koLappattu ** 
pudaiyum peyaragillEn nAn * pOtkan midhiththa adippAttil * 
podith thAn koNarndhu pUsIrgaL * pOgA uyir en udambaiyE (6)

632 Already struck with  disorderliness in this world, to make it worse, this cruel hard hearted kaNNan came to be born as Nandagopar's son. Like the hooves of the animals (kulapukOru) that get hurt again and again, I was made to suffer extensively. As a helpless self, now I'm left weak and motionless. To relieve me from this state, please get the dust from His divine foot and smear it on this physique of mine holding the soul. (6)

633 vetRik karuLak kodiyAn than * mImIdhAdA ulagaththu *
vetRa veRidhE petRa thAy * vEmbEyAga vaLarththALE ** 
kutRamatRa mulai thannaik * kumaran kOlap paNaith thOLOdu *
 atRa kutRam avai thIra * aNaiya amukkik kattIrE (7)

633. In this world, that revolves not violating the orders of the Lord holding the victorious GaruDa flag, mother yashOda has raised her son, not being useful to anyone like the bitter neem fruit. Like the saying "வேம்பின் புழு வேம்பன்றி உண்ணாது" (the worm of the neem tree eats only the neem) I have grown purely thinking only about Him. I can hardly think of embracing anyone else other than Him. So, for the guilt to be relieved and stay united with Him, please bind me with his beautiful shoulders. (7)

634 uLLE urugi naivEnai * uLaLO ilaLO ennAdha *
koLLai koLLik kuRumbanaik * gOvarththananaik kaNdakkAl ** 
koLLum payan onRillAdha * kongkai thannaik kizhangkOdum * 
aLLip paRiththittu avan mArvil eRindhu * en azhalai thIrvEnE (8)

634. This mischievous kaNNan, seizing everything from me has not bothered to enquire about me who is shrinking from inside, whether I'm alive or not. If at all I happen to see Him, who is bent upon hurting the girls, I shall throw all my feelings (here literally AndAl means to pluck her chest and throw on His chest )and be relieved of my taunting sorrows. (8)

635 kommai mulaigaL idar thIrak * gOvindhaRku Or kutREval * 
immaip piRavi seyyAdhE * inip pOych seyyum thavam thAn en? ** 
semmai udaiya thirumArvil * sErththAnElum oru njAnRu * 
meymmai solli mugam nOkki * vidai thAn tharumEl miga nanRE (9)

As an answer to those questioning her, why she has to resort to such drastic step rather than wait patiently, AndAl answers:
635. What is the point of doing penance with a different body in a different place (I.e SRI vaikunTam) after this birth is over when I can do wholehearted service ( kainkaryam ) in this present birth with this body?  I will be at peace if He embraces me on His vakshasthalam which is ordained only for His devotees. Otherwise it is alright if He comes and tells me straight on my face, that "I do not want you". Even that is acceptable for me. 
[AndAl's stand here is that, at least in that way she can get to see Him in person. ] (9)


636 * allal viLaiththa perumAnai * AyarpAdikku aNiviLakkai *
villi pudhuvai nagar nambi * vittuchiththan viyan kOdhai ** 
villaith tholaiththa puruvaththAL * vEtkai utRu miga virumbum * 
sollaith thudhikka vallArgaL * thunbak kadaluL thuvaLArE  (10)

636. The chief of Srivilliputtoor, PeriAzhvAr's daughter, the highly reputed AndAl with her bow defeating brows has sung these verses about the notorious kaNNAn who has given so much hardship to the girls of AyarpAdi, but still is considered the auspicious lamp of AyarpAdi with great fervour and love towards kaNNan. Those who can praise and sing these verses, will never face any hardship in this samsAric world. (10)

AndAl Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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