PASURAMS (607 – 616)


 Even after her desperate calls through various means that she came across, Andal was in deep despair as all her efforts were becoming futile. The womenfolk of the entire village including her friends, neighbours and elders had gathered around to find out the cause of her distress. While she briefed them about the adverse state that her “EmperumAn” has put her into, still she does not loose her hope. She affirms that her Lord who had gone to the rescue of Rukmani, a similar person like her, will definitely come to liberate her from her misery. 

607 * thAm ugakkum tham kaiyil * sangkamE pOlAvO? *

yAm ugakkum engkaiyil * sangkamum EndhizhaiyIr! ** 
thI mugaththu nAgaNai mEl * sErum thiruvarangkar * 

A! mugaththai nOkkArAl * ammanE! ammanE! (2) (1)

607. Oh! Ladies bedecked with jewellery, Aren’t the bangles that I have worn on my hands willingly, not precious and equivalent to the ‘’Sankham” that HE is willingly holding in HIS hands? HE, The “Lord RANGANATHA”, who rests on The aggressive looking, fire-emitting AdisEshan,is not turning towards me and looking at me. Alas! What will my plight be? (1)

608 ezhil udaiya ammanaimIr! * ennarangkaththu innamudhar * 

kuzhalazhagar vAyazhagar * kaNNazhagar ** 

koppUzhil ezhukamalap pUvazhagar * emmAnAr * ennudaiya

kazhal vaLaiyaith * thAmum kazhal vaLaiyE AkkinarE (2)

608.Oh! good looking mothers’, My Lord who resides in Thiruvarangam, is like a sweet nectar for me. HIS thick dark black curly hair, HIS divine Lips, and HIS mesmerising Eyes including the divine Naval, from where arises the Lotus flower are all exquisite and impeccable. This “AZHAGIYA MANAVALAN”, my swami has made my bangles slide off from my hand. It is no fault of HIS, as HE has rightly done it according to the name it bears “KAZHAL VALAI”.(as it can be taken out of the hand). கழலும் வளை , ஆகையால் கழல் வளை. (2)

609 * pongkOdham sUzhndha * buvaniyum viNNulagum * 

angkAdhum sOrAmE * ALginRa emperumAn ** 

sengkOl udaiya * thiruvarangkach selvanAr *

engkOl vaLaiyAl * idar thIrvar AgAdhE? (3)

609. My EmperumAn governs both the (ubhaya VibhUti) worlds, this earth surrounded by oceans as well as the Paramapadam without any inadequacy. HE is the one who rests in THIRUVARANGAM and governs flawlessly. He has taken away my sturdy bangles as though HE is bereft. She hopes that HIS poverty be taken care. (3)

610 machchaNi mAda * madhiL arangkar vAmananAr * 
pachchaip pasundhEvar * thAm paNdu nIr EtRa ** 

pichchaik kuRaiyAgi * ennudaiya peyvaLai mEl *

 ichchai udaiyarEl * iththeruvE pOdhArE? (4)

610. When AndAl’s friends who had gathered there putforth a question asking her, if KaNNan has taken your bangles in the midst of so many other ladies, is it not clear that he likes you more?
Andal replies stating that,
This charming Namperumal, who resides in THIRUVARANGAM, which has terraced high raised houses and forts, in order to satisfy HIS unfulfilled desire at the time when HE appeared as THE VAMANA, in front of the King MahAbali asking alms for three measure of land with water in HIS hands, has taken away my Bangles. Can’t HE atleast come in person through my street and ask for it? (4)

611 pollAk kuRaL uruvAyp * poRkaiyil nIr EtRu *
ellA ulagum * aLandhu koNda emperumAn ** 

nallArgaL vAzhum * naLir arangka nAgaNaiyAn * 

illAdhOm kaipporuLum * eydhuvAn oththuLanE (5)

611.  This cute VAMANA, taking a little water in HIS hand, measured all three universe and brought it into HIS possession. He is the One who reclines on ADISESHAN,at Thiruvarangam where benevolent people live. Will this Periya Perumal steal my body also?  Me who has nothing in my hand other than that. (5)

612 kaipporuLgaL munnamE * kaikkoNdAr * 

kAviri nIr seyppuraLa Odum * thiruvarangkach selvanAr ** 

epporutkum ninRArkkum * eydhAdhu * 

nAnmaRaiyin soRporuLAy ninRAr * en meypporuLum koNdArE (6)

612. What fear she had in the earlier pAsuram, she affirms it in this pAsuram stating that , this “PERIYA PERUMAL”, who is present in the ‘antaryAmi’ state in every being had already taken all that she had in her hand. Lastly he has stolen her physical self too. 
Thiruvarangam is rich with fertile fields by the waters of Kaveri that runs and flourishes it. This THIRUVARANGANAR the proud possessor can easily be felt and becomes reachable to the naïve and lowly whereas unreachable for those who think they can reach HIM with their own efforts. He is the embodiment of the four Vedas. As HE has already taken away all my belongings ,now has taken away the sole property remaining which is my body. (6)

613 uNNAdhu uRangkAdhu * oli kadalai UdaRuththu * 
peNNAkkai AppuNdu * thAm utRa pEdhellAm ** 

thiNNAr madhiL sUzh * thiruvarangkach selvanAr * 

eNNAdhE thammudaiya * nanmaigaLE eNNuvarE (7)

613. This SHRIYAH PATHI, who resides in this Thiruvarangam temple , which is surrounded by indestructible fort  even at the time of the deluge, was swept off by the beauty of Seetha PirAti at the time of HIS incarnation as RAmA and due to the separation suffered without eating and sleeping. Further he had to toil in building a dam across the tumultuous ocean. Now forgetting all HIS turmoil does He only think about HIS greatness in keeping me suffering like this. (7)

614 * pAsi thUrththuk kidandha * pArmagatku *

 paNdoru nAL mAsudambil nIr vArA23 * mAnamilAp panRiyAm ** 

thEsudaiya dhEvar * thiruvarangkach selvanAr *

pEsi iruppanagaL * pErkkavum pErAvE (8)

614. After mentioning the hardship He had to undergo for Seetha in Rama Avatar,in this pAsuram Andal mentions about the hardship He had to take in VarAha avatar for Bhooma Devi.
In the bygone days, when BhoomAtha became fully coverd with moss all over her body as she was submerged by HiraNyAkshan, This‘THIRUMAL’, took the form of a wild boar (VarAha) unmindful of it’s state, dripping with dirty water. HE was not ashamed to take such a form low in order (MAnamilA pandri). The same “ThirumAl”, resplendently resides in Thiruvarangam. It’s becoming hard for me to live forgetting the vow that He gave me saying “I shall never leave you”,during that time.
1.MAnamilA ---  MAnam means measure . so alavidamudiyAdha pandri (8)

615: kaNNAlam kOdiththuk * kanni thannaik kaippidippAn * 

thiNNArndhirundha * sisupAlan thEsazhindhu ** 

aNNAndhirukkavE * AngkavaLaik kaippidiththa *

 peNNALan pENumUr * pErum arangkamE (9)

615. Here in this pAsuram she goes to KrishnAvatAram.  SiSupAlan with such confidence in marrying RukmiNi made all arrangements and waited gazing the sky. In the mean time, This KaNNan acted in such a way that RukmiNi held HIS hand as she wished. Isn’t He the protector and saviour of all womenkind. The DivyaDesam that this Perumal resides is the very same “THIRUVARANGAM”. (9)

616 * semmai udaiya * thiruvarangkar thAm paNiththa * 
meymmaip peru vArththai * vittuchiththar kEttu iruppar **

 thammai ugappAraith * thAm ugappar ennum sol * 

thammidaiyE poyyAnAl * sAdhippAr Ar iniyE? (10)

616.  My father ‘Periazhwar’ would have heard and be focused in the truth that this “THIRUVARANGANAR”, affluent in thought, word and deed had uttered through HIS mouth earlier in the ‘Charama Slokam”. HE declares that , HE shows HIS warmth to those who worship HIM. Finally she prays that ,”You have to take care and protect me so as to protect Your declaration from falsehood. Thus she finishes these ten verses. (10)

AndAL Thiruvadigale Sharanam.


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