PASURAMS 617 – 626

ANDAL, unable to wait any further, for the arrival of EmperumAn at His own pace, decides to proceed by herself to the place where all He resides, due to her desperate desire to reach Him immediately. Though desperate in mind, her physical self does not have enough energy to co-operate with her. As a result, she pleads each one of them, those who empathise her, to leave her at the places where He resides.

617 * matRirundhIrgatku aRiyalAgA * mAdhavan enbadhOr anbu thannai *
utRirundhEnukku uraippadhu ellAm * UmaiyarOdu sevidar vArththai **
petRirundhALai ozhiyavE pOyp *
pErththoru thAyil vaLarndha nambi *
maRporundhAmaRkaLam adaindha *
madhuraip puRaththu ennai uyththidumin (1) 2

617 Not being in a state to receive any consoling words from her mother and companions, AndAl who is madly in love with the supreme one tells them that, without knowing my present state of mind, all your words are like a conversation between a deaf and a dumb and is of no use to me as it doesn’t even enter  my ears. Even if it does I'm not in a state to respond. So leaving the advice behind, she pleads them to take her and leave her somewhere near Mathura. It was here KaNNan was born to mother Devaki and later grew up in mother YashOdA’s house. He even braced the wrestlers who were assigned to kill Him. So leave me in Mathura. (ennai uyttiDumin) (1)

618 nANi iniyOr karumam illai * nAlayalArum aRindhozhindhAr *
pANiyAdhu ennai marundhu seydhu * paNdu paNdAkka uRudhirAgil **
mANi uruvAy ulagaLandha *
mAyanaik kANil thalaimaRiyum *
ANaiyAl nIr ennaik kAkka vENdil * AyppAdikkE ennai uyththidumin (2)

618 When others emphasise that she cannot take such daring step, that might become shameful, she replies without hesitation stating, there is no use of being ashamed now. Everyone is aware of my condition. If at all you have any good intention to do all the necessary measures and restore me to the previous state that I was in, I plead you all to take me to TiruvAypAdi (Gokulam) where KaNNan who took the vAmana brahmachAri form to measure the world as Trivikraman was born.  (ennai uyttiDumin) (2)

619 thandhaiyum thAyum utRArum niRkath * thani vazhi pOyinAL ennum sollu *vandha pinnaip pazhi kApparidhu *
mAyavan vandhu urukkAttuginRAn **
kondhaLamAkkip parakkazhiththuk * kuRumbu seyvAn Or maganaip petRa *
nandhagOpAlan kadaiththalaikkE * naLLirutkaN ennai uyththidumin (3)

619 It is hard to erase the bad reputation that falls, when I runaway according to my own wish without the knowledge of the parents and elders that brings defame to the family too. I am unable to refrain myself from such thinking as this mAyaKaNNan captivates me by bringing his figure before my eyes. The only solution is, to take me and leave me at the gate of Nandagopar's house in the middle of the night. This way I can enjoy His nearness before anyone can getup. (ennai uyttiDumin) (3)

620 angkaith thalaththidai Azhi koNdAn *
avan mugaththanRi vizhiyEn enRu *
sengkachchuk koNdu kaNNAdai Arththuch * siRumAnidavaraik kANil nANum **
kongkaith thalamivai nOkkik kANIr *
gOvindhanukkallAl vAyil pOgA * ingkuththai vAzhvai ozhiyavE pOy *
yamunaik karaikku ennai uyththidumin (4)

620 Addressing the elders who asked her to be modest, AndAl says, "my eyes will not look into anyone else's other than my lord KaNNan, who holds the divine chakra on His beautiful hand. My heart, while seeing other men, doesn't feels shy. Other than kaNNan's house it does not enter anywhere. Hence please leave me on the banks of river Yamuna, where I will join with Him. (ennai uyttiDumin) (4)

621 Arkkum en nOy idhu aRiyal AgAdhu * ammanaimIr! thuzhadhippadAdhE *
kArkkadal vaNNan enbAn oruvan *
kaikaNda yOgam thadavath thIrum **
nIrkkarai ninRa kadambai ERik *
kALiyan uchchiyil nattam pAyndhu *
pOrkkaLamAga niruththam seydha * poygaik karaikku ennai uyththidumin (5)

621 Dear mothers (ammanaimeer)! It is very hard for you all to find out the kind of disease that I am suffering with and then treat me. Even the creator of the disease will stumble to cure it. Do not be worried. The only solution for this is to take me to the banks of the river Yamuna where KaNNan jumped over KAlia snake from the Kadamba tree and danced on its hood to kill him. The moment this ocean hued kaNNan's hands gently touch me, I shall be fully alright. (ennai uyttiDumin) (5)

622 kArththaN mugilum karuviLaiyum * kAyA malarum kamalap pUvum *
IrththiduginRana ennai vandhittu * irudIkEsan pakkal pOgE enRu **
vErththup pasiththu vayiRasaindhu * vENdadisil uNNum pOdhu * IdhenRu
pArththirundhu nedunOkkuk koLLum * paththavilOsanaththu uyththidumin (6)

622 The cool heavy clouds of the rainy season, the karuviLai flowers, the kAya flowers and the lotus flowers comes to my mind reminding me of my Lord KaNNan and compel me to go near hrusheekEshan (iruDeekEshan). So, please take me to the place called bhakta vilOchana kshEtram where my lord who has been graciously staying overlooking the Rishi Patnis, who bring food for the tired Krishna after grazing the cows and leave me there. (ennai uyttiDumin). (6)

623 vaNNam thirivum manangkuzhaivum * mAnam ilAmaiyum vAy veLuppum *
uNNal uRAmaiyum uL melivum * OdhanIr vaNNan enbAn oruvan **
thaNNan thuzhAy ennum mAlai koNdu * sUttath thaNiyum pilamban thannaip *
paNNazhiyap baladhEvan venRa *
pANdi vadaththu ennai uyththidumin (7)

AndAl replies to few of her concerned friends who enquire about her deteriorated state and when she will become alright.

623 My anemic physique , anxious mind, blatant behaviour, white coated tongue, loss of appetite, ineptness all these will come back to normalcy only if you bring and make me wear the tulsi garland worn by the ocean hued Lord Krishna. If that is not possible, then take me to the place where the banyan tree called pANDiravadam is there. It was here, balarAma killed the demon pralambAsuran who came with the intention of killing him. (ennai uyttiDumin) (7)

624 katRinam mEykkilum24 mEykkap petRAn * kAdu vAzh sAdhiyum Agap petRAn *
patRi uralidai AppumuNdAn *
pAvigAL! ungkaLukku Echchuk kolO? **
katRana pEsi vasaiyuNAdhE25 *
kAligaL uyya mazhai thaduththu *
kotRak kudaiyAga Endhi ninRa * gOvarththanaththu ennai uyththidumin (8)

As a reply to the friends who ask her why do you pine for kaNNan rather than RAma, AndAl says ,

624 KaNNan took to grazing the cows, He was born in the cowherd clan that chooses to live in the forest. He got caught for stealing butter. For that reason He got tied to the mortar. Oh!sinners, Instead of looking at all these compassionate qualities as His Saulabhyam, you all look at it otherwise. If you people keep talking like this, then I will start yelling at you. If you want to avoid that please take me to Govardhana mountain, where once kaNNan held it up for the sake of people and the cattle to safeguard them from the seven days torrential rain initiated by Indra, and leave me there.(ennai uyttiDumin) (8)

625 kUttil irundhu kiLi eppOdhum *
gOvindhA! gOvindhA! enRu azhaikkum *
Uttuk kodAdhu seRuppanAgil * ulagaLandhAn enRu uyarak kUvum **
nAttil thalaippazhi eydhi *
ungkaL nanmai izhandhu thalaiyidAdhE *
sUttuyar mAdangkaL sUzhndhu thOnRum * thuvarApadhikku ennai uyththidumin (9)

625 At this juncture when I'm in deep distress of separation, my pet parrots roam around uttering the divine names that I had taught them earlier. If I put them in the cage they start saying “gOvndA! gOvindA”, reminding me of my Lord. So I thought of starving them. Alas! they now say “ulagaLandAn”.  The moment these names fall into my ears, my inner instincts tell me to leave and get going. So if you want to avoid all the blames of this world, then you people take me to *dwArakA* which has tall raised buildings and leave me there.(ennai uyttiDumin) (9)

626 * mannu madhurai thodakkamAga * vaNthuvarApadhi thannaLavum *
thannaith thamar uyththup peyya vENdith * thAzhkuzhalAL thuNindha thuNivai **
ponniyal mAdam polindhu thOnRum * pudhuvaiyar kOn vittuchiththan kOdhai *
innisaiyAl sonna senjchol mAlai *
Eththa vallArkku idam vaikunthamE (10)

626 AndAl, the daughter of periAzhvAr who is the leader of srivilliputtoor with its sparkling golden towers, having long tresses has sung these 10 verses with set tunes, asking her relatives to reach her to these divine kshEtrams starting from mathurA to dwArakA in chaste Tamizh. Paramapadam will become the residential abode for those who recite these set of songs. (10)

AndAL Thiruvadigale Sharanam.

#Bhakta vilOchana kshEtram#. 
The reference of this kshEtram and the story can be seen in "SrImad Bhagavatham" chapter 10. 
The story goes thus.
One day KaNNan and BalarAman along with all the other cowherd boys were grazing the cattle along the banks of the river Yamuna for a long time and getting tired retired under a tree. All the cowherd boys felt very hungry and pleaded Krishna for some food. Krishna immediately told them to approach the Rishis in the nearby village who were performing the "Angirasa yAgam", and request them for some food, telling them that Krishna and His brother have sent them. When these children went and requested, those Rishis never bothered and so they came back to krishNa and reported. At once KrishNa directed them towards their wife's. When they went and requested the Rishipatnis for food to all of them along with krishNa and balarAm, those ladies at the utterance of the word KrishNa, became joyous and happily started taking all the food varieties to the place where krishNa was sitting, not minding the Rishis stopping them to go. From then on everyday krishNa used to overlook the arrival of these ladies with their food. Bhakta in Sanskrit also means cooked rice and vilOchanam means look. So that's why this kshEtram came to be called so.


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