PASURAMS – 556 – 566


Andal Verbalising her dream about marriage to her close friend .

Even after several request made to the cuckoo bird to bring her master, it doesn’t seem to have helped her. Considering her desperate situation, kaNNan decided to bestow on her the beautiful experience of ‘THE WEDDING’, through each and every ritual in her dream. Delved in that experience, she narrates the same to her close friend.

556 * vAraNam Ayiram * sUzha valam seydhu * 

nAraNa nambi * nadakkinRAn enRedhir ** 

pUraNa poRkudam * vaiththup puram13 engkum * 

thOraNam nAttak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (1)

556. Oh my dear Sakhi! Listen to the dream that I had. Surrounded by thousand elephants, my master “NARAYANAN NAMBI”, is  majestically entering the hall and walking in front of me. I see the whole place decorated with thoranams wearing a festive look, and the golden PUrana kumbham is also kept. (1)

🌺Here the arrival of the groom is denoted . This is kind of BHARAT, JHANAVASAM, or MAAPILLAI AZHAIPU where the groom is taken for a procession.

557 nALai vadhuvai * maNam enRu nAL ittu *

 pALai kamugu * parisudaip pandhaR kIzh **

 kOL ari mAdhavan * gOvindhan enbAn Or *

 kALai pugudhak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (2)

557. Oh ThOzhi, after finalising the Muhurtham time for the wedding to happen the next day, I saw in my dream ,this handsome welgroomed young man, who is the master of Mahalakshmi called “GOVINDHAN”, walk past to the mandapam decorated with stems from pAkku (pAlai , Kamuku)like a Lion majestically. (2)

🌺This denotes the NISCHAYATHARTHAM ritual in the marriage function

558 indhiran uLLitta * dhEvar kuzhAm ellAm * 

vandhirundhu ennai * magaL pEsi mandhiriththu ** 

mandhirak kOdi uduththi * maNa mAlai *

andhari sUttak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (3)

558. The whole lot of the Devas along with Indra, came down from their heavenly abode here and made me as the Bride along with secret discussions from both the girls’ and the boys’ side. I even dreamt Sakhi, that the wedding saree (Koorai Pudavai) was given to me to be worn after the chanting of mantrams and the sister in law (nAthanAr) (anthari SUTTa) [Durga is the sister of Lord krishna] anthari came and garlanded me with sweet smelling flowers. (3)

🌺Getting the blessing from Devas and elders – ANUGYAI, Wearing of KURA PUDAVAI

559 nAl thisaith thIrththam koNarndhu * nani nalgi * 

pArppanach chittargaL * pallAr14 eduththEththi ** 

pUppunai kaNNip * punidhanOdu endhannai *

 kAppu nAN kattak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (4)

559.Oh Sakhi! several learned Brahmans, well versed in religious rituals brought sacred waters from all four direction, and after purifying it with mantras sprinkled it on our head (bride and the groom) and  blessed us with their resonating voice .I even  dreamt that, along with the hand of my Lord KaNNan wearing a beautiful garland  ,they tied kAppu to my hands also. (4)

🌺KAAPPU KATTUDHAL.- Tying the rakshabandhan for the safety of the bride and the groom.

560 kadhiroLi dhIpam * kalasam udan Endhi *

sadhir iLamangkaiyar thAm * vandhedhir koLLa ** 

madhuraiyAr mannan * adi nilai thottu engkum * 

adhirap pugudhak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (5)

560. Oh ThOzhi, in my dreams, I saw young beautiful girls in stature and structure carrying mangaLa dIpams shining like the bright Sun and golden kalasams in their hands and received the Groom. The King of MathurAa, wearing His PAdukA entered majestically in a royal manner making the earth vibrate with His each step. (5)

🌺PIDISUTHAL – removing all the negative and bad obstacles that might come in way

561 maththaLam kotta * vari sangkam ninRUdha * 

muththudaith thAmam * niRai thAzhndha pandhaR kIzh **

 maiththunan nambi * madhusUdhan vandhu ennaik * 

kaiththalam patRak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (6)

561.Oh Sakhi! As the Mangala vAdyams were being played and special conches with stripes were blown, this aunt’s son MADHUSUDAN, (as Andal wishes to think herself as Nappinnai) came close to me and held my right hand (pANigrahaNam) under the canopy that was decorated with pearl strands, in my dream. (6)

🌺PANIGRAHANAM – Giving the daughter in marriage

562 vAy nallAr * nalla maRai Odhi mandhiraththAl * 

pAsilai nANal paduththup * paridhi vaiththu ** 

kAysinamA kaLiRu annAn * en kaip patRi *

thI valam seyyak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (7)

562.Oh Thozhi, While the vedikAs proficient in pronouncing the mantras chanted the hymns for the appropriate ritual and spread the fresh Darbai and place the samith (sticks for the Homam), I saw in my dream, KaNNan who resemble an angry war elephant held my hand and went round the agni performing  the Saptapati. (7)

🌺SAPTAPATI – After uniting in panigrahanm, taking the vows of married life in seven steps

563 immaikkum * Ezh Ezh piRavikkum patRAvAn * 

nammai udaiyavan * nArAyaNan nambi **

 semmai udaiya * thirukkaiyAl thAL patRi * 

ammi midhikkak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (8)

563. Lord NArAyaNan, who is our guardian and protector for this birth and for all the birth thereafter, with HIS red-hued divine hands, held my foot and placed it on the ammi. Such was my dream oh Sakhi!. (8)

🌺AMMI MIDITTAL – Groom taking the toe of the bride and stepping on the stone.

564 varisilai vAL mugaththu * ennaimAr thAm vandhittu * 

eri mugam pAriththu * ennai munnE niRuththi **

ari mugan achchuthan * kaimmEl en kai vaiththu * 

pori mugam thattak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (9)

564.Oh Thozhi! I dreamt that, my brothers who have such beautiful eyebrows similar to an arched bow, and a bright face came together with a pride on their face showing their authority on this ritual, kindled the fire and persuade me to come and stand in front. They then placed my hand atop Achuthan’s who is the very same kaNNan and filled it with pori (puffed rice) to offer in the Agni. (9)

🌺This ritual“PORI IDAL”, is called LAJA HOMAM, where the bride prays by offering the pori or the puffed rice for the longevity of the groom. Special importance is given to the bride’s brother.

565 kungkumam appik * kuLir sAndhamattiththu * 

mangkala vIdhi * valam seydhu maNa nIr ** 

angku avanOdum * udan senRu angkAnai mEl *

 manjchanam Attak * kanAk kaNdEn thOzhI! nAn (10)

565.For all the heat generated due to the hOmam fire to reduce, cool kumkumam and sandal paste were smeared on both the bride and the groom’s body to cool them off. Then I was made to sit on the decorated carriage atop the elephant along with kaNNan and were taken in procession through the street that were decorated for the wedding. Finally I took the holy bath ‘mangala neerATTu’ .(10)

🌺This is kind of a reception after the marriage.


566 * AyanukkAgath * thAn kaNda kanAvinai * 

vEyar pugazh * villipuththUrk kOn kOdhai sol ** 

thUya thamizh mAlai * Iraindhum vallavar * 

vAyu nanmakkaLaip petRu * magizhvarE (11)

566. Thus KODAI, the daughter of Periazhwar of Srivilliputhur who is very famous among the vedic scholars who has dreamt of marrying KaNNan has sung these ten pAsurams in pure poetic Tamil language. Those profound in chanting these 10 verses,will be blessed with good children. (11)



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