KOzhi azhaipadan munnam

Pleading with Kannan to give back their garments. 

The next prank (tiruvilaiyAdal) that KaNNan makes with the Ayar pAdi girls after spoiling their sand castles.   

AndAl in this tirumozhi brings out  the essence of "kaNNan's vastrApaharaNa", episode from srImad bhAgavata sAram.

Thinking that KaNNan would be tired from disturbing them in the previous rendezvous and be sleeping, AndAl and her friends decide to leave early in the morning to bathe in the pond and leaving all their clothes on the bank, get into the water. To their dismay this mischievous dark hued boy comes following behind them, takes all their clothes and carries it atop the kurundai tree. Realising the situation the girls plead KaNNan to return their clothes. 

524 * kOzhi azhaippadhan munnam * kudaindhu nIrAduvAn pOndhOm *

Azhiyanj selvan ezhundhAn * aravaNai mEl paLLi koNdAy! ** 

Ezhaimai AtRavum pattOm * ini enRum poygaikku vArOm * 

thOzhiyum nAnum thozhudhOm * thugilaip paNiththaruLAyE 1

524. In order to take a bath in the early hours, even before the cocks could crow, Oh! Lord krishNa, who reclines on the snake bed, we came to the pond. But now even the sun (ஆழியன்செல்வன்) has risen. We stand much exposed and humiliated before you (ஏழைமை பட்டோம்). Hence forth we will never come to this pond. I stand pleading along with my friend, to give us back our clothes. (1)

525 idhuven pugundhadhu !ingkandhO! * ippoygaikku evvARu vandhAy? * 

madhuvin thuzhAy mudi mAlE! * mAyanE! engkaL amudhE! ** 

vidhiyinmaiyAl adhu mAttOm * viththagap piLLAy! viraiyEl * 

kudhikoNdu aravil nadiththAy! * kurundhidaik kURai paNiyAy (2)

525. Why and how did you even come to this pond ? Oh!Krishna! Who wears the honey dripping garland of Tulasi on your  crown! Oh! Lord, our sweet nectar(அமுதே) with such magical powers! (மாயனே)as we are not fully destined, we cannot adhere to your wish of getting united with You. Oh! Mischievous child, (வித்தகப் பிள்ளாய்)who danced on the hood of kAlia snake, please do not run swiftly to the top of the tree. Please, give us back our clothes, kept atop the kurundai tree. (2)

526 ellE! Idhenna iLamai? * emmanaimAr kANil ottAr * 

pollAngku IdhenRu karudhAy * pUngkurundhu ERi iruththi ** 

villAl ilangkai azhiththAy! * nI vENdiyadhellAm tharuvOm * 

pallArum kANAmE pOvOm * pattaip paNiththaruLAyE (3)

526.What an impish and childish act of yours KrishNa ? Our mothers will surely not let us out again, if they see us like this. Oh! Lord, who for the sake of Seetha destroyed Lanka with your arrows, we will give whatever You wish. Please return our clothes. We will leave before anyone could come. (3)

527 parakka vizhiththu engkum nOkkip * palar kudaindhAdum sunaiyil * 

arakka n-illA kaNNa nIrgaL * alamaruginRavA pArAy ** 

irakkamEl onRum ilAdhAy! * ilangkai azhiththa pirAnE! * 

kurakkarasu AvadhaRindhOm * kurundhidaik kURai paNiyAy (4)

527. Oh! destroyer of Lanka!, can we not expect any mercy from You? In this spring, where many visit and wish to take bath, we stand petrified and eyes brimming with tears rolling unstoppable, inside this  cold water. By ascending on to the topmost branch of this kurundha tree, you have proved yourself to be the head of the monkeys. Please throw our clothes from the tree. (4)

528 kAlaik kathuviduginRa * kayalodu vALai viravi *

vElaip pidiththu ennaimArgaLOttil * enna viLaiyAttO? ** 

kOlach sitRAdai palavum kondu * nI ERi irAdhE * 

kOlam kariya pirAnE! * kurundhidaik kURai paNiyAy (5)

528. Oh! dark hued Lord KrishNa! All the fish in the pond like Vaalai and kayal are biting our legs together, as we are standing in the water for so long. If our brothers get to know our plight, they will come with their spears to attack and chase You. Then all your game will be spoilt. So instead of being on the tree with our dresses, come down and give it to us. (5)

529 thadaththavizh thAmaraip poygaith * thALgaL em kAlaik kadhuva * 

vidaththEL eRindhAlE pOla * vEdhanai AtRavum pattOm ** 

kudaththai eduththERa vittuk * kUththAda valla em kOvE! *

 paditRai ellAm thavirndhu * engkaL pattaip paNiththaruLAyE (6)

529. Oh!Lord our ruler, who is proficient in juggling and dancing with pots! The lotus stalks that encircle our legs as we stand in this wide pond, feels as if the scorpions are stinging us. As a result we are experiencing great hardship. We beg You oh lord! to leave all your mischief and return back our silk cloth. (6)

530 nIrilE ninRu ayarkkinROm * nIdhi allAdhana seydhAy *

 Uragam sAlavum sEyththAl * Uzhi ellAm uNarvAnE! **

 Arvam unakkE udaiyOm * ammanaimAr kANil ottAr * 

pOra vidAy engkaL pattaip * pUngkurundhu ERi irAdhE (7)

530. Oh! Lord, Our protector, Who initiates to safeguard the whole universe at the time of the final deluge, we are tired of standing in the water for so long. We can't even run away from You at present, as our houses are not close by. Even if You humiliate us, we are very much attached to You. Our parents will never be pleased with this. Please give back our clothes. Stop climbing further. (7)

531 mAmimAr makkaLE allOm * matRum ingku ellArum pOndhAr * 

thUmalark kaNgaL vaLarath * thollaiyirAth thuyilvAnE! ** 

sEmamEl anRidhu sAlach * chikkena nAm idhu sonnOm * 

kOmaLa Ayar kozhundhE! * kurundhidaik kURai paNiyAy (8)

531. Oh! Krishna!, with your pure lotus like eyes, in the yoganitra state, we were confident that You will be sleeping in the early hours, after being mischievous the whole night. Whereas, here now again,we are exposed to your pranks. You are totally mistaken thinking that those of us who are here are all your lady love . But there are aunts and even your motherinlaws of AyarpAdi , who have come here.  Don't trouble them as you do to us. Please give back our garments from atop the kurundhai tree. (8)

532 kanjchan valai vaiththa anRu * kAriruL ellil pizhaiththu *

 nenjchu dhukkam seyyap pOndhAy * ninRa ikkanniyarOmai **

anjcha urappAL asOdhai * ANAda vittittu irukkum * 

vanjchagap pEychchi pAl uNda * masimaiyilI!7 kURai thArAy (9)

532. Deceiving kamsa's plan to kill you at the time of your birth, You escaped amidst the dark midnight to a different location.  But here, to our hearts dismay, You are torturing us, by not allowing us to get out of the water. Even without scolding, Yashodha pirATTi has raised you to grow as you wish. Are you not ashamed to have drunk the poisoned milk from the unscrupulous Putana?  Oh shameless! Please give back our garments. (9)


533 * kanniyarOdu engkaL nambi * kariya pirAn viLaiyAttai *

ponniyal mAdangkaL sUzhndha * pudhuvaiyar kOn pattan kOdhai ** 

innisaiyAl sonna mAlai * Iraindhum vallavar thAm pOy *

manniya mAdhavanOdu * vaikuntham pukku iruppArE (10)

AndAl, darling of the chief of Srivilliputhur, with its golden rich towers has set to tune the beautiful verses, singing about the mischievous pranks that our dark hued Lord KaNNan did to the gopikAs of AyarpAdi. Those who sing these ten pAsurams, will undoubtedly reach Srivaikuntam to eternally stay with Madhavan. (10)

AndAl Tiruvadigale Sharanam.


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