PASURAMS 433 - 442


Azhwar immerses himself in NaichyAnusanthAnam (feeling lowly about oneself) 

433: vaakkuth thooymai ilaamaiyinaalE*

maadhavaa! unnai vaaykkoLLa maattEn*

naakku n^innaiyallaal aRiyaadhu*

naan adhaNYjuvan en vasam anRu*

moorkkup pEsukinRaan ivan enRu*

munivaayElum en n^aavinukku aaRREn*

kaakkai vaayilum katturai koLvar*

kaaraNaa! karuLak kodiyaanE! (2) 1.

433. Oh!, SarvakArakanE!, Garuda dwajA!, (The one who has Garuda-flag), MAdhavA!!,since my words do not possess the  purity, I am not qualified and do not have the ability to praise you. But still my tongue knows nothing other than your nAmA. Iam scared of the natural quality  of this tongue as it is not under my control. Even if you get angry on me for being  very aggressive , I cannot regulate my tongue. The learned will take only good things even from the crows cawing. Hence please consider the goodness in my words too. (1)

434: sazhakku n^aakkodu pun_kavi sonnEn*

shanku chakkaram Endhu kaiyaanE!*

pizhaippar aahilum thammadiyaar sol*

poRuppadhu periyOr kadananRE*

vizhikkum kaNNilEn n^in kaN maRRallaal*

vERoruvarOdu en manam paRRaadhu*

uzhaikku_Or puLLi mihaiyanRu kaNdaay*

oozhiyEzhulahu uNdumizhndhaanE! 2.

434. Oh Lord!!,who holds the Shanku and Chakkaram , there is none other than you who can protect your humble servant who has written cheap verses with my blemish tongue. There is nobody whom my  mind would like to be associated with too. Is it not the duty of the munificent to bear the errors of their subservients?!. An extra dot on the deer's skin would not be a heavy burden for the deer. In the same way The one who swallowed all the seven worlds and brought it out again should forgive and accept. (2)

435: nanmai theemaihaL onRum aRiyEn*

naaraNaa! ennum iththanai allaal*

punmaiyaal unnai puLLuvam pEsi*

puhazhvaan anRu kaNdaay thirumaalE!*

unnumaaRu unnai onRum aRiyEn*

OvaadhE n^amO n^aaraNaa! enban*

vanmaiyaavadhu un kOyilil vaazhum*

vaishNavan ennum vanmai kaNdaayE. 3.

435. Other than uttering NArAyanA!! I hardly know what is good or bad. I hardly know to praise fraudulantly expecting something Oh ThirumAlE!!. I hardly know any other means, other than chanting "NAMO NARAYANAYA", incessantly. I hardly have any strength other than living as a Vaishnavaite in your temple. (3)

436: nedumaiyaal ulahEzhum aLandhaay!*

ninmalaa! nediyaay! adiyEnai*

kudimai koLvadhaRku aiyuRa vENdaa*

kooRai sORu ivai vENduvadhu illai*

adimai ennum akkOyinmaiyaalE*

aNGaNGE avai pOdharum kaNdaay*

kodumai kaNYjanai konRu nin_thaadhai*

kOththavan thaLaikOL viduththaanE! 4.

436. Oh The Virtuous Lord !, who measured all the worlds as a THIRUVIKRAMA,, Oh KANNA!, who killed the cruel KamsA, and releaved your  chained father from the clutches  , do not hesitate to accept me as your subservient. I do not desire material wealth from you. All that I desire is to be serving under your feet which will automatically give me  all the wealth for generations. (4)

437: thOttam illavaL aaththozhu Odai*

thudavaiyum kiNaRum ivai ellaam*

vaattaminRi unponnadi keezhE*

vaLaippaham vakuththu koNdirundhEn*

naattu maanidaththOdu enakku aridhu*

nachchuvaar palar kEzhalonRaaki*

kOttu maNkoNda koLkaiyinaanE!*

kuNYjaram veezhak kombosiththaanE! 5.

437.Oh Lord !, who took the world on your tusk and saved her  in your VarAha AvatAr!. and who broke the tusk of the KuvalayApEtam elephant, under your Lotus feet ,I have acquired in my heart all the wealth such as garden,spouse, cows, cowsheds, ponds, lands well etc, . After surrendering myself to you, I don't desire to assosiate myself with these worldy people.So please releave me of this worldy karmas. (5)

438: kaNNaa! naanmukanai padaiththaanE!*

kaaraNaa! kariyaay! adiyEn n^aan*

uNNaa n^aaL pasiyaavadhu onRillai*

OvaadhE n^amO n^aaraNaa enRu*

eNNaa n^aaLum irukkesu saama vEdha*

n^aaN malar koNdu un paadham-

naNNaa n^aaL* avaithaththuRumaakil*

anRu enakku avai pattini n^aaLE. 6. 

438.Oh Lord KannA!, the creator of Brahma!, Blue hued divine Lord, me, your servent has never felt hungry when I don't eat. The days when I don't chant "NAMO NARAYANAYA",incessently, the days when I don't chant Rig, Yajur, SAma vedas offering flowers at your Lotus Feet are my hunger days. The days that  get obstructed by not doing pooja are my hunger days. The day I reach your Divine Feet will be the day I eat. (6)

439: veLLai veLLaththin mEl oru paambai*

meththaiyaaha viriththu* adhanmElE-

kaLLa n^iththirai koLhinRa maarkkam*

kaaNalaangol enRaasaiyinaalE*

uLLam sOra uhandhedhir vimmi*

urOmakoobangaLaay* kaNNa n^eer_kaL-

thuLLamsOrath thuyilaNai koLLEn*

sollaayyaan unnai thaththuRumaaRE. 7.

439.My heart becomes weak at the very desire of longing to see the beauty of the sleeping posture in the  Yoga NithirA recling on the peerless AdhisEshan at the sacred KshErAbdhi (PArkadal). But still with my mind's vision I become excited and my hair follicles rise and stand. Figuring out your physical presence,  I extend my hand to embrace you and when I don't find you ,I shed tears and suffer from sleepless nights. You have to bless me the way to attain you. (7)

440: vaNNamaal varaiyE kudaiyaaka*

maarikaaththavanE! madhusoodhaa!*

kaNNanE! karikOL viduththaanE!*

kaaraNaa! kaLiRatta piraanE!*

eNNuvaar idarai kaLaivaanE!*

Eththarum peruNG keerththiyinaanE!*

naNNi n^aan unnai n^aaLthoRum Eththum*

nanmaiyE aruLsey embiraanE! 8.

440.Oh MADHUSUDHANA!!, who is the creator of the whole univerese, you remove the hurdles of all your devotees thinking on You. Hey KannA! you removed the trouble for GajEndrAzhwAn!, Oh Lord ,You took the most beautiful GOVARDHANA Mountain as an umbrella to save the cattle and cowherd folks from the torrential downpour. You are the one who destroyed KuvalayApEtam elephant!,Oh Lord who is beyond all the praises, please bless and grant me to think of You and praise You at all time uninterruptedly every day. (8)

441: nambanE! navinREththa vallaar_kaL*

naadhanE! narasiNGamadhu aanaay!*

umbar_kOn ulahEzhum aLandhaay*

oozhiyaayinaay! aazhi munnEndhi*

kambamaa karikOL viduththaanE!*

kaaraNaa! kadalai kadaindhaanE!*

embiraan! ennai aaLudaith thEnE!*

EzhaiyEn idarai kaLaiyaayE. 9.

441.Oh Lord !, who is the trusted protector, who is the reason for every praise, The Chief of all the "Nithyasoories" who took the "NrisimhAvatAr; You measured all the seven worlds; You are the reason of "Pralaya kAl" and then become the creator and protector. Oh Lord! You dispelled the sorrows of "GajEndra" with the "ChakrA" in Your hand. You churned the sacred Ocean "ThiruppArkadal". Oh Lord , sweeter than honey who has taken me into your bonds! You have to relieve me from all the miseries. (9)


442:## kaamar thaadhai karudhalar siNGgam*

kaaNa iniya karunguzhal kuttan*

vaamanan enmaradhaka vaNNan*

maadhavan madhusoodhanan thannai*

sEma n^an_kamarum pudhuvaiyar_kOn*

vishNu chiththan viyan thamizh paththum*

naamam enRu n^avinRuraippaar_kaL*

naNNuvaar ollai n^aaraNan ulahE. (2)

442.Lord Thirumal, appears to be a Lion for those who don't think of HIM. He who is the father of"Manmathan" becomes sweetest to those who gets attatched to HIM.  He is the bluish green hued VAmanA with thick black lofty hair; "PERIAZHWAR OF SRIVILLIPUTTUR" who has considered MADHUSODHANA as his sole protector and bowed down before Him, has written these 10 verses. Those who recite them in the form of NAma Sankeertan will attain the Paramapadam as early as possible (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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