PASURAMS 391- 401

"tangaiyai mookkum'...

*"em puruTTottaman irukkai tirukanDankaDinagare"*

The glory of PurushOttaman perumAl (neela mEghaperumAl) in dEva prayAg, the divya desam called tirukanDankaDinagaram. The deity is called Raghunathji in dEva prayAg. 

391:## thaNGgaiyai mookkum thamaiyanai thalaiyum thadindha* em dhaasaradhi pOy*

eNGgum thanpuhazhaavirundhu arasaaNda* em purushOththaman irukkai*

gaNGgai gaNGgai enRa vaasahaththaalE* kadu vinai kaLaindhidukiRkum*

gaNGgaiyin karaimEl kaithozha n^inRa* kaNdam ennum kadin^aharE. (2) 1.

391. The well renowned DAsharati, son of king dasaratha, who severed the nose of the sister (soorpaNaka) and the head of the brother (rAvaNa) ruled, with his praise spread all over the land. The very same lord resides in this holy place, worthy of worship called tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram as PurushOttaman perumAl. It is situated on the banks of the holy river Ganges which washes away the sins of those who just chant “gangai, gangai” even while taking bath. (1)

392: salam podhi udambin thazhalumizh pEzhvaay* chandhiran veNGgadhir aNYcha*

malarndhu ezhundhaNavu maNivaNNa uruvin* maal purushOththaman vaazhvu*

nalamthihazh sadaiyaan mudikkonRai malarum* naaraNan paadhath thuzhaayum*

kalandhizhi punalaal puhar padugaNGgai* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 2.

392. The blue sapphire hued lord tirumAl, grew magnificently tall to the fright of even the cool natured moon and the fiery natured sun and measured the whole world. This lord Purushothaman’s abode is tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram. This divine place is situated on the banks of the river Ganges, which sparkles with the confluence of kondrai flowers (laburnum) of Lord Shiva's head and the tulasi leaves offered at the feet of Sriman NArAyanan. (2)

393: adhirmuham udaiya valamburi kumizhththi* azhalumizh aazhi koNdeRindhu* aNGgu-

edhir muhavasurar thalaihaLai idaRum* em purushOththaman irukkai*

sadhumuhan kaiyil sadhuppuyan thaaLil* shankaran sadaiyinil thaNGgi*

kadhir muha maNi koNdizhipunal gaNGgai* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 3.

393. Blowing the resonating conch (valampuri) and hurling the fiery disc (chakra), my Lord PurushOttama, who rolls off the heads of the opposing asurAs abodes in tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram. The    water that was offered by Brahma, at the foot of lord trivikrama, landed on Lord Shiva's head and from there flowed down as the Ganges, bringing rich gems along its course. It is on the banks of this river stands this divya desam.(3)

394: imaiyavar iRumaandhirundhu arasaaLa* ERRuvandhedhir poru sEnai*

namapuram n^aNuha n^aandhaham visiRum* nam purushOththaman n^ahar thaan*

imavandham thodaNGgi_ iruNGgadalaLavum* irukarai ulahiraiththaada*

kamaiyudai perumai gaNGgaiyin karaimEl* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 4.

394. The holy river Ganga, that originates from the himAlayAs and flows to the sea, patiently removes all the sins of the humans who bathe on either side of its banks. Tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram is situated here on this bank. The Lord PurushOttama who abodes here exercises His divine sword’Nandhakam’, on the enemies, who attack the dEvas, sending them to the Yamalog, and allowing the dEvas to rule with pride. (4)

395: uzhuvadhOr padaiyum ulakkaiyum villum* oN sudar aazhiyum shaNGkum*

mazhuvodu vaaLum padaikkalam udaiya* maal purushOththaman vaazhvu*

ezhumaiyum koodi_ eeNdiyapaavam* iRaip pozhudhaLavinil ellaam*

kazhuvidum perumai gaNGgaiyin karaimEl* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 5.

395.Lord tirumAl as purushOttaman, holds   all the weapons like, plough (kalappai), pestle (ulakkai), sArnga Bow, resplendent Chakra, shankh, Axe and nAnthagam the sword, and permanently resides here in this Divya Desam tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram along the Ganges which has the fame of washing all the sins accrued in the previous seven births just within a second. (5)

396: thalaip peydhu kumuRichchalam podhimEham* salasala pozhindhidak kaNdu*

malaip perum kudaiyaal maRaiththavan madhurai* maal purushOththaman vaazhvu*

alaippudaith thiraivaay arundhava munivar* avapiradham kudaindhaada*

kalappaihaL kozhikkum gaNGgaiyin karaimEl* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 6.

396. The great sages, take their final ritualistic bath in the Ganges with its thrashing waves, after finishing their yagAs. On the banks of this river where the sacrificial wood floats lies this divine place tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram. It is here the lord of Mathura, PurushOttama, who protected the cowherd clan, by lifting the Govardhana mountain against the thunderous torrential rain abodes. (6)

397: viRpidiththiRuththu vEzhaththai murukki* mElirundhu avan_thalai saadi*

maRporuthezhap paayndhu_ araiyanayudhaiththa* maal purushOththaman vaazhvu*

aRpudham udaiya_aiyiraavadhamadhamum* avar iLampadiyar oNsaandhum*

kaRpa kamalarum kalandhizhi gangai* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 7.

397. The divine place tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram, lies on the banks of the holy river Ganges which carries the temporin from the admirable irAvat, the sandalwood paste from the celestial goddess and their karpaga flowers along its course. Lord PurushOttama who broke the bow, plucked the tusks of the kuvalayApeeTha elephant, jumped on his head to kill the mahout and finished the wrestlers and finally killed Kamsa by jumping on him resides here.(7)

398: thirai porukadal soozh thiN madhiL thuvarai vEndhu* than maiththunanmaarkkaay*

arasinai aviya_arasinai aruLum* ari purushOththamanam arvu*

nirai n^irai aaha n^ediyanayoobam* nirandharam ozhukku vittu* iraNdu-

karai purai vELvip puhai kamazh gangai* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. 8.

398. In the yagasala on the banks of the river Ganges there are rows of sacrificial post  to tie the cows. The aromatic havan smoke fills the either bank of the river. The holy place tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram, is situated on the banks of this river. The king of dwAraka surrounded by wavy ocean, stood by the side of His PAnDava brother-in-laws and got back their land destroying the duryodhana enemy clan. This lord PurushOttaman resides here. (8)

399: vadathisai madhurai saaLakkiraamam* vaikuntam thuvarai ayOdhdhi*

idam udai vadhari idavahai udaiya* em purushOththaman irukkai*

thadavarai athirath tharaNi viNdidiya* thalaip paRRik karaimaram saadi*

kadalinai kalanga kaduththizhi gangai* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. (2) 9.

399. The Ganges flows ferociously, with its reverberating waves making the mountains to tremble as if the earth was going to be split and reaching so high, making the trees on its bank dash against each other. It is on this bank lies the Divya desam Tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram. My Lord PurushOttaman who lives in the Northern divya desams namely MathurA, sAlagrAmam, vaikunTHam, dwArakA, ayOdhyA, BadarikAshramam, lives here too.  (9)

400: moonRezhuththadhanai moonRezhuththadhanaal* moonRezhuththaakki* moonRezhuththai-

EnRu koNdiruppaarkku_irakkam n^an_kudaiya* em purushOththaman irukkai*

moonRadi n^imirththu moonRinil thOnRi* moonRinil moonRuruvaanaan*

kaan_thadam pozhilsoozh gangaiyin karaimEl* kaNdam ennum kadi n^aharE. (2) 10.

400. My Lord PurushOttama is kind to those who understand and meditate on the true meaning of the praNava mantra consisting of the three letters akAra, ukAra and makAra which has been set to meaning according to the rules of the three syllabeled nirukta (etymology), and embedded into the three worded all protective tirumantram (ashTAkshara).   tiru-kanDam-kaDinagaram with beautiful groves along the Ganges is the residence of that Purushottaman who took three steps and measured the three worlds taking three forms vAmana, Upendra and trivikrama and showing His three attributes namely sheshitvam (The only Master of everything), sharanyatvam (the only protector to be resorted to)  and prApyatvam (the only goal to be achieved).  To sum up, by reciting the ashTAkshara mantra the jeeva assures himself that Lord PurushOttaman is antaryAmI (all pervading), the upAyam (the means) and the upEyam (goal). (10)


401:## pongoli gangai karaimali kaNdaththu* uRai purushOththaman adimEl*

vengali n^aliyaa villi puththoor kOn* vishNu chiththan viruppuRRu*

thangiya anbaal seydha thamizh maalai* thangiya n^aavudaiyaarkku*

gangaiyil thirumaal kazhaliNaik keezhE* kuLiththirundha kaNakkaamE. (2)

401. The great Srivilliputtoor ViTTuchittan, totally unaffected by kali, has offered these tamizh pAsurams with ardent love at the feet of Lord PurushOttaman of KandankaDinagaram spanked by the gushing Ganges. Those who use their tongue to recite these pAsurams will be blessed with the merit of bathing in the Ganges at the feet of Lord PurushOttaman at Devaprayag. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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