Pasuram (349-359)  UruppiNi

The Glory of ThirumAlirumchOlai

Thiru-mAl-irum-chOlai..... the Abode of Lord Vishnu

349:## uruppiNi n^angai thannai meetpaan* thodarndhOdichchenRa*

uruppanai Otti koNdittu* uRaiththitta uRaippan malai*

poruppidaik konRai n^inRu* muRiyaazhiyum kaasum koNdu*

viruppodu pon vazhaNGgum* viyan maalirunchOlaiyadhE. (2) 1.

349. This Divine Mountain, is the Abode of Sri Krishna. He won over Rukma, who came chasing after Him, in an effort to bring back his sister Rukmini. This resplendent ThirumAlirumchOlai has abundant kondrai(laburnum) trees, with golden flowers and leaves. They seem to shower gold coins and rings lovingly! (1)

350: kaNYchanum kaaLiyanum* kaLiRum marudhum erudhum*

vaNYchanaiyil madiya* vaLarndha maNivaNNan malai*

naNYchumizh n^aaham ezhundhaNavi* naLir maamadhiyai*

seNYchudar n^aavaLaikkum* thiru maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 2.

350. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of the blue hued Boy (manivaNNan), who was the cause for the death of Kamsa, the elephant kuvalaiyApeetam, the serpent,  kAlingan, the marudha trees and the seven bulls. This immense ThirumAlirumchOlai has serpents which spews venom and unveils itself to reach the cool full moon, trying to cover it with its red fangs.(2)

351: mannu n^arahan thannai* soozh pOhi vaLaiththeRindhu*

kannimahaLir thammai* kavarndha kadalvaNNan malai*

punnai serundhiyodu* puna vEngaiyum kONGgum n^inRu*

ponnarimaalaihaL soozh* pozhil maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 3.

351. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of the Lord , who has the colour of the Deep Sea. He, married the young maidens kept captive by NarakAsuran, who embraced evil doing, after killing him. This, densely forested,  amazing  ThirumAlirumchOlai is covered with trees like punnai (mast wood), serunthi (laburnum), pine vengai (a tropical tree), kongu and kondrai, whose golden flowers appear to be garlanding it! (3)

352: maavali thannudaiya* mahan vaaNan mahaLirundha*

kaavalaik kattazhiththa* thanikkaaLai karudhum malai*

kOvalar gOvindhanai* kuRamaadharhaL paNkuRiNYchi*

paavoli paadi n^adam payil* maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 4.

352. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of the Fearless Hero,as strong as a bull! He broke the barriers where MahAbali 's son, BAnAsuran held his daughter Ushai and Aniruddhan (Krishna's grandson) captives. This ThirumAlirumchOlai is where the gypsy women sing kurinji songs and dance in praise of  Govindan, the cowherd boy! (4)

353: palapala n^aazham solli* pas it tha shishupaalon thannai*

alavalaimai thavirththa* azhahan alag taaran  malai*

kula malai kOlamalai* kuLir maamalai koRRamalai*

nilamalai n^eeNda malai* thiru maalirunchOlaiyadhE. (2) 5.

353. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of the Charming,  Handsome  Azhagan. He did away with Sishupalan, who threw abuses at Him. This wonderful ThirumAlirumchOlai is majestic,  beautiful,  cool, supreme, fertile and flourishing with beautiful gardens. ( ThirumAlirumchOlai is given seven attributes, likening it to the seven hills of ThiruvEngadam!) (5)

354: paaNdavar_thammudaiya* paaNYchaali maRukkam ellaam*

aaNdu_anNGu n^ooRRuvar_tham* peNdir mElvaiththa_ appan malai*

paaNthahu vaNdinaNGgaL* paNhaL paadi madhupparuha*

thONdal udaiya malai* thollai maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 6.

354. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of Lord Krishna.  He relieved PanchAli of her sorrows and made the hundred wives of the Kauravas to suffer for the injustice. This Blessed ThirumAlirumchOlai is filled with the buzzing of the bees which are intoxicated with the nectar they have drunk from the gardens of this mountain. (6)

355: kanaNGkuzhaiyaaL poruttaa* kaNai paariththu* arakkar thaNGgaL-

inam kazhuvERRuviththa* ezhil thOL emmiraaman malai*

kanam kozhi theLLaruvi* vandhu soozhndhu akalNYaalam ellaam*

inam kuzhuvaadum malai* ezhil maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 7.

355. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of Sri Rama, with strong shoulders. He demolished the rAkshasa race of Lanka with his arrows, for the sake of the thick braided Sita. This beautiful ThirumAlirumchOlai is surrounded by pure streams and lofty waterfalls,  making it a paradise. (7)

356: erisidhaRum saraththaal* ilaNGgaiyinai* thannudaiya-

vari silaivaayil peydhu* vaaykkOttam thavirththu uhandha*

araiyan amarum malai* amararodukOnum senRu*

thiri sudar soozhum malai* thiru maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 8.

356. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of the Valorous Sri Rama.  He destroyed Lanka by showering arrows from his strong bow. He sits in this ThirumAlirumchOlai,  where all the Gods and Indra worship him and where the Sun, Moon and stars shine. (8)

357: kOttumaN koNdidandhu* kudaNGgaiyil maN_koNdaLandhu*

meettumadhu uNdumizhndhu* viLaiyaadu vimalan malai*

eettiya palporuLhaL* embiraanukku adiyuRaiyenRu*

Ottarum thaN silambaaRudai* maalirunchOlaiyadhE. 9.

357. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of The Faultless One( Vimalan). The one who dug up the Earth taking the VarAha avatar, measured the Earth, taking Thiruvikrama avatar and swallowed the Earth, taking Krishna avatar. This awe inspiring  ThirumAlirumchOlai is endowed with the cool SilambAru, which submits all the wealth it has accumulated along its path, as offerings, at the feet of the Lord. (9)

358:## aayiram thOLparappi* mudiyaayiram minnilaka*

aayiram paindhalaiya* anandha sayanan aaLum malai*

aayiram aaRuhaLum* sunaihaL palavaayiramum*

aayiram poompozhilumudai* maalirunchOlaiyadhE. (2) 10.

358. This Divine Mountain is the Abode of Anantasayanan, who displays a thousand arms and a thousand gleaming crowns, reclining on the thousand hooded AdisEshan.  This Beautiful ThirumAlirumchOlai is embellished by thousands of rivers,  streams and thousands of gardens. (10)


359:## maalirunchOlai ennum* malaiyai udaiya malaiyai*

naaliru moorththi thannai* naal vEdhak kadal amudhai*

mEliruNGgaRpahaththai* vEdhaandha vizhupporuLin*

mElirundha viLakkai* vishNu chiththan viriththanavE. (2)

359. This Divine Mountain is the God of Mountains, The Head of all the eight directions,  the confluence of the four Vedas, the all- giving, ultimate Karpaga vrukshA, The enlightening ray, which is the essence of Vedanta. Such is the Glory of ThirumAlirumchOlai as described by  Vishnuchithan. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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