alambA veruTTA

*tirumAlirunchOlaiyE* – The greatness of azhagar malai/Azhagar kOvil, Madurai the Divya dEsham of SundarabAhu perumAl and Sundaravalli tAyAr.

338:##alambaa veruttaa* konRu thiriyum arakkarai*

kulam paazh paduththu* kula viLakkaay n^inRakOn malai*

silampaarkka vandhu* dheyvamahaLir_kaL aadumseer*

silambaaRu paayum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. (2) 1.

338. TirumAlirunchOlai, the beautiful hill, abode of the victorious shree rAma, who destroyed the troublesome rAkshashas on a killing spree. This is the southern hill where the river called “silambAru” (nupura Gangai) flows resonating the anklet sounds (silambu) of the celestial beings who bathe here. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* (1)

339: vallaaLan thOLum* vaaLarakkan mudiyum* thaNGgai-

pollaadha mookkum* pOkkuviththaan porundhum malai*

ellaavidaththilum eNGgum parandhu* pallaaNdoli-

sellaa n^iRkum seer* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 2.

339. TirumAlirunchOlai, the divine hill, where Shri rAma is the presiding deity, who severed the 10 heads and shoulders of the powerful rAvaNa, including the nose of his wicked sister SoorpaNaka.  This famous hill reverberates the chanting of the pallAnDu hymns for all around. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* (2)

340: thakkaar mikkaarhaLai* chaNYchalam seyyum salavarai*

thekkaa n^eRiyE pOkkuvikkum* selvan ponmalai*

ekkaalamum senRu* sEviththirukkum adiyarai*

akkaaneRiyai maaRRum* thaN maalirunchOlaiyE. 3.

340. TirumAlirunchOlai, the magnanimous golden hill, leads its sincere devotees against the path of sin and helps to emerge successfully. It is here Lord Azhagar stays, on this cool mountain, who  diverts  the  Hippocrates  and the wrong doers to the south side (ie. yama Patnam) . *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* (3)

341: aanaayar koodi* amaiththa vizhavai* amarar_tham-

kOnaarkku ozhiya* gOvarththanaththu seydhaan malai*

vaanaattil n^inRu* maamalar kaRpaha thoththizhi*

thEnaaRu paayum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 4.

341. TirumAlirunchOlai is the residence of Shri KrishNa who diverted the worship and the offerings of the cowherds from Lord Indra to the gOvardhana mountain. It is in this hill, the excess honey that oozes from  the heavenly karpaga flowers flow into a stream. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* 4

342: oru vaaraNam paNi koNdavan* poyhaiyil* kaNYchan_than-

oru vaaraNam uyir uNdavan_* senRuRaiyum malai*

karu vaaraNam* than pidi thuRandhOda* kadal vaNNan-

thiruvaaNai kooRaththiriyum* thaN maalirunchOlaiyE. 5.

342. TirumAliruchOlai is the permanent residence of KaNNan who saved one elephant gajEndran  from a pond and  killed another elephant kuvalayApETam  sent by kamsan.  It is here, the male elephant swearing in the name of this ocean hued Lord, roams around fearlessly with its  female elephant, stopping it from going astray.  Such is the divine grace of this temple. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!*(5)

343: EviRRuch cheyvaan* EnRedhirndhu vandha mallarai*

saavaththaharththa* saandhaNithOL sadhuran malai*

aavaththanam enRu* amararhaLum n^an munivarum*

sEviththirukkum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 6.

343. TriumAlirunchOlai, houses KaNNan who put an end to the wrestlers sent by kamsan with His strong shoulders.  He accepted the sandal paste to be smeared by the hunch back woman on His chest.  He is the one who is worshipped and sought after even by the dEvas and the Rishis for protection from dangers.  *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!*(6)

344: mannar maRuha* maiththunanmaarkku_ oru thErinmEl*

munnaNGgu n^inRu* mOzhai ezhuviththavan malai*

konnavil koorvERkOn* nedumaaRan then koodaRkOn*

thennan koNdaadum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 7.

344. TirumAlirunchOlai, is the dwelling place of kaNNan who, instilling fear in the-hearts of the opponent  drove the chariot for the sake of His pANDava cousin Arjuna, and gave the power for springing up water through arrow shots for the thirsty horses. This beautifull hill is praised by NedumAran also called malayadhwaja, the pANDya king wielding a valiant sword. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!*(7).

345: kuRuhaadha mannarai* koodu kalakki* veNGgaanidai-

siRukaal n^eRiyE pOkkuvikkum* selvan ponmalai*

aRuhaal vari vaNdukaL* aayira n^aamam solli*

siRukaalaip paadum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 8.

345. TirumAlirunchOlai,  the hill resort of Azhagar that shatters the habitat of the arrogant kings who do not outreach the place of this consort of Mahalakshmi and send them to narrow forests to face dangers. It is here, at the dawn, the highly devoted six-legged striped bees swarm around early in the morning, humming the 1000 names of the Lord.  *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* (8)

346: sindhap pudaiththu* cheNGgurudhi koNdu* boodhaNGgaL-

andhip pali koduththu* aavaththanam sey_appan malai*

indhira kObangaL* emperumaan_ kani vaay oppaan*

sindhum puRavil* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 9.

346.  TirumAlirunchOlai, the hill of my lord, where rAkshasas kill azhagar’s enemies at dusk and offer the bali to azhagar before partaking of their food.  This tirumAlirunchOlai is the house of our Lord Shriya:pati and that of the wandering indragOpa insects (red velvet mites) that resemble His kovai fruit colored lips. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!*(9)

347: ettuth thisaiyum* eNNiRandha perum dhEvimaar*

vittu viLanga* veeRRirundha vimalan malai*

pattip pidihaL* pahaduRiNYchi senRu* maalai vaay-

thettith thiLaikkum* then thirumaalirunchOlaiyE. 10.

347. TirumAlirunchOlai, is the seat of krishNa,  the renowned Lord of dwAraka, who ruled over along  with His innumerable wives. Here in this hill, as the female elephants nudge against the male elephants while walking at night, feel extremely rejoiced being together. *ten-tirumAlirunchOlaiye!* (10)


348:## marudhap pozhilaNi* maalirunchOlai malai thannai*

karudhi uRaihinRa* kaarkkadal vaNNan ammaan thannai*

viradham kondEththum* villipuththoor vishNu chiththan_sol*

karudhi uraippavar* kaNNan kazhaliNai kaaNbarhaLE. (2)

348.  The only aim of villiputtur’s viShnu chittan, was to sing the praises of  this dark hued  kamala kaNNan, Azhagar, who resides in the beautiful groves of tirumAlirunchOlai.  Those who sing these ten verses with interest are sure to see the lotus feet of KrishNa. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam


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