PASURAMS 307 - 317

Two girls talking to each other about the glories of the avatars of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna by singing one after another 

pADi para means "Sing and exchange glories with joy.

307:##ennaadhan dhEvikku* anRu inbappoo eeyaadhaaL*

than naadhan kaaNavE* thaNpoo maraththinai*

vannaadha puLLaal* valiya paRiththitta*

ennaadhan vanmaiyai paadippaRa*

empiraan vanmaiyai paadippaRa.* (2) 1.

307. One gOpikA:  When IndrAni refused to give the divine karpaga flower to my lord’s wife, kaNNan my lord instructed GaruDa and he plucked the karpaga vRuksha (pArijAta tree) when Indra was watching and planted it in SatyabhAmA's garden. Sing with joy the glories of kaNNan, my Lord and master. *pADi para*. (1)

308: en vilvali kaNdu* pOvenRu edhir vandhaan*

than villinOdum* thavaththai edhirvaaNGgi*

mun vilvaliththu* mudhu peNNuyiruNdaan*

than villin vanmaiyai paadippaRa*

dhaasaradhi thanmaiyai padippaRa.* 2.

308.  Another gOpikA: rAma broke the bow and the penance of parasurAma, when he challenged rAma to oppose and feel the pain of his bow. (en vilvali kaNdu* pOvenRu). Earlier He took the life of tATaka by stringing His bow.  Sing the praise and glory of the bow ( sArnga). Sing the praise and glory of DasarathA’s son. *pADi para*. (2)

309: uruppiNi n^aNGgaiyai* thErERRik koNdu*

viruppuRRu aNGgEha* viraindhu edhirvandhu*

serukkuRRaan* veeram sidhaiya* thalaiyai-

chiraiththittaan vanmaiyaip paadippaRa*

dhEvaki siNGgaththai paadippaRa.* 3.

309.When the egoistic Rukma came opposing with an intention to fight against Krishna, while taking Rukmini in His chariot, Krishna shot arrows on his head, killing his valour but allowed him to sped away, since he was Rukmini’s brother. Sing with joy the glories of the smart Krishna. Sing with joy the glories of Devaki’s son. *pADi para.* (3)

310: maaRRuththaay senRu* vanam pOhE enRida*

eeRRuththaay pin_thodarndhu* empiraan! enRu_azha*

kooRRuththaay solla* kodiya vanam pOna*

seeRRamilaadhaanai paadippaRa*

seedhai maNaaLanaip paadippaRa.* 4.

310.  When His stepmother Sumitra lamented, "rAma, Are you going to the forest"? when His own mother Kausalya cried, "empirAne, my Lord", His wicked mother KaikEyi shouted,"It is Dasharatha's orders", the humble RAmA left to the dangerous forest. Sing with joy the glories of that Lord rAma, the beloved of seetA,  who knows no anger. *pADi para.* (4)

311: paNYjavar thoodhanaay* baaradham kaiseydhu*

naNYjumizh n^aaham* kidandha nalpoyhai pukku*

aNYja paNaththin mEl* paayndhittu aruL seydha*

aNYjana vaNNanai paadippaRa*

asOdhai than_siNGgaththai paadippaRa.* 5.

311. kaNNan being an envoy, helped the pAnDava's in the great mahAbhArta war. Getting into the poisonous pool, He controlled the venomous kAliya snake and showered His grace by dancing on its hood. Sing with joy the courage of that kohl hued kaNNan. Sing and praise yashOdha's lion. *pADi para.*(5)

312: mudiyonRi *moovulahaNGgaLum aaNdu* un-

adiyERku aruLenRu* avan pin_thodarndha*

padiyil kuNaththu* baradha n^ampikku* anRu-

adin^ilai eendhaanai paadippaRa*

ayOththiyar kOmaanai paadippaRa.* 6.

312. The great humble Bharata followed rAma to the forest and pleaded Him to wear the crown, rule the three worlds and bless Him. But rAma gave the selfless Bharata his pAdukas and blessed him to rule ayOdhyA. Sing with joy   the glories of that real hero of ayOdhyA, Lord rAma. *pADi para.* (6)

313: kaaLiyan poyhai* kalaNGga paayndhittu* avan-

neeLmudi aindhilum* n^inRu nadam seydhu*

meeLa avanukku* aruL seydha viththakan*

thOLvali veeramE paadippaRa*

thoomaNi vaNNanai paadippaRa.* 7.

313. Jumping into the pool where kAlian dwelled and making it cloudy kaNNan captured the five headed snake and danced hopping on each head, and later let him free out of compassion.  Sing the valour and strength of that blue gem hued kaNNan. *pADi para.*(7)

314: thaarkku iLandhambikku* araseendhu* thaNdakam-

nooRRavaL* solkoNdupOhi* nudaNGgidai-

soorppaNakaavai* seviyodu mookku* avaL-

aarkka arindhaanai paadippaRa*

ayOdhdhikku arasanai paadippaRa.* 8.

314.Letting His younger brother Bharatha rule, rAma went to danDakAraNyam forest as ordered by kaikEyi. There He cut the nose and ears of the demon soorpanaka and made her scream. Sing the praises of the ayOdhyA king rAma. *pADi para.*(8)

315: maayach chakadam udhaiththu* maruthiRuththu*

aayar_kaLOdu pOy* aan^irai kaaththu* aNi-

vEyin kuzhaloodhi* viththakanaay n^inRa*

aayar_kaL ERRinaip paadippaRa*

aan^irai mEyththaanai paadippaRa.* 9.

315. Tossing the disguised ShakaTAsura and crashing the maruda trees KrishNa won over the demons . He then grazed the cows along with the cowherd boys playing his flute. Sing the leadership of that kaNNan who protects the cowherds and the cows. *pADi para.* (9)

316: kaaraar kadalai adaiththittu* ilaNGgai pukku*

Oraadhaan ponmudi* onbathOdu onRaiyum*

nEraa avan thambikkE* neeL araseendha*

aaraavamudhanai paadippaRa*

ayOdhdhiyar vEndhanai paadippaRa.* 10.

316.  Building a bridge over the dark ocean, Lord rAma barged into Lanka and slewed the ten headed rAvaNa, who was oblivious of rAmA’s strength and judiciously passed on the kingdom to VibheeshaNa. Sing the praises of that eternal nectar, ayOdhyA king rAma.  *pADi para* (10)


317: nandhan madhalaiyai* kaakuththanai n^avinRu*

undhi paRandha* oLiyizhaiyaarhaL sol*

sendhamizh thenpudhuvai* vishNuchiththan_sol*

aindhinOdu aindhum vallaarkku* allal illaiyE.* (2)

Those who sing these ten songs  of ‘Undi Parattal’, gracefully written by viTTuchittan of Srivilliputhur in chaste Tamizh as a conversation between girls sung in praise of rAma and Krishna will be bereft of sadness. (11)

AzhvAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam.


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