PASURAM 128- 138


128: aravaNaiyaay! aayarERE!* ammam uNNath thuyilezhaayE* 

iravum uNNaathu uRaNGgi n^eepOy* inRumuchchi koNdathaalO* 

varavum kaaNEn vayiRasaindhaay* vana mulaihaL sOrndhu paaya* 

thiruvudaiya vaaymaduththuth* thiLaiththu udhaiththup paruhidaayE. (2) (1)

128. Oh Lord !,who has "Adhiseshan" as your bed and the head of the Gopas, wake up to come and drink milk. Since yesterday night till mid-noon you are starving. your stomach is totally empty and has become very light. You don't seem to come and eat on your own.Hence with your divine mouth, drink this abundant milk, while kicking my stomach with your divine feet. (1)

129: vaiththa n^eyyum kaayndha paalum* vadithayirum n^aRu veNNeyum* 

iththanaiyum peRRaRiyEn* empiraan! nee piRandha pinnai* 

eththanaiyum seyyap peRRaay* Edhum seyyEn kadham padaathE* 

muththanaiya muRuval seythu* mookkuRiNYchi mulai uNaayE. (2)

129. Our "UpakArakanE"! Since your avatar, the saved and stored ghee, the well boiled milk and thick curd have been missing . You are yet to commit many other mischiefs, still I will never punish you. Do not get angry. With your pearl like shining smile and inhaling nose come and drink the milk. (2)

130: thandham makkaL azhudhu senRaal* thaaymaaraavaar tharikkakillaar* 

vandhu n^inmEl poosal seyya* vaazhavalla vaasudhEvaa!* 

undhaiyar un_thiRaththarallar* unnai n^aan onRu urappamaattEn* 

nandhagOpan aNisiRuvaa!* naan surandha mulaiyuNaayE (3)

130. When the children cry and complain to their mothers', they get upset and in turn come and complain to me.Not that, Vasudeva,  your father is also unaware of your mischieves, even I don't have the heart and strength to scold you. OH!Nandhagopa's darling son! come and have the milk that I give you with love. (3)

131: kaNYchan thannaal puNarkkap patta* kaLLachchakadu kalakkazhiya* 

paNYchiyanna melladiyaal* paayndha pOdhu n^ondhidum enRu* 

aNYchinEnkaaN amarar kOvE!* aayar koottaththu aLavanRaalO* 

kaNYchanai un vaNYchanaiyaal* valaippaduththaay! mulaiyuNaayE.(4)

131. Oh!Chieftain of Nithyasoories, I was afraid that your feet as soft as cotton might have been hurt, when you kicked SakatAsurA,the illusory cart sent by Kamsan from your cradle. That apprehension and fear was multifolded than that of all the cowheard folks put together. You cornered the Kamsan with your cunning acts and destroyed him. Now please come and drink your milk. (4)

132: theeya pundhik kaNYchan unmEl* sinamudaiyan sOrvu paarththu* 

maayandhannaal valaippadukkil* vaazhakillEn vaasudhEvaa!* 

thaayar vaaychchol karumam kaNdaay* saaRRich chonnEn pOhavENdaa* 

aayarpaadikku aNiviLakkE!* amarndhu vandhu en mulaiyuNaayE (5)

132. Vasudeva! that evil minded Kamsan is trying to kill you. Waiting for the right time, when you will be alone and helpless, if  he cunningly attacks you, I can not live without you. You know very well that children have to listen to their mothers. Oh! most benevolant of the "AyarpAdi", I openly tell you not to go and play alone outside, instead come and drink the milk. (5)

133: minnanaiya n^uNNidaiyaar* virikuzhalmEl n^uzhaindha vaNdu* 

innisaikkum villipuththoor* inidhamarndhaay! unnaik kaNdaar* 

enna n^Onbu n^ORRaaLkolO* ivanaip peRRa vayiRudaiyaaL* 

ennum vaarththaiy eydhuviththa* irudeekEsaa! mulai uNaayE. (6)

133. Oh! Lord, who resides in "Srivilliputhur",  where the women folk have waist as thin as a lightning and lofty hair with swarming bees, everyone looking at you do say, "What penance did she do to get such a child in her womb. Oh, HrishIKEsA, who has brought such praises, come and drink the milk. (6)

134:  peNdir vaazhvaar n^innoppaaraip* peRudhum ennum aasaiyaalE* 

kaNdavar_kaL pOkkozhindhaar* kaNNiNaiyaal kalakka n^Okki* 

vaNdulaam pooNGguzhalinaar* un vaayamudham uNNa vENdi* 

koNdu pOvaan vandhu n^inRaar* gOvindhaa! nee mulai uNaayE. (7)

134. Hey Govindha!, those married couple desire to get a son like you, and keep looking at you and don't leave you. Young girls adorning themselves with flowers swarming with bees, desirous of drinking the sweet nectar from your divine lips,would come and stand to carry you with them. Hence come fast to drink milk. (7)

135: irumalaipOl edhirndha mallar* iruvaraNGgam eri seythaay!* 

un thirumalindhu thikazh maarvu* thEkka vandhu ennalkulERi* 

orumulaiyai vaay maduththu* orumulaiyai n^erudikkoNdu* 

irumulaiyum muRaimuRaiyaa* ENGgi ENGgi irundhuNaayE (8)

135.Oh! the great one, who made the two wrestlers who came to oppose you into ashes, come and jump on to my lap and start drinking the mother's milk, enjoying and drinking at intervals too. (8)

136: aNGgamalap pOdhahaththil* aNikoL muththam sindhinaaR pOl* 

seNGgamala muham viyarppath* theemai seydhu immuRRaththoodE* 

aNGgam ellaam puzhudhiyaaha* aLaiya vENdaa amma! vimma* 

aNGgu amararkku amudhaLiththa* amarar kOvE! mulai uNaayE.(9)

136. Oh!Deva deva, who gave the precious nectar(amudham),to the Devas,while churning the "PArkadal",in the previous yuga, do not make yourself dirty by playing in the streets, as the sweat and dust particles stay on your Lotus like face, similar to pearls scattered on the lotus flower. Please come and drink the milk. (9)

137: OdavOdak kiNGgiNikaL* olikkum OsaippaaNiyaalE* 

paadippaadi varukinRaayaip* paRpan^aapan enRu irundhEn* 

aadiyaadi asaindhasaindhittu* adhanukkERRa kooththaiyaadi* 

OdiYOdip pOyvidaathE* uththamaa! neemulai uNaayE. (10)

137. When you come running fast, you come dancing and swaying majestically in tune with the kinkini sound of your anklets. viewing that Ithink and elated that  are you not the same "ParandhAman"?. Hence do not run away, come and drink the milk. (10)


138: vaaraNindha koNGgai aaychchi* maadhavaa! uNNenRa maaRRam* 

neeraNindha kuvaLai vaasam* nikazha n^aaRum villipuththoor* 

paaraNindha tholpuhazhaan* pattar piraan paadal vallaar* 

seeraNindha seNGgaN maalmEl* senRa sindhai peRuvaar thaamE. (2) (11)

138. How YashOdA called "MAdhavA" to drink milk, the famous "VishnuchiththA" of "Villiputhur" where "Kuvalai" flowers spread their fragrance, as they bloom in the ponds  also composed pasurams calling KaNNan. Those who recite these pasurams will be blessed to have the mind that goes and thinks of the Lord. (11)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam.


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