PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi 

PASURAM- 139- 151

2.3- YasOdhA calls KaNNan for kaadhu kutthal

The ear boring ceremony generally takes place after 12 months during the first year birthday. So,  AzhvAr enjoys 12 pAsurams in this Thirumozhi. 

139: pOyppaadu udaiya n^in thandhaiyum thaazhththaan* 

poruthiRal kaNYchan kadiyan* 

kaappaarum illai kadal vaNNaa* 

unnaith thaniyE pOy eNGgum thiridhi* 

pEyppaal mulai uNda piththanE!* 

kEsava n^ambee! unnaik kaadhu kuththa* 

aayppaalar peNdukaL ellaarum vandhaar* 

adaikkaay thiruththi n^aan vaiththEn. (2) (1)

139.Oh! Lord ,who is bluish like the sea, your father has gone a long way and has still not returned. The valorous Kamsan is very wicked. You keep wandering everywhere. No one is here to safeguard you. Oh! The one who drank the poisonous milk from Peychi, Oh! Kesava with a great heart, all the boys and girls of AaypAdi  are gathered here to see the ear boring ceremony.  I am ready with the betel leaves and nuts to give them too. (1)

140:  vaNNap pavaLa maruNGginil saaththi* 

malarppaadhak kiNGgiNi yaarppa* 

naNNith thozhum avar sindhai piriyaadha* 

naaraayaNaa! iNGgE vaaraay* 

eNNaR kariya piraanE* 

thiriyai eriyaamE kaadhukku iduvan* 

kaNNukku n^anRum azhakum udaiya* 

kanakak kadippum ivaiyaa! (2)

140.Oh! Narayana, who never shuns away from the hearts of your devotees , wearing the beautiful coral chain on your waist and the kinkinis making sounds from the anklets of Your Lotus feet, come to me. Oh swamy who is beyond imagination , without hurting your ears I shall put the thread through the holes, come and see these lovely golden earrings. (2)

141: vaiyam ellaam peRum vaarkadal vaazhum* 

makarak kuzhai koNdu vaiththEn* 

veyyavE kaadhil thiriyai iduvan* 

nee vENdiyadhu ellaam tharuvan* 

uyya ivvaayar kulaththinil thOnRiya* 

oN sudar aayar _kozhundhE* 

maiyanmai seithu iLa aaychchiyar uLLaththu* 

maadhavanE! iNGgE vaaraay (3)

141.Oh!Madhava, who was born to uplift the Yadhavas, in this cow heard clan, (Aayar  kozhunde), I have brought the most precious fish shaped emerald earring. I will see to it that it hardly hurts you while wearing . I shall give you whatever you desire. Oh the one who makes the young girls fall for you , please come here. (3)

142: vaNa n^anRu udaiya vayirak kadippittu* 

vaar kaadhu thaazhap perukki* 

guNa n^anRu udaiyar ikgOpaala piLLaihaL* 

gOvindhaa! nee solluk koLLaay* 

iNai n^anRu azhahiya ikkadippu ittaal* 

iniya palaap pazham thandhu* 

suNa n^anRu aNimulai uNNath tharuvan n^aan* 

sOththampiraan! iNGgE vaaraay. (4)

142.Oh! Govinda, kind hearted cow heard children have worn diamond earring that hang down from their long ears. If you Listen to me and wear this beautiful earring, in addition to the sweet jackfruit ,I will give you milk too. I beg you please come. (4)

143: sOththampiraan! enRu_ irandhaalum koLLaay* 

suri kuzhalaarodu n^ee pOy* 

kOththuk kuravai piNaindhu iNGgu vandhaal* 

guNam koNdu iduvanO? nambee* 

pErththum periyana appam tharuvan* 

piraanE! thiriyida ottil* 

vEyth thadandhOLaar virumbu karuNGkuzhal* 

vishNuvE! nee _iNGgE vaaraay. (5)

143.Oh! Lord Vishnu, who has such thick black lofty hair as desired by the broad shoulder ladies,..You don't listen to me even when I beg or worship you. I will not mind , rather appreciate when you do the "Kuravai" dance with curly haired ladies. Oh PirAnE, if you let me put the thread in your ears , I will give you large appams. Please come here. (5)

144: viN ellaam kEtka _azhudhittaay!* 

unvaayil virumbi adhanai n^aan n^Okki* 

maN ellaam kaNdu en manaththu uLLE aNYchi* 

madhusoodhanE enRu irundhEn* 

puN Edhum illai _un_kaadhum aRiyum* 

poRuththu _iRaip pOdhu _iru n^ambee! 

kaNNaa! en_ kaarmukilE! kadal vaNNaa* 

kaavalanE! mulai uNaayE. (6)

144..When I bet you for eating the sand, you cried so loudly that even the whole space above could hear. When I looked into your mouth, I got scared seeing the whole universe. I realised that you are our "Madhusudana". Without wounding your ears I will fix your earrings , please bear with me, my protector,.come and drink the milk too. (6)

145: mulai Edhum vENdEn enRu Odi* 

nin_ kaadhil kadippaip paRiththu eRindhittu* 

malaiyai eduththu magizhndhu kalmaari kaaththup* 

pasu n^irai mEyththaay* 

silai onRu_ iRuththaay! thirivikkiramaa!* 

thiru_aayar_ paadip piraanE!* 

thalai n^ilaappOdhE _un_ kaadhaip perukkaadhE* 

vittittEn _kuRRamE anRE (7)

145.Oh! Thiruvikrama, you ran away saying ,"I don't want your milk", and threw away the earring too. Carrying the Govardhana mountain on your finger like an umbrella, you saved the cow herds from the stone rain. You grazed the cows. You broke the bow in RAmAvatar. Oh chieftain of AyarpAdi, it's my mistake that I didn't pierce your ears when you were in the toddler stage. (7)

146: en_ kuRRamE enRu sollavum vENdaa kaaN* 

ennai n^aan maN uNdEnaaka* 

anpuRRu n^Okki _adiththum pidiththum* 

anaivarkkum kaattiRRu ilaiyE* 

vanpuRRu aravin pakaikkodi* 

vaamana n^ambee! un_kaadhukaL thoorum* 

thunpuRRana ellaam theerppaay piraanE! 

thiriyittuch solluhEn meyyE (8)

146.KaNNan tells YashOdA, "Once when I ate the sand,you were concerned and shouted at me. Not even listening to those who tried to stop, you beat me. Now my running away is not my fault. Oh ! Vamana Nambi, who has the "Garuda" (the enemy of the snakes) on his flag, Oh! reliever of the sorrows, I shall put the thread on to your ears so as the hole does not close. Please come. (8)

147: mey enRu solluvaar sollaik karudhi* 

thoduppu uNdaay veNNeyai enRu* 

kaiyaip pidiththuk karai uralOdu _ennaik* 

kaaNavE kattiRRu ilaiyE* 

seydhana solli siriththu aNGgu irukkil* 

sireedharaa! un_kaadhu thoorum* 

kaiyil thiriyai idukidaay in^n^inRa* 

kaarikaiyaar siriyaamE (9)

147.KaNNan again says,"you believed that I stole the butter as others said, and punished me by tying me to the mortar in front of everybody". For which YashOdA replies , Oh! Shreedhara!, if you keep laughing at what happened and wasting the time, the holes in your ears might close. Before the girls laugh at you  please come and wear the thread. (9)

148: kaarikaiyaarkkum unakkum _izhukku uRRen* 

kaadhukaL veeNGgi eRiyil* 

thaariyaadhaahil thalai n^ondhidum enRu* 

vittittEn_ kuRRamE anRE* 

sEriyiR piLLaikaL ellaarum- 

kaadhu perukki* thiriyavum kaaNdi* 

Ervidai seRRu _iLaNGkanRu _eRindhitta* 

irudeekEsaa! en_than_ kaNNE!h (10)

148.When KaNNan asked, How does it matter and What is the loss for you and the ladies who laugh at me, if my ear swells and hurts? YashOdA replies, Oh! Rishikesha!, it is my fault that as a baby I left you without piercing ,thinking it might hurt you. Oh! KaNNA, who killed the bull Arishtasuran and the calf Vasthasuran, look at all the other Aayar children with their pierced ears. (10)

149: kaNNaik kuLirak kalandhu _eNGgum n^Okkik* 

kadi kamazh pooNGkuzhalaar_kaL* 

eNNaththuL_ enRum_ irundhu* 

thiththikkum perumaanE! eNGgaL amudhE* 

uNNak kanikaL tharuvan* 

kadippu onRum nOvaamE kaadhukku iduvan* 

paNNai kizhiya chakadam udhaiththitta* 

paRpan^aabaa! iNGgE vaaraay (11)

149.Oh! Lord, who always stays in the mind of the young girls who adorn their hair with fragrant flowers,our sweet nectar, Oh! PadmanABhA who killed saKaTAsura, I will give you fruits, with no pain I shall put the ear studs , please come. (11)

150: vaa enRu solli_ en_ kaiyaip pidiththu* 

valiyavE kaadhil kadippai* 

nOvath thirikkil unakku iNGgu izhukku uRRen* 

kaadhukaL n^ondhidum killEn* 

naavaR pazham koNdu vaiththEn* 

ivai kaaNaay n^ambee* 

mun vaNYcha makaLaich chaavappaal uNdu sakadiRap paayndhitta* 

dhaamOdharaa! iNGgE vaaraay (12)

150.KaNNAn says,"'why do you force me and pierce my ears, what is the benefit?, my ears will pain ,I won't come". YashOdA replies saying , I have kept your favourite jamun fruit here. Oh DAmodarA, who killed PootanA and SaKaTAsurA ,please come .(12)


vaar_kaadhu thaazhap perukki amaiththu* 

makarak kuzhaiyida vENdi* 

seeraal_ asOdhai thirumaalai sonna sol* 

sindhai uL n^inRu thihazha* 

paaraar _thol puhazhaan pudhuvai mannan* 

panniru n^aamaththaal sonna* 

aaraadha_ andhaadhi panniraNdum vallaar* 

achchudhanukku_ adiyaarE.(13)

With all the love YashOdA brought the emerald earrings to put it on kaNNan's ears. The famous Villiputhur Periazhwar too composed these verses keeping in mind her words. Those who sing the twelve verses with all the twelve names of the Lord will be His eternal devotees. (13)

AzhwAr thiruvadigale sharanam.


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