*PASURAMS 86 - 96*
*Toddler Kannan*
*தளர்நடை பருவம்*
Vishnu Chittan eagerly waiting to see Kannan walk with small steps.
86: thodar saNGgilihai salaarbilaar enna* thooNGgu ponmaNi olippa*
padumum mathappunal sOra vaaraNam paiya* n^inRu oorvathupOl*
udan koodik kiNkiNi aaravaarippa* udaimaNi paRai kaRaNGga*
thadandhaaLiNai koNdu saarNGgapaaNi* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. (2) 1.
86. Similar to an elephant with ichor oozing from its 3 temples {mum matha punal sOra}, that walks slowly, making "salAr-pilAr”, sounds from the leg chain and the ringing of the still golden bells hanging on it’s body, Will not my child with the ShArnga bow (sArngapANi), His kingkiNI anklets ringing like a drum begin to walk with small steps? Will he not toddle? (1)
87: sekkaridai n^unikkombil thOnRum* siRu piRaimuLaipOl*
nakka sendhuvar vaay thiNNaimeethE* naLir veNpal muLaiyilaka*
akkuvadamuduththu aamaiththaali pooNda* anandha sayanan*
thakka maamaNivaNNan vaasuthEvan* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 2.
87. The smile from the pearl white teeth within the reddish lips of Kannan resembles the crescent moon that appears in the reddish sky. He wears a conch chain{akku vaDam} around His waist and a neck amulet chain with a tortoise talisman{Amai tAli}. Won't this blue hued son of Vasudevan who rests on Adisheshan begin to toddle? (2)
88: minnukkodiyum OrveNthiNGgaLum* soozh parivEdamumaay*
pinnal thulaNGgum arasilaiyum* peethaha siRRaadaiyodum*
minnil polindhadhOr kaarmuhilpOlak* kazhuththinil kaaRaiyodum*
thannil polindha irudeekEsan* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 3.
88. Kannan wearing a braided string with a peepal leaf shaped amulet (arasu ilai) and a golden hued dress around his waist, shines like the moon lit sky with its radiance and a lightening streak. The ornament named “kArai” worn around the neck looks similar to the lightning that appears amidst the dark clouds. Won’t this Rishikeshan, resplendent by himself who captivates everyone toddle for me? (3)
89: kannalkudam thiRandhaaloththooRik* kaNakaNa siriththu vandhu*
munvandhu n^inRu muththam tharum* enmukilvaNNan thirumaarvan*
thannaip peRRERkuth than vaayamudham thandhu* ennaith thaLirppikkinRaan*
thanneRRu maaRRalar thalaikaLmeethE* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 4.
89. Kannan with his drooling mouth stands before me and kisses as he laughs with a “gaṇa, gaṇa,” sound that is similar to the pouring of the sugarcane juice through a hole from the pot. My dark cloud hued boy who has Mahalakshmi on His chest weakens me with his nectar like kiss. Won’t he toddle over his enemies’ head? (4)
90: munnalOr veLLip perumalaikkuttan* modumodu viraindhOda*
pinnaith thodarndhathOr karumalaik kuttan* peyarndhadiyiduvathu pOl*
panniyulakam paraviyOvaap pukazh* paladhEvanennum*
thann^ambiyOdappin koodach chelvaan* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 5.
90. The sight of little Kannan running behind his famed elder brother Baladeva who is ever praised by great people in the whole world is like a black mountain running behind a big silver mountain . Won’t this Kannan toddle for me? (5)
91: oruhaalil shaNGku oruhaalil chakkaram* uLLadi poRiththu amaindha*
irukaalum koNdu aNGgaNGgu ezhuthinaaRpOl* ilachchinai pada n^adandhu*
perukaa n^inRa inba veLLaththin mEl* pinnaiyum peythu peythu*
karukaark kadal vaNNan kaamar thaathai* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 6.
91. The ocean hued Kannan, father of Kama, having the mark of shankh on one foot and chakra on the other walks hither thither making foot-prints of it. Won’t He give me immense joy again and again by toddling? (6)
92: padar paNGgayamalar vaayn^ekizhap* panipadu siRuthuLipOl*
idaNGgoNda sevvaay ooRiyooRi* iRRiRRuveezhan^inRu*
kaduNYjEk kazhuththin maNikkuralpOl* udaimaNi kaNakaNena*
thadandhaaLinai koNdu saarNGgapaaNi* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 7.
92. Similar to the dripping of the cool droplets of nectar from a full bloomed Lotus, drools from Kannan’s reddish mouth slowly drips down. The “gana gana” sound of the bells around His waist sounds like the bells tied around the neck of a violent bull. Won’t this “SarngapAni” (one who carries the Sarngam bow in his hand) with his matchless feet toddle for me? (7)
93: pakkam karuNYjiRuppaaRaimeethE* aruvikaL pakarndhanaiya*
akku vadamizhindhERith thaazha* aNiyalkul pudaipeyara*
makkaL ulahinil peydhaRiyaa* maNikkuzhaviyuruvin*
thakka maamaNivaNNan vaasudhEvan* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 8.
93.Like a bright water cascade on a black mountain slope, Kannan’s waist chain made of shells hangs bobbing around, as he walks with his hip swaying side to side. Won’t this blue hued gem of a child VAsudeva toddle for me? (8)
94: veNpuzhuthimEl peythu koNdaLaindhathOr* vEzhaththin karuNGganRupOl*
theNpuzhuthiyaadith thirivikkiraman* siRupukar padaviyarththu*
oNpOdhalar kamala siRukkaal* uRaiththu onRum n^OvaamE*
thaNpOdhu koNda thavisin meethE* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 9.
94. This same Thiruvikraman who is the KaNNan, looks like the dark elephant calf smeared with white dust all over as he plays throwing dust and sand on him. These dust gets mixed up with his sweat and sparkles. Won’t He with His soft fresh Lotus like feet tread on cool flowerbed without hurting His feet and toddle for me? (9)
95: thirai n^eerch chandhira maNdalampOl* seNGgaNmaal kEsavan* than-
thiru n^eermuhaththuth thulaNGgu sutti* thikazhndheNGgum pudaipeyara*
peru n^eerththiraiyezhu kaNGgaiyilum* periyadhOr theerththa palam-
tharun^eer* siRuchchaNNam thuLLamsOrath* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. 10.
95. Similar to the full moon that ripples on the ocean water, the ‘Chutti’ on the beautiful reddish eyed Kesavan’s forehead sways either side. The little droplets that fall after he eases himself is more precious than the waters of the mighty Ganga . With that won’t he toddle for me? (10)
96:## aayar kulaththinil vandhu thOnRiya* aNYjanavaNNan thannai*
thaayar mahizha onnaar thaLarath* thaLar n^adai n^adandhadhanai*
vEyar puhazh viShNuchiththan* seeraal viriththana uraikka vallaar*
maayan maNivaNNan thaaL paNiyum* makkaLaip peRuvaarkaLE. 11.
96. This collyrium hued KaNNan born in the cowherd clan ( Ayar kulam ) toddled making the mother happy and at the same time giving fright to the enemies. The renowned poet of the vediyar clan ( Veyar kulam ) Vishnuchithan has written ten verses about His toddle. Those who recite it will be blessed with children who will be interested in serving the feet of Lord MAyan Manivannan . (11)
Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam
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