PASURAMS 75 - 85
*chappANi paruvam*
*சப்பாணிப் பருவம்*
Kannan begins to clap his hands.
75: maaNikkak kiN kiNiyaarppa* maruNGginmEl*
aaNipponnaal seytha* aayponnudai maNi*
pENip pavaLavaay* muththilaNGga* paNdu-
KaaNikoNda kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
karuNGkuzhal kuttanE! sappaaNi. (2) 1.
75. Your ruby anklets tinkle on your feet,
Your precious golden waist-band glitters,
Your pearly teeth in your coral mouth shines,
You took the land from the king MahAbali
Oh little boy with dark curly hair! (karungkuzhal kuTTane)
Clap your hands! (chappANi) (1)
76: ponnarai n^aaNodu* maaNikkak kiN kiNi*
thannaraiyaada* thanichchutti thaazhn^dhaada*
ennaraimEln^inRizhindhu* uNGgaL aayar tham*
mannaraimEl kottaay sappaaNi*
maayavanE! kottaay sappaaNi. 2.
76. The ruby bells tied to your golden girdle (pon-arainAn) are tinkling; Your hanging forehead jewel (chuTTi) swings. Oh mAyavane! (the big magician), Get down from my lap, go and sit on the lap of your father Nandagopa, the chief of cowherds and “Clap your hands!(chappAni)”. (2)
77: panmaNi muththu* inpavaLam pathiththanna*
enmaNi vaNNan!* ilaNGgupoRREttinmEl*
ninmaNivaay muththilaNGga* ninnammaithan*
ammaNimEl kottaay sappaaNi*
aazhiyaNGkaiyanE! sappaaNi. 3.
77. Oh my sapphire-colored gem!, Your bright and lovely smile shines more than your pearl and gem studded ear-rings. Oh, Holder of the Chakra, (Azhiyan kaiyyane)! Come here dear, to your mother’s lap and Clap your hands!(chappAni) (3)
78: thoo n^ilaa muRRaththE* pOndhu viLaiyaada*
vaanilaa ambulee!* chandhiraa! vaavenRu*
neen^ilaa n^inpukazhaa* n^inRa aayar tham*
kOn^ilaava kottaay sappaaNi*
kudandhai kidandhaanE! sappaaNi. 4.
78. Nandagopa watches proudly as you call the bright moon that wanders in the sky thus, “Come to our porch (muttram) and play. with me". My dear one who rests on the water in Thirukuḍandai,(kudandai kiDandAne), clap your hands! ChappAni!. (4)
79: puttiyil sERum* puzhuthiyum koNduvandhu*
attiyamukki* ahampukku aRiyaamE*
sattiththayirum* thadaavinil veNNeyum uN*
pattikkanRE! kottaay sappaaNi*
paRpan^aabaa! kottaay sappaaNi. 5.
79. With dirt and slush all over your body, you come from play and smear it on me too. You also stealthily enter our house and steal yogurt and butter from large pots. You are like a loose calf that is not tied up. Clap your hands, O PadmanAbha, ChappAni. (5)
80: thaariththu n^ooRRuvar* thandhai solkoLLaathu*
pOruyththu vandhu* puhundhavar maNNaaLa*
paariththa mannar padap* paNYjavarkku* anRu-
thEruyththa kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
dhEvaki siNGgamE! sappaani. 6.
80. When a hundred Kauravas with a greed to rule over the land by themselves not listening to the father’s ( You, who are the father of the whole universe) advice and came to fight against the Paṇḍavas, You became the charioteer for Arjuna in the battle and killed the Kauravas. With the hands that drove the chariot, please clap. O lion-like son of Devaki,(Devaki singamE) Clap your hands!(chappAni) (6)
81: parandhittu n^inRa* padukadal thannai*
irandhitta kaimmEl* eRithirai mOdha*
karandhittu n^inRa* kadalaik kalaNGga*
saranthotta kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
saarNGgaviRkaiyanE! sappaaNi. 7.
81. Even after your profound request to the deepest and widest ocean-Lord Varuṇa , when he refrained from appearing , you shook him with your string of arrows. With that hand please clap for us.Oh! RAmA, Clap with the hands that carry the bow shArnga (sArngavir kaiyyane) ChappAni! (7)
82: kurakkinaththaalE* kuraikadal thannai*
nerukki aNaikatti* neeL n^eer ilaNGgai*
arakkar aviya* adukaNaiyaalE*
nerukkiya kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
nEmiyaNGgaiyanE! sappaaNi. 8
82. In rAmAvatAra, you built a strong bridge with the help of monkeys, You went to Lanka and killed the rAkshashas with your arrows. Clap your hands that shot those arrows (aDu-kaNai) Oh, Holder of the chakra called Nemi, ChappAni! (8)
83: aLandhitta thooNai* avaNn thatta* aaNGgE-
vaLarn^dhittu* vaaLukir siNGga uruvaay*
uLandhottu iraNiyan* oNmaarvakalam*
piLandhitta kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
pEymulaiy uNdaanE! sappaaNi. 9.
83. When Hiraṇyan smashed down the tall pillar erected by him, You emerged out taking the form of Nrisimha with nails as sharp as a knife. After assessing you split open his strong chest. With the same hands please clap. Oh, One who drank the milk from the demon Pootana and killed her; ChappAni! (9)
84: adaindhittu amarar kaL* aazhkadal thannai*
midaindhittu mandharam* maththaaha n^aatti*
vadam suRRi* vaasuki van kayiRaaka*
kadaindhitta kaikaLaal sappaaNi*
kaarmuhil vaNNanE! sappaaNi. 10.
84. For the sake of the devas who took refuge, You churned the deep milky ocean, with the mountain Mandara as a churning stick and the snake Vasuki as the strong rope. Clap with the same hands that took the divine nectar by churning the milky ocean. Oh, cloud hued one, ChappAni! (10)
85: aatkoLLaththOnRiya* aayar tham kOvinai*
naatkamazh poompozhil* villipuththoor pattan*
vEtkaiyaal sonna* sappaaNi eeraindhum*
vEtkaiyinaal solluvaar* vinaipOmE. (2) 11.
85. Bhattan of Villiputtoor, surrounded by fragrant gardens, sung with love, calling on the Lord born as the head of the cowherd clan in order to redeem the world, to come and clap ChappAni for him. Those who recite these ten verses with utmost desire will be freed of problems. (11)
Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam.
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