
Showing posts from October, 2022


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI PASURAMS 108-117 1.10 - PURAM PULGAL means hugging from behind. Azhwar enjoys the hugging of KaNNan from behind,similar to the way YashOdA enjoyed. 108:VATTU N^ADUVE* VALAR KINRA* MAANIKKA- MOTTUN^UNAIYIL* MULAIKKINRA MUTHTHEPOL* SOTTUCHCOTTENNATH* THULIKKATH THULIKKA* EN- KUTTANVANDHU ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN* GOVINDHAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN. (2) 108.  My son Govindhan comes and hugs me from behind, with those droplets  making the sound of chotu,chotu, while He relieves Himself , similar to the white little pearl droplets from the small buds . (1) 109: KINGGINI KATTIK* KIRIKATTI KAIYINIL* KANGGANAM ITTUK* KAZHUTHTHILTHODAR KATTI* THAN KANATHTHAALE* SATHIRAAN^ADANDHU VANDHU* EN KANNAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN* EMBIRAAN ENNAIP PURAM PULHUVAAN. (2) 109. With the Kingkinis(tinkling bells) on his waist,Kankan on the hand,a red coral bracelet  and golden chain around the neck, KaNNan walks majestically and hugs me from behind. (2) 110: KATHTHAK KATHITHT...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI PASURAMS 97 - 107 Ponniyal kingkini PeriyAzhwar imagines how Yashoda called Kannan to hug him. அச்சோ பருவம் achO means “Come and embrace me” 97: ponniyal kiN kiNi* sutti puRamkatti*  thanniyal Osai* salansalanenRida*  minniyal mEham* viraindhethir vandhaaRpOl*  ennidaik kOttaraa achchOvachchO*  emperumaan! vaaraa achchOvachchO. (2) (1) 97. Oh! Krishna, with the bells (kinkinis) of your golden waist band and anklets making “chalan chalan” sound and the ornament on your forehead (nethichuTTi) swaying, come running to me like the cloud filled with the thunderous lightning sound and hug me with a desire to sit on my waist. (1) 98: seNGgamalap poovil* thEnuNNum vaNdEpOl*  paNGgikaL vandhu* unpavaLavaay moyppa*  saNGguvil vaaLthaNdu* chakkaram Endhiya*  aNGgaikaLaalE vandhu achchOvachchO*  aaraththazhuvaa vandhu achchOvachchO (2) 98. The curly hair-locks that fall over your coral red lips resembles the bumblebees that hover ar...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI* *PASURAMS 86 - 96* toDarsangiligai *Toddler  Kannan* *தளர்நடை பருவம்* Vishnu Chittan eagerly waiting to see Kannan walk with small steps. 86: thodar saNGgilihai salaarbilaar enna* thooNGgu ponmaNi olippa*  padumum mathappunal sOra vaaraNam paiya* n^inRu oorvathupOl*  udan koodik kiNkiNi aaravaarippa* udaimaNi paRai kaRaNGga*  thadandhaaLiNai koNdu saarNGgapaaNi* thaLar n^adai n^adavaanO. (2) 1. 86. Similar to an elephant with ichor oozing from its 3 temples {mum matha punal sOra}, that walks slowly, making "salAr-pilAr”, sounds from the leg chain and the ringing of the still golden bells hanging on it’s body, Will not my child with the ShArnga bow (sArngapANi), His  kingkiNI anklets ringing like a drum begin to walk with small steps? Will he not toddle? (1) 87: sekkaridai n^unikkombil thOnRum* siRu piRaimuLaipOl*  nakka sendhuvar vaay thiNNaimeethE* naLir veNpal muLaiyilaka*  akkuvadamuduththu aamaiththaali pooNda* anandha s...


 PERIAZHVAR TIRUMOZHI* PASURAMS 75 - 85 *chappANi paruvam* *சப்பாணிப் பருவம்* Kannan begins to clap his hands. 75: maaNikkak kiN kiNiyaarppa* maruNGginmEl*  aaNipponnaal seytha* aayponnudai maNi*  pENip pavaLavaay* muththilaNGga* paNdu-  KaaNikoNda kaikaLaal sappaaNi*  karuNGkuzhal kuttanE! sappaaNi. (2) 1. 75. Your ruby anklets tinkle on your feet, Your precious golden waist-band glitters, Your pearly teeth in your coral mouth shines, You took the land from the king MahAbali Oh little boy with dark curly hair! (karungkuzhal kuTTane) Clap your hands! (chappANi) (1) 76: ponnarai n^aaNodu* maaNikkak kiN kiNi*  thannaraiyaada* thanichchutti thaazhn^dhaada*  ennaraimEln^inRizhindhu* uNGgaL aayar tham*  mannaraimEl kottaay sappaaNi*  maayavanE! kottaay sappaaNi. 2. 76. The ruby bells tied to your golden girdle (pon-arainAn) are tinkling; Your hanging forehead jewel (chuTTi) swings. Oh mAyavane! (the big magician), Get down from my lap, go and sit ...


 Periyazhvar Tirumozhi Pasuram- 64-74 SENGEERAI PARUVAM. (CRAWLING STAGE) Once He started crawling He raises His body with the support of hands and knees and moves the body. This is called SENGEERAI ADUDHAL. “Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga Aadugave”, is the line repeatedly used in all these 10 verses. 64. uyya ulagu padaiththuNda maNi vayiRA * UzithORUzi pala Alinilai athanmEl * paiya uyOku thuyil koNda paramparanE* pangkaya nILnayanaththu anjchana mEniyanE ** seyyaval ninnakalam sEmamenak karuthich * selvupoli makarak kAthu thikaznthilaka * aiya enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai * AyarkaL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE 64.For the benefit of the Jeevaathma, You create and swallow the world. For Time Immemorial you gently rest on a banyan leaf, when the world ends and begins. Oh lord! Having the beautiful Thirumeni,With big Lotus like eyes, Protecting Mahalakshmi PIratti On your chest, with your Bright ear studs(மகர குண்டலம்) glittering, Please sway your body for me once. “Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga, Aad...