Periyazhvar Tirumozhi
Pasuram- 64-74
Once He started crawling He raises His body with the support of hands and knees and moves the body. This is called SENGEERAI ADUDHAL. “Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga Aadugave”, is the line repeatedly used in all these 10 verses.
64. uyya ulagu padaiththuNda maNi vayiRA *
UzithORUzi pala Alinilai athanmEl *
paiya uyOku thuyil koNda paramparanE*
pangkaya nILnayanaththu anjchana mEniyanE **
seyyaval ninnakalam sEmamenak karuthich *
selvupoli makarak kAthu thikaznthilaka *
aiya enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai *
AyarkaL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
64.For the benefit of the Jeevaathma, You create and swallow the world. For Time Immemorial you gently rest on a banyan leaf, when the world ends and begins. Oh lord! Having the beautiful Thirumeni,With big Lotus like eyes, Protecting Mahalakshmi PIratti On your chest, with your Bright ear studs(மகர குண்டலம்) glittering, Please sway your body for me once. “Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga, Aadugave “. (1)
65. kOLariyin uruvam koNdu avuNanudalam *
kuruthi kuzambiyezak kUrukirAl kudaivAy *
mILa avan makanai meymmai koLak karuthi *
mElai amarar pathimikku vekuNduvara **
kALa nanmEkamavai kallodukAl poziyak *
karuthivaraik kudaiyAk kAlikal kAppavanE *
ALa enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai *
AyakraL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE *
65.To stand a proof of Prahladan’s words, you took the form of NRISIMHA and split Hiranya’s body with your sharp claws. When Indra got angry and made the dark clouds pour the rain of stones, you carried the Govardhan mountain as an umbrella and protected the Cows. Oh! “Aayargal Porehre , Aaduga, Aadugave.” (2)
66. nammudai nAyakanE nAnmaRaiyin poruLE *
nAviyuL naRkamala nAnmukanukkorukAl *
thammanai AnavanE tharaNi thala muzuthum *
thArakai innulakum thadavi athan puRamum **
vimma vaLarnthavanE vEzamu Ezvidaiyum *
viraviya vElaithanuL venRu varumavanE *
amma enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai *
Ayarkal pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
66.Oh lord! The essence of the four Vedas, and the Mother of “Nanmughan”,Who is seated on a lotus from your navel, you spread your foot over the world and the space above ,as you grew as a Trivikrama. You killed the Kuvalayapeetam elephant and the seven bulls. Oh! “Aayars Thalaiva, Aaduga, Aadugave”. (3)
67. vAnavar thAm makiza vansakadam uraLa *
vanjcha mulaip pEyin nanjchamathu uNdavanE *
kAnaka valviLavin kAyuthirak karuthik *
kanRathu koNdeRiyum karuniRa en kanRE **
thEnukanum muranum thiN thiRal vennarakan *
enbavar thAm madiyach seruvathirach sellum *
Anai enakku orkAl Aduka sengkIrai *
Ayarkal pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
67.To the joy of Devas, you kicked “SaKatAsura, rolling him to death. You sucked the life of PoothanA. Though you took the calf(dhEnukAsura) and hit it against the “vilampazha” tree, you are still our delightful calf. You killed all the cruel Asuras Narakasuran, Murasura, DhEnukAsura and others like a valorous elephant. For the sake of me please”Aaduga Sengeerai, Aaduga Aadugave “. (4)
68. maththaLavum thayirum vArkuzal nanmadavAr *
vaiththana neykaLavAl vArivizungiki * orungku
oththa iNai marutham unniya vanthavarai *
Urukaraththinodum unthiya venthiRalOy **
muththin iLamuRuval muRRa varuvathan mun*
munna mukaththaNiyAr moykuzalkaL alaiya *
aththa enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai *
AyarkaL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
68.You stole and swallowed the curd and the ghee made by the Aaychiyar(cowherd women) who have long lofty hair. Crawling between the two “Marudhamarams”,You made them fall and killed them. Before you get your pearl like teeth, with the sway of your forehead hair please , “Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga, Aadugave “. (5)
69. kAyamalar niRavA karumukil pOluruvA *
kAnaka mAmaduvil kALiyan uchchiyilE *
thUyanadam payilum sunthara en siRuvA *
thungka mathak kariyin kombu paRiththavanE**
AyamaRinthu poruvAn ethirvantha mallai *
antharaminRi aziththAdiya thALiNaiyAy*
Aya enakku orukAl Aduka sengkIrai*
AyarkaL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
69.Oh Lord! With the complexion of the dark “Kayam”Flower and a stature of the dense cloud, you danced on the hood of the poisonous snake “Kaalingan”. My dear child, You broke the strong tusk of the angry elephant”Kuvalayapeetam”!. You danced with your little feet after destroying the wrestlers. Please” Aaduga sengeerai,Aaduga,Aadugave “. (6)
70. thuppudai AyarkaL thamsol vazuvAthu orukAl *
thUya karungkuzal nalthOkai mayil anaiya*
nappinai than thiRamA nalvidai Ezaviya*
nalla thiRaludaiya nAthanum AnavanE**
thappina piLLaikaLaith thanamiku sOthipukath*
thaniyoru thEr kadavith thAyodu kUttiya*
en appa enakku orukAl AdukasengkIrai*
AyarkaL pOrERE Aduka AdukavE
70.Listening to the words of the Aayars, you fought and controlled the seven strong bulls to marry “Nappinnai PiraaTTi”,who is so beautiful as a peacock with long black hair. For getting back the missing son of vaidika Brahmin , You rode the chariot to your own “Paramapadham” and brought him back to his mother. Oh! “Aayargal poryere , Aaduga, Aadugave .” (7)
71.unnaiyum okkalaiyil koNdu thamilmaruvi *
unnodu thangkaL karuththAyina seythu varum *
kanniyarum makizak kaNdavar kaN kuLirak*
kaRRavar theRRivarap peRRa enakku aruLi **
mannu kuRungkudiyAy veLLaRaiyAy mathiLsUz*
sOlaimalaikkarasE kaNnapuraththamuthE*
en avalam kaLaivAy Aduka sengkIrai *
Ezulakum udaiyAy Aduka AdukavE
71.Oh lord! Who resides in Thirukkurungudi, Thiruvellarai and Thirumallirumsolai, the nectar of Thirukkannapuram, who relieves me of my sorrows, I got you as my son for the women to carry you on their waist, the young girls to become happy when they see you and the learned scholars sing poems on you. Oh lord! of the seven world”Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga, Aadugave “. (8)
72. pAlodu neythayir oN sAnthodu sanpakamum*
pangkayam nalla karuppUramum nARivara*
kOla naRumpavaLach senthuvar vAyinidaik*
kOmaLa veLLi muLaippOl sila pallilaka**
nIla niRaththazakAr aimpadaiyin naduvE*
nin kani vAyamutham iRRu muRinthu viza*
ElumaRaip poruLE Aduka sengkIrai*
Ezulakum udaiyAy Aduka AdukavE
72.When you crawl and come, the fragrance of milk, ghee, yoghurt, pure sandalwood, shanbaga flowers, lotuses and camphor (pachak karpoor) spreads everywhere. The tiny teeth inside your coral red mouth shines like stars. The drooling of your mouth falls on your blue chest. OhEssence of the Vedas ,”Aaduga sengeerai, Aaduga, Aadugave “. (9)
73. sengkamalak kazalil siRRithaz pOl viralil*
sErthikaz AzikaLum kiNkiNiyum* araiyil
thangkiya ponvadamum thALa nanmAthuLaiyin*
pUvodu ponmaNiyum mOthiramum kiRiyum**
mangkala aimpadaiyum tholvaLaiyum kuzaiyum*
makaramum vALikaLum suttiyum oththilaka*
engkaL kudikkarasE Aduka sengkIrai*
Ezulakum udaiyAy Aduka AdukavE
73.Your tiny soft Lotus petal like toes are adorned with silver rings, anklets with kinkinies , the waistband, the rings, bracelets and all the ornaments are beautifully decked on you. Oh Cute King, of our tribe ,”Aaduga, Aadugave “. (10)
Phala Sruthi
74. annamum mInuruvum ALariyum kuRaLum*
Amaiyum AnavanE AyarkaL nAyakanE*
en avalam kaLaivAy Aduka sengkIrai*
Ezulakum udaiyAy Aduka AdukavenRu**
annanadai madavAL asOthai ukantha parisu*
Anapukazp puthuvaip pattan uraiththa thamiz*
innisai mAlaikaL ippaththum vallAr* ulakil
eNthisaiyum pukaz mikku inbamatheythuvarE
74.Phala Sruthi
Oh! Chief of cow herds, who took the form ofSwan, fish, a Man-lion(Nrisimha), a dwarf (Vamana) and a turtle, who removes my sorrow, “Aaduga Sengeerai ”.
What Yashoda used to request the possessor of the seven worlds to crawl, “thePattan of Puduvai “,Has composed in these 10 verses. Those who recite these verses will become popular all over the world. (11)
Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam
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