Madhurakavi AzhvAr was born in Chitirai month of the Tamizh Eswara year, under the chitthirai star (constellation) on a Friday in Thirukollur near AzhvAr Thirunagari also referred as tirukkurugoor. His avatAram is considered to be in the dwApara Yugam. He is considered to be the divine form (amsam) of Kumudha GaNA, a commander in the celestial army of Sri Vishwaksena. He is also considered to be the incarnation of Garuda the sacred vehicle of lord Vishnu.
He became the disciple of nammAzhvAr, who was born much later. Similar to the rays of the sun, that arises before the appearance of the sun, he is said to have born before his AchArya NammAzhvAr who is referred to as the sun.
He was born in the Brahmin community and became proficient in vedic sastrAs. He was a devout Vishnu baktha. He wrote bakthi songs that captivated the minds of the readers. Hence he was called
He was also known as Azhwaarukku Adiyaan.
He has composed ‘kaNNinum sisuthAmbu’ the 11 verses in praise of his AchAryan.
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