As a complete essence of bagavat anubhavam (divine experience) and the divine rendezvous of Periya perumAL without any deviation this Prabandam about the lord who resides in the praNavAkAra vimAnam, has its greatness by starting with the aksharam of the pranavAkAram namely akAra, ukAra and makAram, in addition to having within it ‘ashtAksharam’ and ‘dvayam’. Being the resolution of emperumAn to summon the AzhvAr and make him sing is yet another greatness to this Prabandam. At the very moment of seeing the lord, he starts describing his divine feet
927.** amalan Adhi pirAn * aDiyArkku ennai ATpaDuththavimalan *
viNNavar kOn * viraiyAr pozhil vEngkaDavan **
nimalan ninmalan nIdhi vAnavan * nIL madhiL aranggaththu ammAn *
thirukkamala pAdham vandhu * en kaNNin uLLana okkinRadhE (1) (2)
927.He is the lord, who can eliminate all the doshas of the jeevAthmas and grant them moksham. With the same intention in mind, and bestowing each and every jeevA with all the necessary essentials, he creates the world. Not only alluring this imperfect lowly person towards him, he made me be recognised by his bAgavatAs too. He is the one who stays unaffected by ignorance, ineptitude and is the supreme lord of the nithyasoories like Ananthan, garudan and vishwaksenan. Though being the almighty, he becomes easily accessible to the worldly people here by descending down and eternally standing in the beautiful mountains of TiruvEnkatam surrounded by aromatic orchards, gracing not a selected few but the entire universe without any discrimination and ignoring the faults of the devotees, he reclines in Tiruvarangam, which is considered the parapadam in all aspects of the leelavibhooti. The divine lotus feet of this lord has entered into my eyes upon his will with hardly any effort of mine and permanently stayed there. (1)
928.uvandha uLLaththanAy * ulagam aLandhu aNDam uRa *
nivandha nIL muDiyan * anRu nErndha nisAsararai **
kavarndha vengkaNaik kAguththan * kaDiyAr pozhil aranggaththu ammAn * araichsivandha ADaiyin mEl * senRadhAm ena sindhanaiyE (2)
928.My thoughts have been focusing upon the beauty of the “peethambaram”, (divine yellow vasthram) worn from the feet to the waistline, where Brahma arose from the lotus risen out of koppUzh (naval) of the lord of SriRangam encircled by fragrant gardens. He is the valiant lord, of the kAkustha clan. Proficient with arms, he quelled the demons who opposed him in the forest at the time when Vishwamitra sought his intervention. Residing amidst the tall rampart of arangam, not alone did he reveal himself to me who is such an inferior person myself, inside the temple, but without any discrimination, and compassionate towards Indra, mahAbali and every other subjects, he placed his tiruvadi (foot) on every one’s head during his tiruvikramAvatAr. (2)
929.** mandhi pAy * vaDa vEngkaDa mAmalai * vAnavargaL
sandhi seyya ninRAn * aranggaththu aravin aNaiyAn **
andhi pOl niRaththu ADaiyum * adhan mEl ayanaip paDaiththadhOr ezhil *
undhi mEl adhanRO * aDiyEn uLLaththu innuyirE (3)
929.My mind and sole rests in the thought of this beautiful mountain TiruvEnkatam in the north, having countless monkeys leaping from branch to branch devouring the fruits, where the lord worshipped by the nithyasoories and the muktAs, resides here to wash away the sins of his devotees. Considering the hardships of the devotees who find it difficult to reach TiruvEnkatam, similar to reaching the paramapadam, he reclined graciously on the snake bed in tiruvarangam. Not alone lost in the beauty of his orangish hued pItAmbaram (divine vastram) like the hue of the setting sun, my sole leaped to delve in the matchless beauty of his naval that gave rise to the lotus born Brahma. (3)
930.sadhuramA madhiL sUzh * ilanggaikku iRaivan thalai paththu
udhira OTTi
* Or vengkaNai uyththavan * Odha vaNNan **
madhuramA vaNDu pADa * mAmayil ADaranggaththu ammAn * thiruvayiRRu
udhara bandham * en uLLaththuL ninRu ulAginRadhE (4)
930.This is the lord who banished the king of highly fortified walls of Sri Lanka on the first day by way of giving him a chance to realise his folly, and felled off his ten heads with his valiant arrows on the second day when he returned with arrogance. He is the one hued like the dark ocean. He resides in the city of thiruvarangam, where the great peacock dances to the songs of the giant bees . My mind is filled with the beauty of this lord’s girdle that adorns his waist. (4)
931.pAramAya * pazha vinai paRRu aRuththu * ennaith than
vAram Akki vaiththAn * vaiththadhu anRi ennuL pugundhAn **
gOramA thavam seydhanan kol aRiyEn * aranggaththu ammAn * thiru
Ara mArbadhanRO * aDiyEnai ATkoNDadhE (5)
931.Getting lost in the beauty of the chest.
The lord of SriRangam (arangathammAn), debarring all the innumerably accumulated bundle of sins through births to the root, leaving hardly any trace, secured me, who is attached to the devatAntrAs who fulfill mean desires, and pulled me towards him. I am not aware if I have taken any initiative to perform such a kind of penance in any of my previous births to receive his grace. Not alone that, revealing his chest which is the seat of PiraaTTi and that is adorned with garlands and hArams, he made me realise his kalyANa gunAs through my heart and took me into his bondage eternally. (5)
932.thuNDa veNpiRaiyan * thuyar thIrththavan * anjchiRaiya
vaNDu vAzh pozhil sUzh * arangga nagar mEya appan **
aNDar aNDa bagir aNDaththu * oru mAnilam ezhu mAl varai * muRRum
uNDa kaNDam kaNDIr * aDiyEnai uyyak koNDadhE (6)
932.Greatness of the Neck:
My lord who relieved the stuck kabAlam from the hands and eliminated the curse (brahmahathi dosham) of lord Siva who carries the crescent moon (thuNda veNpirayan) on his head, dwells in the city of SriRangam surrounded by orchards swarmed with beautiful winged bees. He made all the jeevAs of the universe, everything beyond the universe and the entire milky way along with the seven great mountains into a single ball and swallowed it through his neck at the time of the great deluge. The beauty of this exquisite neck captivated and alleviated me as I stand awestruck with the divine competency of the sleek neck through which this huge ball passed. (6)
933.kaiyinAr * surisanggu anal Azhiyar * nIL varai pOl
meyyanAr * thuLaba viraiyAr kamazh nIL muDi em
aiyanAr ** aNi arangganAr * aravin aNai misai mEya mAyanAr *
seyya vAy aiyO! * ennaich chindhai kavarndhadhuvE (7)
933.Involving in the divine lips:
Holding the right coiled conch (surisangu) and the resplendent disc (anal Azhiyar) impressively in his divine hands, he looks magnificent as a great mountain. With the fragrance of the Tulasi garland (tuLabam) emanating, my wondrous lord, my master, is present in the embellished tiruvarangam, upon the bed of AdisEshan. Alas!! His reddish lips has captivated me beyond my sense. Oh! What do I do? (7)
934.pariyanAgi vandha * avuNan uDal kINDa * amararkku
ariya Adhip pirAn * aranggaththu amalan mugaththu **
kariyavAgip puDai parandhu * miLirndhu sevvari ODi * nINDa ap
periyavAya kaNgaL * ennaip pEdhaimai seydhanavE (8)
934.Experiencing his divine eyes:
This lord who tore open the abdomen of the corpulent demon king hiraNyAkasibu, who had acquired all the boons such that none can annihilate him, who was not easily accessible even by the dEvas when he took the NrisimhAvatAr, he who is the main source of this universe (AdipirAn), resides in tiruvarangam. The wide bright eyes that extends upto the ears, with reddish lines running within it and the dark black pupil of this lord who is capable;. of washing away our sins has made me forget everything around me having engrossed in the beauty of his eyes. (8)
935.** AlamA maraththin ilai mEl * oru pAlaganAy *
njAlam Ezhum uNDAn * aranggaththu aravin aNaiyAn **
kOlamA maNi Aramum * muththuth thAmamum muDivilladhOr ezhil *
nIla mEni aiyO! * niRai koNDadhu en nenjchinaiyE (9)
935.Experiencing the whole tirumEni:
The lord who reclines on the snake bed AdisEshan in tiruvarangam, at the time of the final deluge, lies on a single banyan leaf, as an infant and holds all the universe protecting it within him in his stomach. His exquisite sapphire hued tirumEni(Neela mEni), adorned with garlands of gems, pearls and precious ornaments, alas! has stolen my heart. (9)
936.** koNDal vaNNanaik * kOvalanAy veNNey
uNDa vAyan * en uLLam kavarndhAnai **
aNDar kOn aNi aranggan * en amudhinaik
kaNDa kaNgaL * maRRonRinaik kANAvE (10)
936.Rejoicing in the experience propounded by the lord :
Lord with the dark hue of the rain bearing clouds and the nature of showering his grace on his bakthAs, born in the clan of cowherds with butter smeared mouth has enticed my mind completely towards him. He is the king of the dEvAs, who is graciously residing in tiruvarangam. After experiencing the beauty and the grace of this sweet nectar, my eyes refuses to view anything else. (10)
AzhvAr tiruvadigale Sharanam
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