PASURAMS- 776 - 787

776.varattinil Sirattai mikka vALeyiTTru maTTravan urattinil karattai vaittu uhir talattai oonrinAi | 

iratti nee idenna poi iranda maN vayiTTruLE karatti un karuttai yAvar kANa vallar kaNNanE || (25)

776.Oh! dear KrishNa!, lacerating your nails into the chest of your devotee’s enemy hiRaNyan, who had gory sword like teeth and had great trust on the boons that he had acquired from brahma, you once killed him. Later in a different occasion, you stood begging for arms from King mahAbali, for the sake of Indra.  How contradictorily deceptive  it was? Not alone that, you kept that earth received as alms, where petty humans live hidden in your stomach, in order to protect them from deluge. Who can understand the cause of all your actions KrishNa? None can. (25)

777.ANinODu peNNumAhi allavODu nallavAi ooNoDOSai oorumAhi onralAda mAyaiyAi | pooNi pENum mAyanAhi poyyinODu meyyumAi kANi pENum mANiyAi karandu Senra kaLvanE || (26)

777.Establishing yourself (ever being enjoyed by nithyasoories )in all forms, be it male, female, neuter or the other sentient and insentient beings, you govern, exhibiting the best from inside.  You govern all the qualities like taste (ஊண்), sound (ஓசை), touch (ஊரு) etc. You become the powerful force that creates the cosmic illusion. From this high state, you come down as a cowherd tending the cows in krishNAvatAr. In addition, you stay unrevealed to those trending the untruthful path like the duryodanAs and revealed to those leading a truthful path like the pANdavAs. Later, by deceitful means you measured the desired three foot land, taking the dwarf form in vAmanAvatAr. None can understand your strategies. (26)

778.viN kaDanda SOdiyAi viLangu jnAna moortiyAi paN kaDanda tESa mEvu pAva nASa nAdanE |

eN kaDanda yOginODu irandu Senru mANiyAi maN kaDanda vaNNam ninnai yAr madikka vallarE || (27)

778.Oh Lord! You are self radiant, possessing the fundamental source of the existence referred as vipu (விபு) within you. The self- luminous pure consciousness known as jeevAtma forms your body. You eternally remain in paramapadam which cannot be conceived even by the vEdas and help to destroy the flaws attached to the jeevAs. Embedded with innumerable glorious attribute within you, you were born as vAmana and begged  before King MahAbali as a dwarf brahmachAri. Who can understand your nature.? (27)

779.paDaitta pAr iDandu aLandu adu uNDu umizhndu bouvaneer paDaitta aDaittu adir kiDandu mun kaDainda peTTriyOi | 

 miDaitta mAli mAli mAn vilangu kAlanoor puha paDaikkalam viDutta pal paDai taDakkai mAyanE (28)

779.Oh eminent Lord! You created the one ocean (ekArNava waters) in the beginning. As *varAha Moorthi*, you heaved the created world submerged in the deluge waters. As *tiruvikrama*, you measured it. During the final dissolution, you kept it in your stomach and later brought it out again from your stomach at the time of creation. Once you built the sEthu bridge  across the ocean. You wish to lay in a meditating state on the ocean. You churned it once for the sake of nectar. Beyond these valorous deeds, you took the life of the demons namely mAli, sumAli and mArEechan, with the divyAstrAs that you hold in your hand. (28)

780.parattilum parattai Adi bouva neer aNai kiDandu urattilum orutti tannai vaittu uhandadu anriyum | 

 narattilum piratti nAda jnAna moorti AyinAi oruttarum ninAdu tanmai innadu enna vallarE || (29)

780.My dear Lord!  Who is the embodiment of pure wisdom, You are beyond the fundamental matter of the existence. Most willingly you took goddesses MahAlakshmi and seated her on your chest.  You, who  reposes in pAkrkadal , in addition to taking the responsibility of protecting your subjects, incarnated in different forms for the sake of your children. Who can assess your qualities oh lord? (29)

781.vAnahamum maNNahamum verpum Ezh kaDalhaLum pOnaham Seidu Alilai tuyinra puNDareekanE |

tEnaham Sei taNNarum malar tuzhAi nan mAlaiyAi koonaham puha teritta koTTra villi allaiyE || (30)

781.Oh Lord!, who reposed on the banyan leaf after swallowing the entire heaven and the earth,along with its mountains and the seven seas, possessing lotus like eyes. Oh Lord! Who adorn yourself with the cool fragrant Tulasi garland. Aren't you not the one who, is the wielder of the triumphant bow that straightened the hump of the hunchback lady kooni, in rAmAvatAr? (30)

782.kAla nEmi kAlanE kaNakkilAda keerttiyAi jnAlam Ezhum uNDu paNDu Or bAlanAya paNbanE |

vElai vEva vil vaLaitta vel Sinatta veera nin pAlarAya pattar chittam mutti Seyyum moortiyE || (31)

782.Oh Lord! With boundless glory! You came as Yama for the demon kAlanEmi. You are the wondrous child, who swallowed all the seven universe, at the time of dissolution. You are the mighty warrior, who arched the bow in rage that made the ocean boil. You are the lord who can grant moksham (the eternal destination ) to those devotees who are always desirous towards you.(31)

783.kurakkina paDai koDu kurai kaDalin meedu pOi arakkar angu aranga vem Saram turanda Adi nee | 

irakka maN koDuttavarkku irakkam onrum inriyE parakka vaittu aLandu koNDa parpapAdan allaiyE || (32)


783.Dear Lord,! Being the mighty head of the soldiers, constructing a bridge across the tumultuous ocean, along with the help of the monkey battalion you put an end to the demoniac forces like rAvaNa.  At the same time, you possess the Lotus feet , that spread over the entire world, when you went asking for three foot land as alms from mahAbali in the tiruvikramAvatAr and in the end hardly leaving even a bit of land for him to reside. (32)

784.minnirattu eyiTTru arakkan veezha venjaram turandu pinnavarku aruL purindu arasaLitta peTTriyOi |

nannirattu Or inSol Ezhai pinnai kELva mannu Seer ponniratta vaNNanAya puNDareekan allaiyE || (33)

784 Oh Lord!, annihilating rAvaNa, born with sharp teeth as white as the lightning, with your deadly arrows, you benevolently coronated his younger brother vibEshaNa, handing over the kingdom to him. Dear Lord!, who is the consort of the fair, mellifluous speaking and most loving nappinnai PiraaTTi, you are the one with eternal auspicious attributes possessing the golden hued divyamangala tirumEni with lotus like eyes and hence known as Pundarikakshan. (33)

785.Adi Adi Adi nee Or aNDamAdi AdalAl SOdiyAda SOdi nee adu uNmaiyil viLanginAi | 

vEdam Ahi vELviyAhi viNNinODu maNNumAi AdiyAhi AyanAya mAyam enna mAyamE || (34)

785.Dear Lord, you are present as the three main causes yourself for the creation of this world and the things in it namely the

 *material cause (upAdhanam), [for eg. the clay needed for making a pot]

*instrumental or efficient cause (nimitham), [ for eg.  the pot maker ]

*accessory cause (sahakaari) , [for eg. the wheel of the pot maker]. 

You govern the entire things present in the universe from within and hence become the ultimate par scrutiny. 

With all these reasons, you become the  supreme power to be worshipped.

You become the vEdAs, and are being revered by the yagnAs.

You govern this material world. With all these greatness, yet you came to be born as a simple cowherd boy leaving us in sheer amazement. (34)

 786.ambulAvum meenumAhi AmaiyAhi AzhiyAr tambirAnum Ahi mikkadu anbu mikkadu anriyum | 

 kombarAvu nuN marungul Ayar mAdar piLLaiyAi embirAnum Aya vaNNam enkolO em eeSanE || (35)

786.Oh my lord!, master of the divine chakra, from such eminence, without any hesitation, you took incarnations as low as the water born fish, and turtle for the sake of protecting your devotees. Not stopping there, you came to be born as the son of the slender waist cowherdess, that leaves us in amazement. (35)

787.ADahatta pooNmulai yaSOdai Aichchi piLLaiyAi SADudaittu Or puLLadAvi kaLLadAya pEi mahaL |

veeDa vaitta veyya kongai aiyya pAl amudu Seidu ADahakkai mAdar vAi amudam uNDadu enkolO || (36)

787.Being born as the son of the bejewelled Gopika ‘YashOdA’, you brought an end to the demon sakatAsuran by kicking with your divine feet. Placing your tender lotus like lips on the poison smeared breast of pootanA, who came to kill you deceitfully with the intention like that of a harmful bird, you slurped her life . On the other hand you tasted the nectarine lips of the gopikAs wearing golden bangles on their hands. How could you do such wonderful leelas! Truly amazing! (36)

AzhvAr ThiruvadigalE sharanam.


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