764.innai enru SollalAvadu illai yAdum iTTiDai pinnai kELvan enbar un piNakku uNarnda peTTriyOr |

 pinnai Aya kolamODu pErum oorum Adiyum ninnai yAr ninaikka vallar neermaiyAl ninaikkilE || (13)

764 Who can comprehend you or relate your nature? Oh lord! The great sages blessed by you, who are aware of the non concluding debate about your incarnations between the believers and non believers along with the nithyasoories who are eternally at your service refer and believe that you are the consort of the slender waist Nappinnai pirATTi.*(pinnai kELvan)*

All the forms that you take, still being in your original form (here the divya mangala vigraham/idol is denoted), all your divine names and the auspiciousness of all the divine ksEtams can be understood only if you reveal it to us with your loving, gracious compassion (neermaiyAl ninaikkayEl) and not by our own effort. (13)

765.tooimai yOgam AyinAi tuzhAi alangal mAlaiyAi AmaiyAhi AzhkaDal tuyinra AdidEva nin |

 nAmadEyam innadu enna vallam allavAhilum sAmavEda geetanAya chakrapANi allaiyE || (14)

765 Oh Lord!, adorned with pure fragrant Tulasi garland, you liberate and purify the soul embodied in the impure physical body. Oh! The primeval one, who rested as a turtle (koorma avatAram)submerged under the ocean at the time of churning the milky ocean, I am incapable of portraying your qualities attributed to your divine names attached to your incarnations, but I am  very much aware that you are the resplendent one carrying the chakra in hand portrayed in the sAma vEdam. (14)

766.angam Arum vEda nAngumAhi ninru avaTTruLE tanguhinra tanmaiyAi taDangaDal paNattalai | 

SengaN nAhaNai kiDanda Selva malhu SeerinAi SangavaNNam anna mEni SArngapANi allaiyE || (15)

766 Being the embodiment of the four vedAs (அங்கி) and its six limbs called the vedAngAs, (அங்கம்), you exhibit the underlying  form and the qualities of the vedAs. For the sake of protecting your subjects you are present on the great milky ocean reclining on top of the serpent bed with its red eyed hood. Oh! Lord, the master of all the wealth and the auspicious qualities, are you not the one who, in the kRuta yuga took the Hamsa form as white as the conch and  was born in the ikshwAhu dynasty as Lord rAma holding the sArnga bow in the trEtA yuga? (15)

Six vEdAngAs:                             

1.sEksha: (phonetics).                

2.Kalpa: (ritual).                          

3.VyAkarNa: (grammar).            

4.Nirukta: (etymology).       

5.Chhanda: (metre) (prosody or speech rhythms)

6.Jyotisha: (astronomy)

Four vEdAs:

1. Rig 




767.talai kaNa tuhaT kuzhambu SAdi SOdi tOTTramAi nilai kaNangaL kANa vandu niTTriyElum neeDirum |

kalai kaNangaL Sor poruL karuttinAl ninaikkoNA malai kaNangaL pOl uNartum mATchi nindan mATchiyE || (16)

767 Oh Lord, in order to make yourself accessible and be enjoyed by everyone and everything, you incarnated with all glories, in all the four types of yonis like *dEva-manushya-tiryak-sthAvara*. Still your qualities stand unfathomable ,even by the vEdAs and sAstrAs, similar to a mountain that is hard to asses. (16)

*talai gaNam* - dEva gaNAs are the foremost celestials born out of puNYa yOni.

tugaL - The low forms that are the plants born out of pApa yOni.*sthAvaras* .

Kuzhambu - The mixed group consisting of humans and animals born out of both pApa and puNya yOnis.

NilaigaNangal - The non-moving forms (sthAvaras) refers to the plants that are stationed in one place.

768.Eka moorti moonru moorti nAlu moorti nanmai SEr bOga moorti puNNiyattin moorti eNNil moortiyAi |

nAga moorti SayanamAi nalangaDar kiDandu mEl Aha moorti AyavaNNam enkol Adi dEvanE || (17)

768.Oh! Primeval Lord! In the first stage, You are present in paramapadam as paravAsudEvan governing the nithyavibhothi- PARA ROOPAM *(Ekamoorti)*. 

Next in the VYOOHA stage, you take the three forms as SANKARSHANA, PRATYUMNA AND ANIRUDDHA 

managing the acts of creation, sustenance and destruction. *(moonDru moorti)*

For the purpose of the three acts, you 

form the basis of the four innate entities namely PRADHANA (primordial matter), PURUSHA (manifested jeevas), AVYAKTA (primal nature) and KALA (time).  *(nAlu moorti)*

In addition to this, you take innumerable  vibhava avatAras like the dashAvatAras and many other divine incarnations for the jeevAs to experience in their lifetime. *(bhOga moorti)*.

Further reclining on Adhiseshan above the tirupArkadal  *(nAga moorti)*, you take innumerable ARCHA (idol) form for your devotees to enjoy and reach you at the end.  *(Aga moorti)*. I totally stand amazed thinking about this nature of your's! (17)

769.viDattavAi OrAyiram eerAyiram kaN vendazhal viDuttu veezhvilAda bOham mikka SOdi tokka Seer |

toDuttu mEl vidAnamAya bouva neer arAvaNai paDutta pAyal paLLi koLvadu enkol vElai vaNNanE || (18)

769. OH! dark ocean hued Lord! (vElai vaNNanE) emitting hot poisonous fiery smoke from his 1000 mouths and 2000 red hot eyes, perpetually enjoying uninterrupted divine connection and emanating resplendent brilliance, exhibiting overflowing beauty from the canopied hood, it is a great sight to behold you reclining on AdishESha as your bed on the ocean waters. (18)

770.puLLadAhi vEdam nAngum OdinAi adanriyum puLLinvAi piLandu puLkoDi piDitta pinnarum |

 puLLai oordi AdalAl aden kol minkoL nEmiyAi puLLin mei pahai kaDal kiDattal kAdalittadE || (19)

770.Dear Lord! possessor of the glowing sudarshaNa chakra!  (nEmiyAy), incarnating as the hamsa (swan) you taught the four vedas. You tore open the mouth of bakAsura who came in the guise of a crane to swallow you. *(puLLin vAy piLandu).*  Not only up heaving GaruDa (Periya tiruvadi) on the flag you made him as your vAhana too. *(puLLai oorti).* After doing all  these raKshaNa, I wonder how you chose to sleep on the snake bed which is a natural enemy of the eagle! (19)

771.kooSam onrum inri mASuNam paDuttu vElai neer pESa ninra dEvar vandu pADa mun kiDandadum |

pASam ninra neeril vAzhum AmaiyAna kESavA ESa anru nee kiDandavAru kooru tEravE || (20)

771 Oh! Lord kEshava! Please explain to me, as I cannot understand the subtle difference between these two qualities exhibited by you among various other qualities, that can be scaled higher!  From time immemorial,  without any hesitation, You have been reclining on the ocean waters spreading the snake bed AdisEshan on it, while Brahma and all the devAs approach and keep singing your praise. Is it this quality of greatness, or your humbleness, where Ignoring all the ridicule, You took the lowest form of a turtle  and rested under the ocean, letting the 'mandara' mountain rotate on your back? (20)

772.aranganE taranga neer kalanga anru kunru Soozh marangaL tEya mAnilam kulunga mASuNam SulAi |

nerunga nee kaDaindapOdu ninra Soorar en SeidAr kurangai ALuhanda endai kooru tEra vEridE || (21)

772.Oh Lord ranganAtha! Who graciously accepted the battalion of vAnara sEna (army of monkeys), in the yore, when dEvAs desperately approached you, after loosing all the wealth due to the curse of Sage durvAsa, you were instrumental  in  churning the ocean ghastly, agitating the ocean waters, crushing the trees around the mandara mountain by tying the VAsuki snake and trembling the earth, but gave all the credits to the dEvAs, in the same manner as you bestowed it to the vAnara army who were witnessing you putting an end to rAvaNa. I wish to understand oh! Lord, what exactly  did the dEvas do other than waiting, when their nectar will come ? Did they initiate to keep the mountain erect ? Did they tie the snake around? Did they give powers to VAsuki snake to withstand the churn? (21)

773. paNDum inrum mElumAi Or bAlanAhi jnAlam Ezhum uNDu maNDi Alilai tuyinra AdidEvanE | 

vaNDu kiNDu taN tuzhAi alangalAi kalanda Seer puNDareeka pAvai SEru mArba Boomi nAdanE ||(22)

773 Being the protector of the past present and future, in order to safeguard the world from the deluge waters, You safely swallowed it willingly and was lying as an infant on the banyan leaf over the deluge waters, Oh primeval Lord! You adorn yourself with the cool Tulasi garland, that is swarmed by the bees to extract its nectar! Oh! Consort of the Mother Earth ! Goddess Periya pirATTi born out of the beautiful lotus flower has eternally found a place on your heart (vakshathala) (22)

774.vAl nirattOr SeeyamAi vaLainda vAL eyiTTravan oonirattu uhir talam azhuttinAi ulAya Seer | 

nAlniratta vEda nAvar nalla yOginAl vaNangu pAlnira kaDal kiDanda parpanAban allaiyE || (23)

774 The praiseworthy Vedic scholars, who constantly keep chanting the vEdas with its four swaras, namely  *udAtta  (normal pitch/tone)*,  *anudAtta (lower pitch/tone), svarita (upper pitch/ tone) and *deergha svarita (extended upper tone)*.have found unto you the easiest means of doing prapatti and attaining you, who sleeps on the pArkaDal as padmanAbha. Oh! Lord,you are the one who took the unique form of a white lion and pressed the heart of  HIranyAksha with your sharp nails. (23)

775.gangai neer payanda pAda pangayattu em aNNalE angai Azhi Sangu taNDu villum vALum EndinAi |

SingamAya dEva dEva tEn ulAvum men malar mangai manni vAzhum mArba Azhi mEni mAyanE (24)

775 Oh! Lord, You originated the pure Ganga waters ( that fell on rudrA's head) from your lotus feet! You are the wielder of chakram, shankham, gadha, shArngam and nandakam, the five divine weapons (panchAyudas- )in your holy arms ! For the sake of protecting your devotee without any delay, you took the form of nrisimha, Oh dEva dEvA! My SwAmi !  Lost in these attributes of your's, Goddess mahAlakshmi (Periya pirATTi) arousing from the honey laden fragrant lotus flower has chosen your chest as her dwelling place! Similar to the dark vast calm ocean that soothes ones heart, your dark ocean hued tirumEni removes at the very sight, all the samsAric fears. Lost in you, I stand wondering Oh mAyane! (24)

AzhvAr ThiruvadigalE sharanam.


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