PASURAM 698 – 707


Gopikas waiting for Krishna and expressing their anger.

After enjoying the Divya dEsa vigraha forms (ArchAvatAram), KulasEkara Azhvar steps into enjoying the human AvatArams of Lord (vibhavAvatAram) like rAma and KrishNa, taking the role of the GopikAs. Let us enjoy the nAyaki bhAvam of AzhvAr. He easily brings out the true state of mind of a nAyikA who is being dodged by her nAyaka.

698 * Ermalarp pUngkuzhal Ayar mAdhar * enaip palar uLLa ivvUril * undhan
mArvu thazhuvudhaRku Asaiyinmai * aRindhaRindhE undhan poyyaik kEttu **
kUrmazhai pOl panikkUdhal eydhik * kUsi nadungki yamunai AtRil *
vArmaNal kunRil pulara ninREn * vAsudhEvA! un varavu pArththE (2) (1)

698. Oh! Lord VAsudevA, Though I was desirous to embrace your strong chest, in the midst of several Gopikas adorned with the most fragrant flowers, who live in this place, you disappointed me with your deceitful words. I was looking forward and standing on the sandy plains along the banks of river Yamuna until dawn shivering and trembling caught under the snowy downpour of the chill weather. (1)

699 keNdai oNkaN madavAL oruththi * kIzhai agaththuth thayir kadaiyak kaNdu * 

ollai nAnum kadaivan enRu * kaLLa vizhiyai vizhiththup pukku **

vaNdamar pUngkuzhal thAzhndhulAva * vALmugam vErppach sevvAy thudippa *

thaNthayir nI kadaindhitta vaNNam * dhAmOdharA! meyyaRivan nAnE (2)

699. Oh! Lord dAmOdara, I am totally aware of all your naughty fraudulent attitude by which you went into the house of the beautiful damsel at the eastern side whose eyes are as beautiful as the fish (Gallic fish). Upon seeing her churning the curd, with a naughty stare you told her that, ” I can join you and help you churn faster”.  While you were churning, I lost myself looking at the swaying of your lofty hair adorned with flowers swarming with bees, the droplets of sweat on your forehead and your reddish lips quiver due to the strain. (2)

700 karumalark kUndhal oruththi thannaik * kadaikkaNiththu * AngkE oruththi than pAl maruvi manam vaiththu matRoruththikku

uraiththu * oru pEdhaikkup poy kuRiththu **purikuzhal mangkai oruththi thannaip puNardhi * avaLukkum meyyan allai *

marudhiRuththAy! un vaLarththiyUdE * vaLarginRadhAl undhan mAyai thAnE (3)

700. Oh! Lord Krishna, who knocked down both the ‘maruda trees’, your dishonesty is increasing and growing with your age. With a slightest side glance, you gazed at a girl having thick black hair adorned with flowers and at the same time made another girl believe that you have lost your heart for her. Leaving both in dismay, you went to another Gopika and said, that you are addicted to her. You deceived an innocent girl by making her believe and wait for your arrival, while ultimately you were in love with another GopikA. Will you atleast be truthful to this girl? (3)

701 thAymulaip pAlil amudhirukkath * thavazhndhu thaLarnadai ittuch senRu *

pEymulai vAy vaiththu nanjchai uNdu * piththan enRE piRar Esa ninRAy **

Aymigu kAdhalOdu yAn iruppa * yAnvida vandha en thUdhiyOdE *

nI migu bOgaththai nangugandhAy * adhuvum un kOrampukkERkumanRE (4)

701. Oh! KaNNA, even though you had the most elixir mother’s milk from mother YashOdA, you still went crawling to the demon pootana who came to suckle you and sucked her life along with the milk and thereby earning the name “pittan”, by the cowherd folks. When I stand before you with so much passion and love towards you, deceitfully you , turned towards the maid whom I sent and started adoring her. Is this the way you cheat those who trust on you. (4)

702 minnoththa nuNNidaiyALaik koNdu * vIngkiruLvAy endhan vIdhiyUdE *

ponnoththavAdai kukkUdalittup *

pOginRa pOdhu nAn kaNdu ninREn **

kaNNutRavaLai nI kaNNAlittuk * kaiviLikkinRadhum kaNdE ninREn *

ennukku avaLai vittu ingku vandhAy? * innam angkE nada nambi! nIyE (5)

702. Oh! Nambi, in the pitch darkness, holding a beautiful Gopika with a waist as thin as a lightning close to you and covering your faces with a golden cloth, I saw you passing through my street. I even saw you winking at another girl who came that way and called her with your hand gesture. What is the reason for you to come to me leaving her? You better go to her itself. (5)

703 maRporu thOLudai vAsudhEvA! * valvinaiyEn thuyil koNdavARE *

itRai iravidaiyE maththennai *

innaNai mElittaganRu nI pOy **

atRai iravum Or pitRai nALum * arivaiyarOdum aNaindhu vandhAy *

etRukku nI en marungkil vandhAy? * emperumAn! nI ezhundharuLE (6)

703.  Oh! VAsudevA, who wrestled againt the Mallars (Mushtikan & ChAnOran) with your valorous shoulders, after I, the greatest sinner dozed off ,You left me in the middle of the night and went away through the night and the day after rejoicing with all the other GopikAs. After doing all such acts why do you come to me now my Lord? (EmperumAnE). (6)

704 paiyaravinnaNaip paLLiyinAy! *

paNdaiyOm allOm nAm * nI ugakkum

maiyari oNkaNNinArum allOm * vaigi em sEri varavozhi nI **

seyya udaiyum thirumugamum *

sengkani vAyum kuzhalum kaNdu *

poy oru nAL pattadhE amaiyum * puLLuvam pEsAdhE pOgu nambI! (7)

704. Oh! Lord who reclines on the hooded ‘AdisEshan’, we, who have got trapped under your cunningness are not our usual self as before. We are no longer your desirous collyrium smeared eyed ladies. You can refrain from coming to us. It is enough of us suffering till this day, believing in your deceitful words and falling for the beauty of attire, the reddish lips like the kOvai fruit , your hair locks and others. Please leave from here with no more of such untruthful words. (7)

705.ennai varugavenak kuRiththittu * inamalar mullaiyinbanthar nIzhal *

manni avaLaip puNarap pukku *

matRennaik kaNdu uzhaRA negizhndhAy **ponniRa Adaiyaik kaiyil thAngkip *

poy achcham kAtti nI pOdhiyElum *

innam en kaiyagaththu Ingkoru nAL * varudhiyEl en sinam thIrvan nAnE (8)

705.After calling me to come to a location and wait, you never turned up. Instead you went away to enjoy with another girl under the shade of the mullai plant. On seeing me, you escaped from that place, as though you were troubled and pretending to be scared held your golden yellow dress (peetAmbaram) tightly in your hand and ran away. Some day or the other when you will come to my house, I shall vent all my anger on you at that moment. (8)

706 mangkala nalvanamAlai mArvil ilangka * mayil thazhaippIli sUdi *

pongkiLavAdai araiyil sAththip *

pUngkoththuk kAdhil puNarappeydhu **

kongku naRungkuzhalArgaLOdu *

kuzhaindhu kuzhal inidhUdhi vandhAy *

engkaLukkE oru nAL vandhUdha * un kuzhal innisai pOtharAdhE (9)

706. Wearing the auspicious beautiful vanamAlA on your chest, adorning the hair with the gentle peacock feathers and a thin cloth around your waist with matching flower bunch on the side of your ears, you stroll around playing your flute along with the beautiful Gopikas who have such fragrant hair. Won’t your flute play for us just for a day? Are we not worthy of that?(9)


707 * allimalarth thirumangkai kELvan

thannai * nayandhu iLavAychchimArgaL * ellip pozhudhinil EmaththUdi *

eLgi uraiththa urai adhanai ** kolli nagarkkiRai kUdaRkOmAn *

kulasEkaran innisaiyil mEvi * solliya inthamizh mAlai paththum *

solla vallArkku illai thunbam thAnE (10)

707.There shall never be any misery for those who recite these ten verses sung by the great emperor of the two states ‘Kolli’ and ‘kooDal’, KulasekarAzhvAr where he talks about the young cowherd GopikAs, who  longed to unite and spend time talking through the night to the Lord of shrimahaalakshmi, who rests on the Lotus flower. (10)

Azhwar Thiruvadigale sharanam 


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