Pasurams ( 668 - 676)
meyyil vAzhkkaiyai'
AzhvAr explains in this decade that, his interest towards this samsAric life and thereby the samsAris has diminished , rather turned towards Bhagavat and bhAgavatA kainkaryam.
668 * meyyil vAzhkkaiyai * meyyenak koLLum *
iv vaiyam thannodum * kUduvadhillai yAn **
aiyanE! * arangkA! enRu azhaikkinREn *
maiyal koNdozhindhEn * endhan mAlukkE (1)
668 Oh! Lord, my master, Sri ranganAtha (ayyanE! arangA!), chanting your nAmA, I stand captivated by your affection towards me. I shall not be mingling with those people who, giving importance to this materialistic world prioritise their life here (not realising that this world is not true, rather an illusion). (1)
669 nUlinEr idaiyAr * thiRaththE niRkum *
njAlam thannodum * kUduvadhillai yAn **
AliyA azhaiyA * arangkA! enRu *
mAlezhundhu ozhindhEn * endhan mAlukkE (2)
669. I shall not keep any acquaintance with the people of this world, who fix their mind towards the slender waist women folks(noolidayAr thirathE). Entranced by the compassion that You shower on me, l jump in ecstasy calling out rangA! arangA! (2)
670 mAranAr * varivenjchilaikku Atseyyum *
pArinArodum * kUduvadhillai yAn **
AramArvan * arangkan ananthan *
nal nAraNan *naragAndhagan piththanE (3)
670. I stand smitten by love towards Lord ranganAtha, who wears long strands of pearls on His divine chest, who is a treasure trove of innumerable great qualities, this Lord of Lords who guards His devotees from reaching hell. He is the one who slew narakAsura. I shall not unite with the people of this world, who roam about ( mAranmAr)seeking pleasures, stuck under the influence of the fierce full and beautiful bow of manmathan ( mAranmAr/ the Lord of love). (3)
671 uNdiyE udaiyE * ugandhOdum * im
maNdalaththodum * kUduvadhillai yAn **
aNdavANan * arangkan vanpEy mulai *
uNda vAyan than * unmaththan kANminE (4)
671Instead of being interested in Bhagavat vishayam, learning about Sri rAmayana ,SrImad BhAgavatham and enjoy seeing and listening to it, I do not appreciate people, who give importance to food and clothing. I stand mesmerised thinking about Lord ranganAtha who drank the poisonous milk from the hard hearted PootanA and eternally resides in paramapadam. (4)
672 thIdhil nanneRi niRka * allAdhu sey *
nIdhiyArodum * kUduvadhillai yAn **
Adhi Ayan * arangkan anthAmaraip *
pEdhaimA * maNavALan than piththanE (5)
672. I shall refrain from this worldly beings who, leaving the righteous path wish to tread in an indefensible way. I stand enthralled towards arangan, the dearest to goddess mahAakshmi, who arose from the lotus flower, the primeval Lord , who incarnated as krishNa and is easily accessible to everyone. (5)
673 emparaththar * allArodum kUdalan *
umbar vAzhvai * onRAgak karudhilan **
thampirAn amararkku * arangka nagar *
empirAnukku * ezhumaiyum piththanE (6)
673. I shall not associate with such kind of people of this world, who does not show interest in divine service (kainkaryam ), rather exhibit samsAric interest. I shall not even wish to attain heavenly pleasures for any cause. I shall always try to remain a maniac towards Periya PerumAl who is the Lord of nityasUrIs, upon His own wish has decided to come and reside in Thiruvarangam.(6)
674 eththiRaththilum * yArodum kUdum *
achchiththam thannaith * thavirththanan sengkaNmAl **
aththanE! * arangkA! enRu azhaikkinREn *
piththanAy ozhindhEn * empirAnukkE (7)
674. The lotus eyed Lord EmperumAn, has protected my heart from going astray, constantly watching that it does not get acquainted with devious activities and people. As a result, becoming bizarre about the Lord, I keep shouting arangA, my Lord. (7)
675 pEyarE * enakku yAvarum *
yAnum Or pEyanE * evarkkum idhu pEsi en! **
AyanE! * arangkA! enRu azhaikkinREn *
pEyanAy ozhindhEn * empirAnukkE (8)
675. Everyone in this world including me are maniac is what I feel. Me, who is quiet different from others, is a maniac to anyone and everyone. What is the use of talking and discussing about this? Calling out the nAmAs, "srikrishNa", "sriranganAtha", I have lost myself and become a maniac towards my Lord. (8)
676 * angkai Azhi * arangkan adiyiNai *
thangku sindhaith * thanip perum piththanAy **
kongkarkOn * kulasEkaran sonna sol *
ingku vallavarkku * Edham onRillaiyE (9)
676. Those who could repeatedly chant these ten verses graciously given to us by KulasEkara AzhwAr, the king of the Chera dynasty, with his devout and steadfast mind towards the lotus feet of Lord ranganAtha possessing the divine chakra in His beautiful hands, shall never be facing any hardships in their life. (9)
KulasEkara AzhwAr Thiruvadigale Sharanam
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