PASURAMS 637 to 646
*paTTi mEyndOr
After all the hardships that AndAl faced in uniting with the Lord, that she explained starting from " thaiyoru thingkaLum “, finally she gets relieved by having a darshan of the Lord when He shows up, which she explains interestingly in this last decade, as a conversation between herself and her gopika friends.
AndAl, in the first half of each pAsuram putsforth a question asking, "have you seen (கண்டீரே) kaNNan?" describing about Him. The later half comes as an answer saying (விருந்தாவனத்தே கண்டோமே) " *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE"* by the gopis.
The essence of 'paramabakthi ' required to attain Him and the resultant 'pErinbam' attained out of it are clearly explained here.
637 * patti mEyndhOr kArERu * baladhEvaRku Or kIzhk kanRAy *
ittIRittu viLaiyAdi * ingkE pOdhak kaNdIrE? **
ittamAna pasukkaLai * inidhu maRiththu nIrUtti *
vittuk koNdu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (2) (1)
(637) ANDAL : Has anyone seen, the dark hued KaNNan, the darling younger brother of balarAma, loitering around freely like a bull and carelessly playing around and having fun with his friends?
(Has He chosen to loiter in tiruvAipAdi carelessly without anyone to restrict Him, as He cannot do that in paramapadam! As always He is surrounded by Nithyasoories? Is the interpretation by poorvAchAryAs for "paTTimendhu Or kAr eru".)
GOPIS : Taking His favourite cows and calves for grazing without going astray, to His heart's content and making them to drink water while grazing as well as playing with them, we saw Him in virundAvan. *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (1)
VIRUNDAVAN : KaNNan was born in a place called Gokulam, near the banks of river Yamuna in MathurA (வடமதுரை). After the terrific incidences of PootanA vadam, sakaTAsura vadam, and the felling of the twin marutha trees, Nandagopar and all the people of Gokulam, moved away fearing to stay there along with all their cattle to this place called virundAvan (nerunjil forest- tribulus terrestris is the botanical name of this thorny plant). Once a barren land, this nerunji forest, before the arrival of krishNa, became a flourishing place of cattle breeding after kaNNan arrived.
638 anungka ennaip pirivu seydhu * AyarpAdi kavarndhuNNum *
kuNungku nARik kuttEtRaik * gOvardhdhananaik kaNdIrE? **
kaNangkaLOdu minmEgam * kalandhAR pOla vanamAlai *
minungka ninRu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (2)
(638) ANDAL : Did anyone see this young bull Govardhanan, who always smells of butter, leaving me in a state of distress, by way of His separation, been enjoying with all the girls and relishing the milk, butter and curd in the whole of AyarpAdi?
GOPIS : Like a lightning amidst dark clouds, wearing the vanamAla on His dark hued body, Very much we saw Him, playing with a gang of His friends in virundAvan. *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (2)
639 mAlAyp piRandha nambiyai * mAlE seyyum maNALanai *
ElAp poygaL uraippAnai * ingkE pOdhak kaNdIrE? **
mElAl parandha veyil kAppAn * vinathai siRuvan siRagennum *
mElAppin kIzh varuvAnai * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE 3
(639) ANDAL : Has anyone seen this boy called kaNNan, the personification of virtuous qualities (kalyanagunAs), who always allures girls and is the ruler of my heart, who attracts the hearts of everyone especially girls and who spontaneously utters innumerable lies, go by this way?
GOPIS : Yes! We saw Him in virundAvan, as Garudan (son of Vinatha) was spreading his wings by way of shielding the wide spread heat from falling on Him and He was seen playing well protected under the umbrella of garudA's wings.
*virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (3)
640 kArththaN kamalakkaN ennum * nedungkayiRu paduththi28 *
ennai Irththuk koNdu viLaiyAdum * Isan thannaik kaNdIrE? **
pOrththa muththinkuppAyap * pugarmAl yAnaik kanRE pOl *
vErththu ninRu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (4)
(640) ANDAL : Did anyone see this Lord ( Isan thannai kaNDIre), who with both His eyes like two lotus flowers bloomed on the dark cool clouds made me fall in His trap and keeps dragging me (i.e my heart) and loiters around everywhere according to His wish?
GOPIS : Yes! We saw Him in virundAvan, with sweat all over His body looking like a blanket made of small pearls, playing like a baby elephant *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (4)
641 * mAdhavan en maNiyinai * valaiyil pizhaiththa panRi pOl *
Edhum onRum koLaththArA * Isan thannaik kaNdIrE? **
pIdhaga Adai udai thAzhap * perungkAr mEgak kanRE pOl *
vIdhiyAra varuvAnai * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE (5)
641 ANDAL : This consort of Mahalakshmi, like the blue sapphire is so precious to me. Similar to a wild boar that stands with pride skipping the hunting net, He stands unreachable by anyone easily and not easily does He gives Himself to anyone too ( until unless one surrenders to Him with paramabakthi ). Has anyone seen this Lord?
GOPIS : Yes! We have seen this Lord, wearing His pItAmbaram very much flowy from His divine waist and looking like a huge bulky dark rainy cloud walking through the streets of virundAvan *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (5)
642 dharumam aRiyAk kuRumbanaith * than kaich sArngkam adhuvE pOl *
puruva vattam azhagiya * poruththamiliyaik kaNdIrE? **
uruvu karidhAy mugam seydhAy * udhayap paruppadhaththin mEl *
viriyum kadhirE pOlvAnai * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE 6
642 ANDAL : Did anyone see this boy, who hardly has any mercy on me? who is always very mischievous? whose brows are like His very own sArnga bow and who is not aware how to share and enjoy His beauty with His own ardent lovers?
GOPIS : Yes we have definitely seen this dark hued boy whose divine face is similar to a red lotus and who is radiant like the rising sun from the mountains, known as KaNNan in virundAvan
*virindAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (6)
643 poruththam udaiya nambiyaip * puRampOl uLLum kariyAnai *
karuththaip pizhaiththu ninRa * akkarumA mugilaik kaNdIrE? **
aruththiththArA kaNangkaLAl * Arap perugu29 vAnam pOl *
viruththam peridhAy varuvAnai * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE 7
643 ANDAL :Has anyone seen this very appropriate boy, who is dark hued inside as He is outside (புறம் போல் உள்ளும் கரியானை), who stands far from giving any assurance and who appears to be like the dark black rain bearing clouds called kaNNan?
The interpretation given here for being dark inside out is, unlike RAma who had a pure white heart even though He was black outside, KaNNan's heart is black similar to how He looks outside. ANDAL mentions this here, due to the height of her frustration in not being able to reach Him as easily as she thought she could.
GOPIS : Yes, we did see him in virundAvan, as a big gang enjoying with all His friends, that looked like the most wishful sky filled with the constellation of stars. *virindAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (7)
644 veLiya sangkonRudaiyAnaip * pIdhaga Adai udaiyAnai *
aLinankudaiya thirumAlai * AzhiyAnaik kaNdIrE? ** kaLivaNdu engkum kalandhAR pOl * kamazhpUng kuzhalgaL –
thadanthOL mEl *
miLira ninRu viLaiyAda * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE 8
644 ANDAL : Is there anyone, who has seen this beautiful Lord kaNNan, who is as compassionate as pirATTi, possessing the White sankham called pAnchajanyam, adorned with pItAmbaram ( the golden hued dress) and Sudarshana chakram (ஆழி) on the other hand?
GOPIS : Of Course, yes, we have seen Him playing in virundAvan, with His fragrant curly locks of hair falling brightly on His shoulders that look like the honey drunken bees swarming around everywhere. *virindAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (8)
645 * nAttaip padai enRu ayan mudhalAth30 thandha * naLir mAmalar undhi * vIttaip paNNi viLaiyAdum * vimalan thannaik kaNdIrE? **
kAttai nAdith thEnuganum * kaLiRum puLLum udan madiya *
vEttaiyAdi varuvAnai * virundhAvanaththE kaNdOmE
645: Has anyone seen this supreme blemish less Lord, who first creating a large cool lotus flower from His nAval created Brahma (prajApati) and assigning him to create the rest of the world enjoys playing His leelA in the Vibhutis?
GOPIS: Just like a hunter who hunts wild animals in the forest, we did see this Lord KrishNa killing all the demons assigned by KamsA like dhEnukAsuran, ( the donkey) kuvalayApeeram (the elephant ) and bagAsuran ( the bird) in virundAvan. Not just stopping with assigning the job of creation, He did come by His own will to protect all His subjects, thereby hunting and killing all the evil forces. *virundAvanaTTE kaNDOmE!* (9)
646 * parundhAt kaLitRukku aruL seydha * paraman thannai *
pArin mEl virundhAvanaththE kaNdamai * vittuchiththan kOdhai sol **
marundhAm enRu tham manaththE * vaiththuk koNdu vAzhvArgaL *
perunthAL udaiya pirAn adik kIzhp * piriyAdhenRum iruppArE 10
646: *Finally , ANDAL sees her kaNNan in virundAvan! *
ANDAL concludes this Prabandam by telling the outcome that is attained by learning these verses.
The King of elephants gajEndrAzhvAn suffered for several years under the clutches of the crocodile. Later by the grace of Lord, he was rescued, thereby relieved from misery and attained eternal happiness. In the same way even ANDAL got relieved of her pain from separation, getting to see Him in virundAvan as narrated by her. Those who willingly recite these verses written by viTTuchiTTan's daughter with utmost concentration considering it to be a medicinal cure for this samsAric life, will undoubtedly be serving the lotus feet of the Lord staying in close proximity with Him. (10)
ANdAl Tiruvadigale Sharanam
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